juego de tronos {Every scene in every GoT episode} favorito! scene in 1x08: the Pointy End?

Pick one:
Syrio giving Arya a head start against the Lannister men
Septa Mordane telling Sansa to run
Arya escaping the castillo
Sandor catching Sansa
Arya killing the stable boy with Needle
Varys paying Ned a visit
The Night's Watch finding the blue-eyed corpses
Mormont telling Jon about the happenings in King's Landing
Cersei telling Sansa to urge Robb to keep the king's peace
Robb deciding to call the banners
Lysa refusing Catelyn's request for help
Tyrion and Bronn on their way out of the Vale
Bronn and Tyrion meeting the tribesmen
Allister Thorne mocking Jon about Ned
Jon saving Mormont from an Other
Dany saving the women from getting raped
Drogo fighting Mago
Robb standing up to the Greatjon
Robb saying goodbye to Bran
Bran and Osha talking in the Godswood
Sam telling his friends about the White Walkers
Robb and Catelyn deciding to go to war against the Lannisters
Tyrion introducing Tywin to his tribesmen
Robb letting the Lannister scout go with false information
Ned randomly getting kicked in his cell
Joffrey firing Barristan, hearing Sansa beg mercy for her father
 XxXrachellXxX posted hace más de un año
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