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posted by zutaradragon
As u can imagine the written test was the easy part...what's left is 4 me 2 win over the interviewer...
the taburete with 3 legs....which 4 some reason is suppose 2 b unstable here...even tho any mathematician on the other side will tell u the exact opposite....so weird...4 legs actually makes chairs wobblier...i walk in2 the room, un-afraid and slightly over-confident.
“come...sit down.” the interviewer says...i don't kno the voice nor am I ever dado a name. “good evening. How's it going?”
“well it's goin'...and good evening 2 u as well, sir.” I try 2 cover my sarcastic blunder with a polite word...i donno how well it worked...
“it's goin' hu?” he laughs. Seems he has a sense of humor 2...or he likes how I tried 2 cover it up, 1 of the 2.... “let's cut to the chase, shall we? Y is it u want 2 registrarse the State Alchemists?”
Snappy questions, hu...? Mustang's voice chimes in2 my head “u can't tell them what your real motives r and u can't tell them ur tru past. U have skin covering ur automail so it's 1 less pregunta they can ask...” so I can't tell them the truth...i have 2 lie convincingly...i wonder if he knows how ez tht is 4 me...?
“i need to gain access 2 the libros I can't get 2 presently so I can finish my research and keep a promise I made a while bak.” I say evenly, not missing a beat. “i need 2 finish my research...so I can help myself and others....and I need it 2 keep a promise 2 myself and 2 another....and i'm not going 2 give up until I get the information I need 2 finish my project.” I say firmly.
“and what might this project be?” he asks, clearly intrigued.
“taking an existing chimera...and splitting it bak in2 the original animales tht were used 2 make it.”
“hm...and y do u wish 2 learn that? After all, it's been proven impossible many times...”
“NOTHING is impossible.” I say stubbornly. “and i've almost done it a few times....i've gotten them seperet a few times and they've lived...but only a few hours...all I need is the secret 4 them 2 sustain life and i'll b finished...” so I didn't have 2 tell a complete lie afer all....after all, this is 1 of the projects we're working on. “and as 4 y I want this 2 happen....it's because i've seen way 2 many human chimeras 4 me 2 not want 2 help them....the pain they were put thro and still live with...i'm sick of watching it...so I intend 2 change it...i'm done...”
“so u'r saying u've almost done 1 of the things we've labeled impossible...?”
“humans seem 2 label things impossible because they gave up trying it so they stamp an impossible lable on it 2 cover the fact tht they just were sick of trying...tell me, have u ever tried?”
“well....no...cuz I was told it wasn't possible...”
“the 1 who labeled it impossible did so because HE couldn't do it and he thought he could do anything so if he couldn't then it's impossible.”
“how do u kno?”
“because i've seen the same thing happen many times.” I reply evenly. “some1 thinks they're the best, they fail at something so they slap an impossible lable there 2 justify their failer instead of admitting there might b something they can't do...they're so self-centered they'd rather do tht so people r less likely 2 try and prove it's possible and tht person just couldn't do it....” I sigh softly. Humans r so predictable...
“makes sense I suppose...” after tht it was a bunch of health preguntas and I was done. I walked out as Cy walked out of another room and we walk off 2gether down the hall ways.
The siguiente día we're standing in Roy's office and he's got this grin... “u both passed the interveiw, 2day is the skills test. Good luck.”
“thank u teacher.” I smile bak.
“yeah, thx a bunch!”
“i didn't do anything and stop calling me teacher...u taught me as much as I taught u...”
“yeah, but teacher roles off the tongue b4 king....” I reply. Cy nods slightly and about then Dylan walks in with James, who's changed 2 look completely different.
“congrats on becoming a State Alchemist!” Dylan says, wrapping his arms around Cy and making her blush.
“we're not perros just yet...we still got the skills test.” I reply because it seems Cy isn't going 2.
“yeah but tht's the ez-est 1 4 u.” James says, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close 2 him. I smile shyly and notice Dylan's waring leather gloves 2 cover his ooroborus. Tht's a rlly good idea...
“um...who...” Roy starts “oh, u must b Dylan and James...the 1s they kept taking about.”
“aw, they missed us while they were away!” Dylan grins and Cy does the same...and again I find it rlly creepy...
“so I didn't have 2 worry...?” James looks at me with a slight mischievous grin and Roy looks confused.
“no, u didn't have 2 worry...”
“about what, may I ask...?” Roy looks at us.
“well, u c...” James starts
“nothing!” I interrupt.
“don't embarrass me!”
“u do tht all por urself...”
“exactly my point, I don't need ur help in making me embarrassed...”
“but I was just gonna say tha-...” he starts again and b4 he can finish I kiss him and he gets wide-eyed and red. I pull away and he stares at me.
“o...k...so aside from tht...” Roy looks más confused but moves on anyways. “the skill assesment starts in an hour, so u 2 have time 2 figure out what ur going 2 do.”
“don't need the time.” I reply.
“yeah, we're gonna do our old calle mostrar act.”
“well I hope it's impressive...”
“we often got about $100 a day.”
“yeah, give o take....what was the most we got...?” Cy looks at me.
“oh...I think about a $1,000 o so that day...”
“rlly...I thought after we changed our act a bit we got $1,100 the 1 time...”
“oh right...I remember now.”
“whoa....tht's pretty good....” Roy looks slightly impressed.
“4 a pair of kids tht were 13 and grew up with nothing it was más then pretty good.” I reply.
“and it's how we met Izumi.” Cy replies. “and Ed and Al...they were drawn por the flames...”
“right...they asked other people who we were and proceeded 2 follow us 2 our siguiente place where we stopped...it was kinda creepy...”
“then they talked 2 us and we ended up becoming sorda friends...”
“more like frienemies...Ed hated tht we were better at alchemy then him and we were 13 2 his 14...”
“he also hated tht we tower over him.” Cy snickers.
“and it don't help we're a año younger then him...he's just missing a few vertebra is all...just vertically challenged...”
I sigh. “You think all small things r cute...” I reply, while Roy stares at her with shock and confusion and Dylan and James laugh.
“tru...but he's cute in a little brother sorda way...not in a small animal pet sorda way...”
“well I would hope not...”
“tho it would b kinda funny 2 put him in a cage with a bunch of comida and water and...”
“Cy....ur insane....please stop talking...”
“and put little kitty ears on him and a tail and...”
“CY!!! UR CREEPIN' ME OUT!” I snap.
“it would b funny...”
“it would b creepy.”
“gotta agree with Joss on this 1...” mustango, mustang says, and we look at him. Yeah...we sorda 4got he was there...
“yeah....” James and Dylan agree.
“SEE!!” I look at Cy.
“AW MAN!!” she sighs “u ALWAYS agree with Joss!”
“because ur missing a few vital pieces of ur brain...” James replies.
“and she's not?”
“well...” James looks at me.
I sigh. “ok...can't argue tht 1....we're both hucked up in the fead...”
“at least i'm not a dyslexic fuck...”
“a fixlexic duck...?”
“no, a dyslexic fuck...”
“so anyways...” mustango, mustang interrupts. “you guess should get ready 2 mostrar ur skills.”
“r u kidding me...?” Dylan looks at him. “they're ALWAYS ready 2 mostrar off...”
“no....CY is always ready 2 mostrar off...i don't like being the center of attention like her...”
“right...” James looks at me with the eyes he'd made green....as I realize suddenly tht he'd adopted the dark blonde hair and the same green eyes from when we were in school as his disguise...yeah, shows about how observant I am, don't it...?
“i don't...” I mutter.
“yeah, and Cy don't amor sweet things every chance she gets 2 eat them...” James retorts.
“tht's not even the same thing...”
“no, but it proves my point...”
“y does it seem like I should kno u from somewhere...?” Roy looks at James.
“no idea. We've never met b4.” he respuestas without missing a beat. “i mean, unless u've just seen me walking around.” wow...he's a great lair...he doesn't seem nervous o anything...but even tho he's not mostrando it he pulled me a bit closer. He's slightly scared...and I can't blame him...
“it seems like we've met somewhere...there's something familiar about u...i just can't put a finger on it...” Roy looks at him. “somewhere...like I ought 2 kno u...”
“i don't c how...” James replies, looking at him calmly but gripping my hand gently... “i've never seen u b4 now...”
“u seem nervous 4 some reason.”
“what makes u say tht?” he asks, forcing his voice calm.
“the way u keep trailing off.” he replies. “tell me....y r u nervous...?”
“who wouldn't b...meeting the most powerful man in the country?”
“no, there's something else...something ur not telling....”
“well I believe every man has a few secrets they'd rather not tell o have known.” he says honestly.
“yes, ur right. We all have dark secrets, I suppose...” mustango, mustang replies.
“so we can at least agree on tht.” James smiles slightly.
“so what was it tht I heard tht u guys sing?” mustango, mustang changes the subject reluctantly because he can't figure it out.
“oh yeah...but we're not all tht good...” I rub the bak of my head, embarrassed slightly.
“oh bull...” Dylan looks at us “u 2 r pretty good.”
“ur suppose 2 think tht.” Cy smiles at him.
“no, if u were bad i'd tell ya” Dylan replies.
“sure...” I look at him.
“u 2 r pretty good at canto as long as ur 2gether...” James replies.
“whatcha mean 'as long as we're 2gether?'” I look at him.
“well...alone u 2 aren't as good but ur voices complement each other....” James shrugs.
“u tryin' 2 say imma horrible singer?” Me and Cy both ask about the same time, looking at him.
“.... ….no.......” he looks at us. “maybe...... …... ….yes....but when ur 2gether ur pretty good...”
“uh-hu....ri-ight....” I roll my eyes.
“tht makes all kinds of sense...” Cy mutters.
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
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added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon