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posted by stlouisfan
Marlene woke up the siguiente morning to find that Dave was in his cama sound asleep. Quietly she got out of cama and crept over to him and poked him gently. Dave grunted and turned over. Marlene poked him a little harder and Dave stirred a little but went back to sleep.

Marlene then tapped him on shoulder and whispered, "Dave? Are tu going to wake up? DAVE?"

"WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?" Dave yelled all of a sudden and sat up.

Marlene backed away all of a sudden with a look of fear on her face. Dave noticed her and felt regret come over him.

"Sorry about that Marlene. I just hate being woken up so abruptly and tu know how I feel about surprises. I didn't scare tu did I?"

Marlene shook her head and relaxed a bit.

Dave lied back down and asked, "Morning already? It felt like I just went to sleep."

He started to sit back up, but Marlene was pushing him back down.

"Look if your still tired maybe tu should go back to sleep for a little longer," she said.

She was wondering if she should tell him about what she saw last night.

Dave sat back up and said, "I'm alright Marlene. Why are tu so concerned?"

Once again Marlene was wondering if she should tell him about last night, but then she decided to at least tell him some of the truth.

"Well I woke up sometime late last night and noticed tu weren't in bed," she told him without giving too much away in hopes that he would believe her.

Dave tilted his head and let out a little laugh.

"Oh that? I just have a hard time sleeping in new places that's all. I'll get used to it in time though," Dave told Marlene.

Marlene now felt a little relief. At least the pregunta of why he wasn't in cama was somewhat answered. But why was he crying? And who was Sam?


Sometime later the zoo opened up and the people were surprised at the sight of a new otter. Many of the patrons began wondering and talking about the possibility of baby otters soon. Both Marlene and Dave heard what the people were saying and they both told each other "NO!"

The día went on without anything eventful going on. The penguins did their cute and cuddly routine, the lemurs danced to their music, Dave just swam and lazed around, and Marlene did her flip routines for the people. Before anyone knew it, closing time had come. Alice began rushing people out and once everyone was out she closed and locked the gate. She then went from habitat to habitat and distributed the animales their food, grumbling as she did so.

At the nutria habitat Marlene grabbed all their pescado and placed them in a basket that she had stored away. Dave walked in and saw what she was doing.

"Um Marlene what's going on?" asked Dave.

Marlene turned to him, smiled and gave him an answer.

"The penguins invited us over to their habitat for cena tonight so I'm gathering tonight's pescado so we can eat over there," Marlene said.

Dave thought for a moment. This could easily have been a rouse to lure him to their habitat to pregunta him some more. o worse they could be luring him over so that they can torture him for any information. What information that would be? Dave didn't know. Despite all this Dave felt that whatever the penguins could try to throw at him he could probably handle. If he couldn't handle it he could at least try to resist.

With a cautious mind he smiled and dicho to Marlene, "Sounds good."


A few minutos later Marlene and Dave arrived in the penguins HQ. Cautiously

Dave stepped into the HQ, looked around and said, "WHOA! Now this is sweet."

All of a sudden a powerful force hit Dave and pulled him to the ground. It took a moment for Dave to realize what was going on. Private, Rico, and Kowalski had pinned Dave to the ground while Skipper stood over him. Dave struggled to get loose, but the penguins had some good strong grips and kept him down.

"HEY! Not cool dude," Marlene angrily yelled at Skipper.

Skipper merely chuckled and said, "Not to worry Marlene. I just want to ask our new neighbor a few preguntas and if we detect no deception from him then we'll let him go."

Kowalski pulled out a small electric device, conected a wire with a suction cup to Dave's temple, flipped a switch on it and said, "Lie detector is on and ready Skipper."

Skipper waddled over to Dave and stared him down.

"First what is your name?" Skipper asked.

"My name is Dave. I already told tu that," Dave answered as the other penguins continued to hold him down.

"Second question, where were tu born Dave?" asked Skipper.

Dave didn't know what to say. All his life both he and Sam and their father had moved from place to place. His father had been an Army man and as a result they had moved from Army base to Army base all through Dave's earlier years.

"I don't know. I've been moved around so much that I never kept track," Dave blurted out to Skipper.

Skipper rubbed his beak for a moment to consider Dave's answer and then said, "I'll accept that answer. Okay big pregunta this time. Have tu ever been to o been affiliated with anyone from Denmark?"

"No!" was Dave's answer.

"Okay final question. Are tu a spy? Remember that if tu lie to us, Rico here will deal with you. Rico," Skipper dicho as he nodded to Rico.

Rico spit up a baseball bat and started laughing psychotically.

Dave gulped and gave his answer, "No I am not. I was just placed here against my will. Okay?"

Skipper looked back over to Kowalski who nodded his head. Skipper motioned for the other penguins to get off of Dave. Once the other penguins were off of Dave, Skipper helped Dave to his feet.

"I'll buy your story for now, but remember that we are watching tu Dave," Skipper dicho

"Yeah everything's fine and dandy now. Can we just eat already?" Marlene blurted out.

A minuto later all four penguins plus the two otters were sitting at the penguins mesa, tabla with a pescado lying on a chopping board. Dave looked at the pescado lying before them and then looked back at the penguins.

"So what are tu fellas going to do here?" Dave asked.

Skipper smirked and looked at Rico.

"Rico mostrar the new guy how we roll?" Skipper said.

Rico nodded and regurgitated two chef's knives. Dave was taken aback.

"JESUS! A baseball bat is one thing man, but how were able to get those knives down your gullet without killing yourself?" Dave asked.

Rico babbled some non-understandable words leaving Dave confused.

Kowalski looked at Dave and translated for Rico, "He says it takes a lot of practice."

Kowalski's words just confused Dave even more.

"That just raises más questions. Never mind I don't want to know. Can we please just eat?" Dave said.

Focusing back on the fish, Rico scraped the knives together and started chopping the pescado to tiny pieces. In a matter of segundos the entire pescado was nothing más than a stack of diced fish. Dave stared in amazement.

"Damn man I have seen real sushi chefs that aren't that good. I myself am good, but I'm not that good," Dave dicho

Skipper looked at Dave and asked, "Oh really. tu think you're good with a knife?"

Dave nodded and said, "You never know."

Skipper smirked once again and said, "Let's see what tu can do. Rico hand him a knife."

Rico obeyed and tossed a cuchillo to Dave. Dave jumped out of the way seeing as the cuchillo was flying in his direction and let the cuchillo hit the ground.

"What the hell are tu guys trying to do? Kill me?" Dave yelled in fright as he looked back at the penguins.

"Sorry," babbled Rico.

Dave shook his fright off and picked up the cuchillo that was nearly as long as his arm. Rico grabbed a pescado and tossed it up into the air. Dave raised the cuchillo and as the pescado came back down he sliced it down the middle and cut each half into two pieces slicing the pescado into four pieces. Skipper was only slightly amazed, but smiled anyway.

"Not bad for a rookie," he dicho to Dave.

This time is was Dave's turn to smirk.

"Skipper what makes tu think I'm a rookie?" Dave tossed the cuchillo into the air and tried to catch the tip with his finger.

He caught it alright.

"OUCH! Damn it I thought had that trick down," Dave yelled out.

His finger was oozing blood and it dripped onto the floor. Rico laughed and Private fainted at the sight of the blood. Skipper face palmed and looked at Kowalski.

"Kowalski fix him up please," Skipper ordered

Before Kowalski could do anything Dave turned back to the penguins.

"No fellas tu don't have to worry about it. I can get it myself. Do tu have a first aid kit around here?" Dave dicho to the guys.

Skipper nodded and reached under the table. He pulled out a first aid kit and handed it to Dave. Dave opened it up pulled out some bandages, rubbing alcohol, and some cotton swabs while Marlene ran to get some rags to clean up the mess.

While Dave and Marlene were distracted Skipper pointed at Dave's blood and said, "Kowalski get some of his blood and analyze it. With it we'll be able to find out whether he is connected to one of our enemies o not."

Kowalski nodded and pulled out a cotton swab and wiped up some of the blood with it while Dave wasn't looking.

"Normally I would take saliva, but blood will definitely work better," Kowalski dicho to himself as he placed the swab into a plastic bag.

After Dave's cut had been bandaged, all the blood cleaned up and Private had been woken up, the penguins and otters continued with dinner. It was very good and both Dave and Marlene enjoyed it. The otters bid the penguins good night and walked back to their habitat. Along the way Marlene looked at Dave and scolded him.

"What was up with that cuchillo thing? Were tu trying to hurt yourself? tu nearly lost your finger," Marlene nagged to him.

Dave laughed and looked at Marlene.

"Who are you, my mother? I learned my lesson and I won't do that again," Dave dicho to her.

Marlene rolled her eyes as the two made their way back to the habitat.
added by skipperfan5431
Source: Me!!!!!!!!!!!
added by skipperfan5431
Source: ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
added by mixmaster15
Source: Hannah(Me)
added by mixmaster15
Source: Mixmaster15
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Me
added by mixmaster15
Source: Mixmaster15
added by BeKaTora
added by skipperfan5431
Source: Me! (and sam gets credit for her OC)
added by skipperfan5431
Source: Inspiration: K_Kowals (& me)
added by skipperfan5431
Source: ME!
added by skipperfan5431
Source: Me!
added by BlackKatGhoul
Source: Base creator!!!
added by skipperfan5431
Source: Me!
added by AgentJazzy00
Source: Me,request por Lilly
added by SkipperFan
Source: Me.
added by XxRicoRockssxX
added by -Awsomeness-
Source: =P
added by Blue_Vanilla
Source: me
added by rico911910
Source: Me~