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Mitti attar is an aroma of dry parched earth surface when hit por the monsoon rains. This attar is commonly known as fuller’s earth fragrance and botanically it is called as attar of eastern soil. This perfume oil is one of the best choices for the feeling of refreshing scent of the wet earth. Due to its pleasing fragrance, it invokes the feeling of regeneration in the person who is suffering from stress and anxiety. Mitti attar is widely used in the perfume, aromatherapy, medicinal and skin care industries. Mitti Attar oil is the best choice for feeling the refreshing aroma of the wet earth. Its botanical name is Attar of Earthern Soil. That’s enough to know for Mitti Attar in general.

Here Are Some Of The popular Usages Of Mitti Attar

Perfume industry: - Mitti attar is has got a very lovely fragrance so; it is widely used in the perfume industry. Many people prefer to choose this attar only for fragrance purposes.

Skin care: - This attar is best for maintain the glow of the skin. It is considered to be the best attar for skin as it decreases the greasiness and extra oil from the skin in turn, making it supple and soft.

Medical uses: - Mitti attar is known to have various medicinal properties. It is considered as the best remedy to cure sore throat, reduce the menstrual pains and rejuvenates the nervous system. It also stimulates the rhythmic breathing and calms down the body and soul.

Aromatherepy: Mitti attar has been one of the demanding ingredients in aromatherapy due to its distinctive fragrance and mind-relieving properties. It has the ability to trigger the brain to activate the flow of a new energy in the body for relieving the conditions of headache, migraine, depression, lack of concentration and body-ache etc.

If tu are a little nostalgic about the smell of first rain from your childhood, Mitti attar would act as the best to bring out that smell to you. If tu find yourself among the ones who are seeking for an effectual relief from all sorts of mental complexities o tensed mood, go for Mitti Attar. It is regarded as the best attar to calm down the tensed state of mind. It is indeed the best attar to spread the calming fragrance throughout the room during meditation o religious ceremonies. So, now tu can see that tu have a sufficient number of reasons to avail this uniquely fragrant Mitti attar for a relaxed and heavenly feel.


