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Michael: Yeah. Because all I did was pull tu out of a trash town and into a mansion in Los Santos.. And what do I get!?.. Nothing., nothing but an old picture of tu in an old Hooker uniform, that I occasionally masterbate towards.

Jimmy: As do I

Micheal: (disgusted) OH MY GOD! That's disguesting! That's your mother!

Jimmy: I'm just being hones-

Micheal: (angrily) Get out! Get out of my house!

Jimmy: Bu-

Micheal: (punches violent hole in wall) I dicho GET OUT!

(later that same evening)

Amanda: I don't like this Micheal.

Jimmy: Yeah.. Uncle T? Man?

Mixheal: (glares) Jimmy?... Who let tu back in the house


Michael: Why are tu so angry!?

Trevor: BECAUSE! If I don't get angry, then my mostrar would be boring!

Michael: But it isn't healthy to always be so angry. It's not like I ever get angry.. (a bunch of cutaways, that prove otherwise).


Michael: tu know it's probably one of those things tu SHOULDN'T ask about..


Michael: I only threw up twice, so it was a good day..


Jimmy: (trying to make a mostrar about himself, and speaking infront of camera) Yo, this is J dog, an-

Michael: Jimmy! Stop talking like that, your fat white nerd, start actuación like it.

Jimmy: Michael, get out! I'I'm trying to make a show!

Michael: Please don't. It's bad enough Trevor has one..


Michael approched Doctor Fredlanders office.

Fredlander: So.. I see your back around and making time for your mental health.

Michael: Not sure why I came to be honest.. Your not really doing much to help me.

Fredlander: Well.. The usually implies tu value yourself only as others value you. Witch is usually the result of having a miserable childhood.

Michael: Well.. I had a perfectly wonderful childhood.

Fredlander: (unconvienced) Really.. Tell me about it?

(20 minutos later)

Michael: (sobbing uncontrollable and lying on the couch, with. Box of tissues, and lots of rolled up tissues around him) and above all else., when I was 11, my mommy told me that my pet tortuga ran away.. (sniffs) but he didn't run away.. TURTLES CAN'T RUN!

Michael: (continues crying loudly)


Steve: We need tu to steal a nerve gas for terriests.

Michael: (sarcastically) Oh sure! And while we're at it, let's all go watch my little poni, pony and eat raw cookie doe.. Because todays the día to stop making SENCE!

Trevor: (angrily) is that sarcasm!?

Michael: (angrily) Your fuckin A right it's sarcasm! tu fuck!.. A few weeks ago. I was happily retired, soaking por my swimming pool.. And my psychotic best friend shows up outta nowhere, to torture me over mistakes I made, HONEST mistakes I made. Almost a decade ago!


Michael: (appears in front of Trevors trailer, giving rock motion) T!

Trevor: (annoyedly) Get outta here Michael! Your ruining my show!

Michael: Huh. A mostrar about you. I'm serprised it wasn't "already" ruined..

Words appear saying "(THAT'S MICHAEL)".


Michael approached Dave Norten.

Michael: Davy!? Sup!?

Dave: About as much as can be expected., but the news is 'not' good.

Michael: Ahh.. Why are tu always tripping on life, yo!?

Dave: (annoyed) Why are tu talking like that?

Michael: Don't trip on my voice bro!

Dave: (angrily) Shut up!

Michael: Whatever.

Dave: Anyway.. I know tu did that fuckin jewelry job.

Michael: Dave. Really. Your imagining things.


Micheal: (robbing a jewelry store to pay back a Mexican mob boss) I haven't been this excited sense I passed the segundo grade..


Michael: (only 10, and sitting with his mom)

Teacher: Mrs Townley your son will have to redo segundo grade..

(Flashback 2)

Michael: (almost 16, sitting with his mom)

Teacher: Mrs Townley your son will have to redo segundo grade..

(Flashback 3)

Teacher: Congrades Mr Townley tu passed segundo grade..

Michael: (now an adult) that's fantastic., but I have to go. There's a crazy Mexican after me, and I have to rob a jewelry store to pay him back.


Michael: (shots his way though the guards, killing about 20 before dramatically diving though the window but the lid of the contenedor de basura, basurero closes and Michael lands painfully against it, nearly breaking his back, and slides off in pain).

Michael: (gets up and suddenly gets hit por a car and falls onto the ground).

Driver: Are tu okay!? (opens his door but it smashes Michael in the face).


Lester: If your that desperate, we can rob that old jewelry store.

Michael: Are tu fuckin kidding me, I'm trying to LOSE heat.

Lester: I was just sayin-

Michael: Shut up wheels!

Lester: Don't call me whe-

Michael: I am not robbing no Jewelry store.. No way in hell!


Michael: (dramatically bursts into the dicho jewelry store, with bite casco to hide his face, and loaded M16 assault rifle) YOUR BEING FUCKIN ROBBED!

Packie MacCreary: Yeah! On the fuckin floor!

Michael: Yeah! This is your moment! Please don't make us waste all the hard work your plastic surgeons have done. ON THE FLOOR! NOW!

Michael: (approaches worker) You! Fill this bag with clean, unmarked diamonds!.. But first!.. But first fix that notepad so it's at a right angle with the corner of your desk!..

Packie: And tap that pile of receipts against a flat surface so they're not sticking out haphazardly!

Michael: (takes of the helmet) Okay, tu know what., Fuck the money! Everybody grab a broom, were gonna tidy this place up!


Michael: (sarcastically) Someone should may as well call the army at this point.


Michael: ... I should of guessed.


Packie: He's Canadian!?

Michael: Yep. A lonely old Canadian brony who has no life outside this site.

Packie: God! no wonder we're all so screwed up in this verison!

Michael: Yeah.. Soon as I found out. I was ready to put a fuckin bullet in my mouth.

Packie: I don't blame you..

Michael: Yeah, but what can we do.. He's still the one escritura this.
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added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
Packie McReary: What do ya think of Niko, Gracie?
Gracie Ancelotti: (gagged) Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Packie McReary: Gracie, you're sweet.

Packie McReary: What a girl! I think she likes you. Word to the wise, though - she don't put out. Which is convenient, 'cause if she did, I'd have to kill you.
Niko Bellic: Understood.
Packie McReary: Good lad.

Kate McReary: Oh, hey, Niko.
Niko Bellic: Hey, Kate.
Packie McReary: Get your fucking hands off my fucking sister, boy.
Kate McReary: We're talking, not having casual sex, Patrick... I pray after the amount of...
continue reading...
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added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
added by shaneoohmac13
added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
☆ ☆ ☆
all are in (Malaysia)

1- the fresa park

2- bats cave

3- the mall (lol i forgot the name) but there are boats there and tu can feed fucking swans,so cool

4- the mariposa park

5- chin swee caves temple

☆ ☆ ☆
hello ~

i have lots of stuff about Gnr :)
a pillow
a mug / the mug unfortunately got broken por my little cousin
another mug see pic (the one with guitar)
2 necklaces
ipad case
one t-shirt
a clock
hope tu guys make a comentario i would like to know what tu think :)
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added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime