Dragon castillo (My story) Dragon castillo (Part 1) (For those who can't get to the other side I uploaded the story on)

Articuno224 posted on Dec 03, 2013 at 05:06PM
Dragon Castle

The dragon that lives in a giant castle in a country where there lives no one nearby. This country is called: Qairyn and there are many mountains that make them
who live further away so they can’t see this castle. The dragon is huge and feared by
all who have ventured to approach it. It has killed everyone who has entered
in its stronghold, but now it is said that a hero who will one day slay the dragon has been
born. Some believe however that it is just some childish nonsense. They do not believe that anyone or any man can destroy the dragon, and there will never
be born anyone who could do it. Here the story of a little boy who has
just been born begins, his name is Jonas. His parents are farmers, and their grandfather
fought against the dragon when he was young. They are proud to be in a family with
one which has stood eye to eye with the dragon. And they also believe that their son will one day become a hero who would slay the dragon once and for all.

Good morning son, his mother said, he replied good morning again, what time is it?
He was grown now.

It is a past seven, and there is breakfast now. I made your favourite meal. After
they had eaten, Jonas asked if he could be allowed to walk around, they answered
him by asking where he was planning to go. He didn’t answer at first, but then a few words came. I just want to look around a bit
he said. The parents looked at each other worrisome. Okay, you may well go for a walk,
but there are just two conditions: 1: you do not come home too late, and 2: you do not go
too far away, okay? Sure, I promise. When he had gone the parents was still
worried. I just hope that he doesn’t go too far away,”the mother said.
Do not worry, the father replied, nothing is going to happen he is just going for a walk remember? I hope that you are not mistaken
mother wept as she hugged her husband. Meanwhile, Jonas had come
to a very desolate place. What is this place he thought? He would just
check it out. At home the parents were worried because it was starting to get late. Several hours had gone since he left home. Suddenly they saw some
shadows that came nearer, there were many, so it might not be their son. They saw
now that it was a bunch of robbers. Hurry they shouted to all the others in the small courtyard. It is robbers who have come to take everything from us, our children also. When the robbers came
right up to the small houses, stood by his horses, and was looking for everything they could find. They found the vast majority, who hid and now they found also the two parents of Jonas.
Oh, where is your son? They said. I will never tell you, go to hell! the mother screamed. Oh, really? Well then we'll just have to find him ourselves don’t we?
Hahaha. Now they had taken the vast majority of the stuff, and children that people had. Then thay left, and rode towards the rocks. All cried out in distress, they had lost everything, their children and all their stuff. But they were fortunate to have kept their lives. Now Jonas had been trying to find his way home for many hours, it was dark and cold, and late. He decided to rest here until the next morning when he would
try again to find his way back home, back on the farm people, sat now together at a fire, which they had lit. The parents had almost lost hope, that their son would return, they thought that perhaps he had been killed. But what people did not know was
that one of the robbers who had hidden behind the houses. And now came forward, behind. They looked behind and saw the robber, but
could not manage to do something they were taken hostage. Tell me where your son is or I will kill you! They said nothing, but then thought about death. Perhaps it is
time to die, both of them thought. Tell me where he is or I'll cut the throats of
you, he kept shouting. They still didn’t say anything. Now the robber was angry. He
cut the throats of them and they fell dead on the spot. The people were really scared.
Then the robbers, who had taken off before arrived. They looked proud as if was their mission. Hah, I said that you should simply have told us where he is. Now, all the other
defenceless peasants were taking hostage, and could not resist. Take them as hostages the leader said, and they took everyone hostage. Now the son had finally found a way
out of the mountains. He walked and walked until he reached his village. And then everyone was gone, and he noticed
that his parents had been murdered on the spot. He fell to the ground and wept in a
while. Then he looked up with a look of eager revenge. Now the robbers came home to their castle and their leader, a witch. Here they are your majesty, the leader of the robbers said to the witch. Well done, but
where are the parents of the chosen one? We killed them your majesty, they would not answer us.
IDIOTS! They were the only ones that we needed, and not all those other PEASANTS, who can’t tell us anything. My master will not be happy to hear this news. Oh and those peasant are no valuable to us, Just kill them all, and now leave me, I must speak with my master. When the robbers had gone, the witch took a crystal and could speak to others with it and see the future and such things! My robbers have betrayed us. They killed the
parents of the chosen one. The witch spoke with someone with yellow eyes and a
giant green body. It was the big mighty dragon! What are you saying my servant? The dragon said, with a very hoarse voice, as it always had, as they talked the
leader of the robbers hide behind the door and stood and listened. Okay, the dragon said, but if you fail me again, you'd wish you had never been
born. AND it seems that your head of the robbers are hiding behind the Door! The witch went down to the door and saw that he stood there. Halo! Well you could come to the party. Over
by ball cried the dragon, kill him! The witch took her finger into the air and pointed
them now on him. ASTRA DONDRA CONFINO DONU, said the witch as some magic
words. And right away he died on the spot.

Jonas had completely lost his way and fell into a reverie, he might just go ahead, and otherwise
he would faint. He had now reached the rocks, where he also took a walk when his
parents were murdered. He went and talked to himself, until ... Hello! Someone said, it gave a shock of Jonas. Who are you, Jonas asked the
stranger, if he was headed stranger. My name is Mack and I have travelled
far away to find a boy named Jonas, do you know him? Jonas was
very confused and wondering why the stranger, was looking for him. Yes, it is
me,”Jonas said, really? Well, I came to tell you that we come up with
amplification, me and my sister,”the stranger said. A young girl came
up behind one of the rocks. She had long blond hair and a very beautiful sweater, filled
with glittering diamonds. She greeted Jonas, hey; you're maybe the wicked witch
servant? Asked the girl… No! I am not, "said Jonas aloud. Yes, she is a little
strange, because she, like the wicked witch has magical powers and she can see
into the future. The stranger replied, we're actually in the same family, the stranger said. WHAT? Are you saying that we have always been family? Yes, but mom
and dad didn’t have enough money for all of us, so they sent us away to
find a safer place for us. And they would do anything not to tell you that.
Alright! That’s it then,”Jonas replied, we must travel together to find those who did this. Who? We already know who did it, it's the dragon who has ordered the Witch and
her robbers to find you and kill you. Me? Why me? Because you are a legend that will slay the dragon. The girl came closer now, she said hello, I know
even the witch can see us in her foretelling ball so we can not stay here all day
she said nervously. We need to cover! They found a place among the rocks, where the
witch could not see them. Meanwhile, the dragon was desperate. I WILL NOT
HEAR ANYMORE excuses, he yelled at the witch. Bu… but, they're gone, I cannot find them anymore, "said the witch as she had been frustrated by the dragon's wrath.
You probably still remember that you also failed me at that time long ago, right? The
dragon asked the witch very malevolent. Yes, I remember, but you should not decide everything and control me like I am some puppet, I will NOT accept it; the witch replied. Oh? So you think maybe we should become enemies
instead? We already are enemies, "the witch replied, you treat me like a SLAVE!

While the dragon and the witch was busy shouting at each other, Jonas and his
siblings slipped, into the witch's castle. Silent, do not say a word, Mack whispered.

Now they arrived at the place where the robbers lived. We need to distract them
somehow,”Jonas said. What was it you were called sister, Jonas asked her
sister. I didn’t say, she replied. But my name is "Freya". Okay Freya, you distract them and then we'll help you kill them, okay, off with you! Huh? It's not fair, why should I be
the one to do it? It might as well be one of you. Come on, we will help you, there is nothing to be afraid of, "Mack said to his younger sister OKAY, I’ll do it, but then promise me to help! Of course we will, come on
just get started! The brothers had started to become quite irritated. Now she did it! Good evening
my gentlemen! Freya said to the robbers. Isn’t it a nice evening? With all the
beer to drink, how could it not be? The robbers had
stood up and took their swords out. Oh… I thought we were friends,”Freya said,
like she was scared, well, if you want I will kill you! She took out her wand and
shot some magic out of it, killing one of the robbers at a time. Now she had
killed one, but now they had come right up to her. Can’t we talk about this? She asked them for fun. Where are they, she thought, have
they betrayed me? But they hadn’t. Now they came forward. ATTACK! They took their
sword and stormed the robbers. The struggle lasted long, and Freya was hurt.
Huh? We did it, we killed all the robbers! Well done sister, said the two brothers in
mouth of another. So they looked down on earth, and saw that there were a lot of dead
peasants. The people from my village, Jonas shouted! Meanwhile, the dragon and the witch
finally stopped fighting. Just find and kill that boy right now!
SHUT UP! I do not serve you anymore "the witch replied calmly. She removed the
connection between her and the dragon, so they could not talk anymore. Now I will be the one to rule. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! She screamed, as the castle shook. That won’t happen, a voice from behind said. Ah, so there you are, yes, I've been looking for you everywhere. Yes, you want kill me
right? Ha, the witch grinned again. You are certainly not so stupid huh? And
who are those fools you’ve brought with you? They are certainly no fools, they
are smarter than you and they are my siblings, really? Well that’s good to hear, so everything is alright huh? You’re really sure
on it? Are you sure that they are smarter than me? Much wiser than you ugly, do you really think that you can beat me? I'm the mightiest in the country,
more powerful than the dragon himself! I even left him. But no more talk, now you
must all die! The witch had quickly said a wizardry that could
hypnotize them all three at once. But they avoided it, and hid behind some
uprights. The witch continued to shoot all kinds of spells after them. We can’t
overcome her like this! Jonas said. No, Freya, you must go out to there and fight
her! Why always me? Because your the only one of us who can use magic. " Jonas replied. He is right, "Mack said. You are our only hope!

While doing this, we'll find a way to kill her! Okay, if you destroy her
foretelling ball then she loses all her powers! Why didn’t you say something before,
Jonas said irritated. The witch was furious, and took more strength in her
spells. The pole was beginning to crack, and they were busy. Freya went forward
from the pole, and walked quietly towards the Witch, you must kill me first! She said to
witch. With pleasure, "said the witch, and shot one killing spell at her that
could kill all living humans and witches! Only the dragon could survive it. Freya hurrying to protect herself from the spell with a powerful shield, but it was not because she was completely unharmed, the witch’s
spell was so powerful that "Freya" was still hurt even thought she used protection! She screamed. Did you really think you could come here and
kill me? No, I did not, but the others did. Hurry! If you do not hurry she will kill me! We are moving! The witch turned around. Oh so you think you can destroy my energy ball while I crush your pathetic sister? She walked towards the brothers. Hurry up, she is coming after you! Freya Cried. The witch took her energy ball out of her pocket and said to the brethren. Is this what you are looking for? She said with a smile. Sophia started running towards the others. I thought we should have some fun with tea and things like that the witch yelled at there faces while she put the ball down on the table. Is this perhaps what YOU are looking for, Freya surprised everyone Hah, the witch laughs. Do you really think you can kill me that easily? The witch took her sharp
nail against the brothers' throat with a power so they could not move or anything. If you
destroy the ball, your friends here will die, "the witch said, with a sharp gaze. Do it
Freya, the brothers cried both at once. Freya had begun to shake as if
she did not know whether it was true or not. If you put the crystal down
everything will be fine, "the witch said to Freya, as if she had put her on
a curse. She is lying, throw it away. Freya sounded like she was going to
give the witch the ball; her hand stretched slowly towards the witch. Yes my girl just a little longer... But then she suddenly left to itself,
and said I cheated you, goodbye WITCH! Freya took the ball and threw it down on the floor so it went into pieces. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Cried the witch. And her power was gone
forever. Well, now it's time to get our revenge, said all the siblings in the mouth
each other. The brothers took their swords and plunged it straight into the witch's heart!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! She screamed and fell down dead. Witch's power was broken and she had been killed. Well, that was not too difficult, they said, and then there was still a moment... until they began to smile. Hehehe, they all three laughed for at least two minutes.

Meanwhile, the dragon was furious, it could feel that the witch had been
killed, and the thought that it could only be the boy. GRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHH!
It roared as its entire castle shook!

The dragon decided to fix it by himself, it would rather make it easy and
simple so it mixed an elixir together, filled with deadly substances
that would kill a human being on max. 5 seconds. Then it began to roar, and the
elixir flew away quickly. It looked like an ordinary bottle of water or something. It was then sent over to the three siblings ... Because of the dragon’s magic the elixir was promoting in seconds.
Suddenly, the three siblings gift, they opened the gift, and stared at the bottle of
elixir. Hmm what could it be? Mack thought. WAIT! Cried Freya! We should
check it out first; you might not know it is a little suspicious that it
just stands there? It just might be the dragon's work! Yes you are right, "Jonas said, it
must be furious now, and must be very desperate.

Let's just take it with us. Then we can check it out a little more closely.

Now the dragon was about to bewitch the elixir, so they couldn’t avoid it. Era
sundru kokistu! This was the dragon's words. Freya, was suddenly preoccupied with the elixir, she
could not stay away from it. And after she opened the bottle and took a swig. The
others turned around. What are you doing Freya? They asked. She did not answer. And now
she fell to the ground. Freya! They screamed. Come on! No, no, she's dead! Mack said
with a very sad voice. Looking for someone? A voice said in the background. They turned and there stood a young girl. Who are you? Mack and
Jonas asked the girl. My name is "Sophia" and I am an apprentice in magic. Are you on our side?
You’re side? The girl answered with confusion. Yes, our side. It depends on
what you mean, the girl said with a strange voice. But I was told to
come and rescue a girl named "Freya". Huh? Where from do you know ... it is not
important. Sophia said. As if she was very secret, but if you want me apologized, I want to continue my work, thanks. Sophia took a bag from her pocket,
she took some bottles out of his pocket, and she took a blue and green elixir, and mixed
them together. She poured a potion into the mouth of Freya. Freya began
to breath. Err yelled the dragon of rage.

Freya, Freya? Are you there? Uh she said low. Here take it, it helps with the pain,
confusion, and headache. Thank you, Freya said to the girl who had saved her life.
Thank you, whoever you are, so we could never have done it without you,
we owe you everything, they all three said! Oh, it was nothing said Sophia as she sounded
somewhat mysterious. Who was she really?

Wait, "said Jonas, tell us just a little bit about you please? And say thanks to those who sent you? Hmm! It was my father, she said, and ran!

Her father was named "Karl" and was king of a large part of the country; yes even he was actually
king of the whole "Qairyn"! He, like the witch, had a mirror where he could see things
which occurred elsewhere. When Sophia came home, her father stood at the gate, he
had awaited her. "Well done my girl" he said. ”Dad… Why did we have to rescue
that girl? Sophia asked her father. Because the two brothers can not defeat the dragon
alone! Hmm! Tell me, are you jealous? Huh? What you believe it? I think that
you should worry more about your magical abilities! Well, I do not want to learn
magic! Sophia said sadly and ran away!

Jonas, Freya and Mack went against the dragon’s castle. But suddenly Freya fainted!
The dragon had NOT given up! It had other plans. So now the dragon used his powers alone without any poison elixir, or other toxic agents, no it could of course just crush her
with its power! But it could only do that because she still had some of the poison
left inside her body. NOOO! Freya? They thought she was dead, and gave up hope of
saving her! Now it began to rain, and Freya was filthy with mud. Since they
left her there came a shadow behind Freya! Who could that be?

The two brothers went without saying anything, they were very sad! And a little later they heard a
strange sound! The thunder also began now. It really was a stormy night!

Meanwhile, the dragon plans to murder the brothers. It would make a horrid! And he
knew that the two were not strong enough to kill him! But still it was a little scared
for Jonas! The well-known his destiny was after all to kill him!

Next morning after Mack and Jonas had eaten their food and slept, there came a
message to them: Dear brothers, I didn’t survive after all, I got through to all
kinds of nice people, but they couldn’t save me!

Love, Freya!

Mack and Jonas looked at each other and thought it was a little strange message!
But sad! There were almost tears in his eyes and could not say anything.

Freya, who was on the ground, filthy and cold, now trying to get up but then
suddenly someone came, but whom?

Now Freya was scared, she had always had a great imagination, because of her
magical powers! Then she thought of almost everything supernatural. But it could of course
also be a reason why they lived after all even in a world where there were witches and dragons.

Then the spectres came of sight! Well, it was Sophia! How could she be
here? Had she not gone last night? Sophia, what are you doing here? I have come to
help! Your brothers need us both, they cannot win alone!

Come on, we must hurry! But you all went yesterday, didn’t you asked Freya, Sophia
a little suspiciously. I have no time to explain now,”Sophia Said, almost
surprised that Freya had discovered her!

Why you'll help us really? You said that you would not practice magic anymore! Yes
but I have had to face the fact that I can not escape my destiny!

You know Sophia? I've also had before it, like you, I think it was
unfair that it just had to be me that would be a magician, but then discovered
I actually also that people started giving me more attention and that they were
joy for the things I did for them! Yes, namely, "said Sophia, we have shown very
to cut down!

Now Mack and Jonas finally came to the dragon's castle! See, "said Jonas, there it is, after all!
Hmm … said Mack, it's as if there is a little too quiet! And when Jonas took a step
more, he fell deep into a deep, dark hole!

Jonas continued to decline for a long time, until he ended up in a strange room filled with
bottles and secret potions. What is this place? He asked himself.

Mack was still up on the ground, but for how long? As soon as it went, Mack fell
into a hole where he landed in a cage! Hey! What's happening here?

Suddenly Freya couldn’t walk anymore! Wait, she said, I can’t go on.

And then I thought Sophia for a moment! Wait, I have it said Sophia; we take a trip over
to my father. But Freya was still a little suspicious to know who Sophia really
var. Sophia! Wait, how could you know that I would fall down again after you had
given me all those things? Sophia stopped for a moment; she was very quiet and did not say
a thing. I ... such a poison that you had gotten into your body; I knew that there
was needed more than just some chocolate and something to drink! Then I hide myself, and
I made myself invisible for a moment! It's one of my abilities, "said Sophia, with a
half smile! Okay, "said Freya. I do not really know much about what my skills are,
I only know a few. But now we must hurry on....

HAHAHA said the dragon, I've finally caught you rascals, I have been waiting for all
my life to this moment! Mack was both scared and brave at the same time. Shut your
ugly chick! I'm not afraid of you! HAHAHA echoed far from the dragon.

Jonas had checked all the cylinders through, and found that there were some

very valuable bottles there! He went to another room where there was yet
more dark. He took the lamp out as he had on him since he walked the walk in
mountains where he could not find homes, and so he came home, his parents
died. There not really seem to be anything inside this room, except some
skeletons. So he came forward and was now almost completely inside the castle!

The dragon flew away again after that had a little talk with Mack. Wait! Whither
over your miserable loser? Mack said the dragon, but it ignored him.

Now it was Freya and Sophia finally come to the king's castle. FATHER! Come Sophia
screaming. What's my girl? Father asked his daughter in a hurry. While he kept
little eye on Freya, as Sophia had in fact taken! Dad! We need your help!

Jonas had now spotted a figure not very far from where he stood! Who
could it be? And as true as it was, there came a huge roar, and the whole
castle shook! Dragon! Jonah said to himself. And then it landed just in front
him! Then we meet at last! the dragon said to Jonas. Now hold up just to sound so
sociable! We are not met to drink hot chocolate and muffins! We may as well
plug it here as soon as possible! Oh no, said the dragon, I really enjoy my
moment! And then it struck out at him with his long pointy tail. But it hit a
of the bars instead. Time was short, and if he does not soon got some help, he would
probably not live much longer ...

Jonah tried to defend himself against the dragon, but it was in vain ... He was
hit hard by the dragon's tail, and was smashed into the wall. It looked hopeless,
but then suddenly Mack in front of the dragon but the dragon saw him as no
threat, and also ruled out after him. While Mack was fought Jonas arrived at
legs again because he had used one of the cylinders with helbredseliksirer which
he had taken from space. Now Mack was beaten into the ground and was even more hurt
than Jonas was. Now I will not play anymore. Err, now the game stops, the
dragon yelled, and fire came out of his mouth directly against Mack, who was already wounded
to move! But then Jonas jumped in front of the dragon's flame ... And if he should
save his brother, he would spend the last of the potion as he had
roof, he took only 2 from shelves. What was his decision to save his
brother, or himself? Everything looked the more hopeless, but they did not regret that they had tried to
to slay the dragon.

Back at the king's castle was Freya and Sophia being desperate, they thought that
Mack and Jonathan probably had already come to the dragon's castle, and maybe even
killed! COME ON! Said Sophia to his father, this is the magic sword Alia said
king. It is the only sword that can slay the dragon, but it's been saved away because it is only the chosen one who can use it, and think now if the sword went into
the wrong hands ... Whoa, said Freya, it looks amazing! The sword was filled with
glowing fire, but not any fire. It is the mightiest sword in the whole
Qairyn. Now time was short; they had to walk quickly to the castle, if they had to save
Mack and Jonas!

Jonas had taken a decision, he chose to save his brother and so he had to
just fall into death! Mack stood up, but he was pretty lethargic and confused.

The dragon did not understand really why they continued to survive, but then thought
the subject and would obviously like to see that they had taken some of its
elixirs. The dragon went right up to the Mack o said: Now the ending here, say goodbye to
world, but then someone on one side stood Freya, the other side stood
Sophia, and in the middle was the king of Qairyn. Aha, whom we are asked the dragon,
king. He you know well that this is your end and not mine or the chosen ones,
Ha-ha, laughed the dragon, which unfortunately I have to disappoint you, the chosen one is no more chosen, he's dead! The dragon struck out quickly after the king, the king tried
quickly to defend himself, but was not quick enough, BANG, and the king was beaten.
dad Cried Sophia, you should get paid, "said Sophia, and disappeared, she
had made himself invisible, Freya was a specialist in elements such as fire, ice, soil and water
spells. Jonas whispered that they should go into a room at a time, and there they would find a
mass bottles potion I. Sophia suddenly became visible again, but as soon
she was visible, she disappeared again. Her teleportation paw itself! And suddenly she was
inside the right room. Freya and Mack was confused and cried after Sophia. Sophia took
the bottles as she needed and telecom ready paw back. But she had not
seen that she had taken the wrong potion, but two of them were the right ones. But she was
confused and did not come over to the right place, she had to think more clearly ...

The dragon attacked Freya, but she used her shield. The dragon flamed loose against her
shield, and finally the shield disappeared, but Freya was so quick that she managed to summon
a large fireball against the dragon. But she was even hit by the dragon's claws and
screamed! She fell down in pain, but was not dead, the dragon was also
been wounded by her mighty fireball! Now Sophia was only concentrated on
come back, come on Sophia you can do it, she kept saying to herself.

And so she managed finally. She hastened to fetch Alia the sword from her father since the
dragon was really scared and was desperate to kill them all so
quickly as possible. But Sophia now poured a potion into the mouth of Jonas, and
gave him the sword in his hand, he woke up slowly. And with surprise that he
Alia behind the magic sword, he was quite scared. The dragon had entirely given up now

it would rather leave the world than to be tormented with the sword. But it roared
and they were all blown away, Sophia hurried up, and gave another
elixir, but to her surprise she had given her father, the killing elixir. The
King was all choked up and blood came out of his mouth. Sophia began to cry;
and saw that she had given him the wrong potion. The dragon was still not up, since
it so that none of them were on their feet, so the attack Freya, who was still injured,
but she reached just to summon a water ball this time and shoot it against the dragon;
but then again, she was hit directly in the belly of the dragon's clever. And she nearly died of
it, and while the dragon was hit by water ball, took his sword Jonas, Alia and beat it
toward the dragon's heart. The dragon screamed, and there was sparks from its body, and the dragon
dropped dead. Everything was over, but it had not been free to beat the dragon to death.
Sophia Jonas and Mack screaming for Freya, FRRRRRRRREEEEJJJJJJJJAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
But fortunately, had Sophia still one potion left. Freya took some time for
to come to herself, she had still not woken up! But Sophia went to her father and
took his hand and said: I'll make you proud father, I would be a fair
Queen of Qairyn! When they left the dragon's castle, they carried Freya, and walked slowly. Freya
had also been exposed to so many bad things, so it was no wonder that
she took time to recover! Sister can you hear me, Mack asked her when the layers
her down, but there was no reply yet. Mack started to get a tear in
eyes! But he was afraid that others would see it, so he tried to leave
like nothing, but the others would actually not mind that he began to
crying over her baby sister, Jonas was the youngest in their family, while Mack was the
elder who was around 8 years older than Jonas, and Freya ca.3-4 years. Jonas also began
get tears in his eyes now, although he had not known her just as long. And finally
Sophia, she could not resist when the other degree. Freya woke and saw that
they all stood and wept, she began to smile, she was really pleased that she
importance as much for them! Then she said suddenly: what is in and weep? So
smiled the other too! And Sophia began thinking about his father again: I'll do
you proud father, and then it was as if she heard his voice which answered her: I know you will my daughter

Dragon castillo (My story) No respuestas