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The Child of Time

There is a planet. A planet of pure beauty, and red grass, and beautiful skies, breathtaking sunsets, and mind shattering war. The Time War. Time Locked. It was thought to last forever. It didn't. And it was in the final days of Gallifrey, when the Timelords knew they had but days left, that a desperate plan was made.

The timelords knew their race was doomed. But they found happiness in the idea that the Daleks would die with them. But still they were scared of the idea that their race would perish. And so they forged a plan. One would survive. A child. He would be carried to earth and he alone would survive to continue on.

It was in the final days of Gallifrey that the High Council of Timelords met bearing with them a child. He was newly born, but quiet and watchful. As a timelord should be.

Rassilon, the Timelord president covered the face of the child with his hand. With bis rich voice he spoke words, imprinting them in the child's mind.

"You are our salvation. Our savior. And thus your título shall be The Saviour." He turned to the other twelve members of of the council (thirteen members to represent the thirteen regenerations) and spoke to them. Through this child, we survive. Through this child Gallifrey has hope of being rebuilt. Let all who object to this plan speaks now, o forever live with your guilt." None spoke. For all agreed. Rassilon nodded. "Then let us make our way to the Untempered Schism."

"My lord,'' The Corsair, Rassilon's segundo in command, spoke. "The Daleks are in possession of the Schism. They of course do not no how to access it, however, they are refusing to relinquish it." Rassilon leveled his gaze towards his deputy. The Corsair shrank back, his eyes dropping.

"Gallifrey will fall in days. Along with the Timelords. Ask yourself. Is it better to die waiting, o saving?" Rassilon turned, his red túnica, albornoz fluttering. The council followed behind along with several guards. And they marched. They marched to their salvation...and to their death.

The council and their respective guards reached the Schism in record time. Their craft landed with a soft thud on the push green césped, hierba a hundred feet from the Untempered Schism. They exited the craft. Almost instantly mechanical voices filled the air.

"Timelords detected! Exterminate them!" A shallow Dalek voice shouted.

"It is the High Council!" Another voice, this one much deeper shouted.

"They are here for the Untempered Schism!" A third shallow voice stated.

"It matters not," the first voice responded. "Summon all Daleks within two miles of this vicinity. Lock on and exterminate the Timelord High Council!"

"32 Daleks located within the vicinity. All have been summoned. Open fuego on the high council!" The first blast came from directly in front of them. Rassilon deftly moved to the side. The blast whizzed past them blasting a hole in the colina behind them. The president's face was a mask of determination as he marched forward.

The Daleks began opening fire, mostly directed at the President. A guard jumped in front of a beam that would have connected with the President's left heart. He crumpled to the ground. Rassilon did not waver. He stepped over the body and continued onward. oro beams of energy shot from behind him connecting with several Daleks. A few exploded, but several of the más armored daleks merely shook themselves and fired back. Several guards fell behind him. The General, the Timelord in charge of the Gallifreyan military, and The Judge, the Timelord in charge of Gallifreyan law, fell with them. Several explosions rocked the ground around him. Three Daleks exploded beside him.

A laser connected with Rassilon's lower stomach. He groaned and fell to his knees. The determination merely grew. He was but feet away now. He picked himself up and took painful step por painful step towards the Schism.

He stopped directly in front of it now. Staring down at the child with fuego in his eyez he wheezed, "You are our salvation! With you, Timelords live!" And he threw the child into the Schism. Into the hole in time space. And he died, falling to the ground.

The baby cried long and hard as he was whipped around. He felt as if he were in a tornado being thrown around. He didn't know much. But he did no that this was highly unusual.

It was in Godic's hollow that something amazing happened. Lily and James Potter were sitting on the couch. Both were lectura quietly, when suddenly Lily keeled over gasping in pain, and threw up.

"Lily!" James shouted, experiencing brief fear. Inside Lily's womb, The Saviour was content and happy in his new home.
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