Codename: Kids siguiente Door Club
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Future Kids
Chapter 1
Year 2028
Author note: This is the segundo story in my series!! Be sure to read the first if tu haven't!!

Megan woke up from the pains of her stomach. She let out a small sigh, as she got up from her bed. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, until she saw red liquid on her cama sheets. She looked shocked, when she saw it. She quickly got her clothes on, took her cama sheets off her bed, and ran down to the laundry room. She stuffed the contents in a washing machine, and looked around for the soap powder....
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posted by taismo723
Now that I've handed over the Wizard of KND to Megan, I've been wondering about my siguiente KND Idea.

And you'll never believe what I found.

KND *drum roll* *suspense builds* *elevator bings* *commercial break* *commercial break over* FACEBOOK!!!

Thank you, applause.

So here's the idea fully:

When the KND Treehouses go into Quarantine (After Kacey, Kiki, and Wally got into the science lab) all members are forced to go back to their houses. And so everyone gets a wild idea to registrarse Kacey and Megan on Facebook. Wild Secrets are released, brief cussing is involved, and when a twist in the end... Wait, why would I tell you?

To be released as soon as I post Chapter 1.

Kacey Kreations Inc. Contact us at o 623-523-9497. And I only have so many minutos on my cell so only brief messages when tu call me. XD
added by Jonesey111
Source: KND Maïn Charaters Cast Meme Blank por Wahyuphratïvï On DevïantArt
For a minute, Kacey was just glaring at all the villains. They glared back at her, and to break the silence, David yelled “STARING CONTEST!” and stared into Raleigh’s eyes without blinking.
“Not. Happening.” Raleigh dicho and walked away.
“Val..?” Kacey turned to the little girl who had a huge smile on her face. “Why is everyone here?”
“Well, silly,” Val said, “My daddy dicho that the “Every Villain Is Lemons” (Spongebob reference FTW) club was out for coffee!”
“OMG NO WAYS.” Kacey dicho sarcastically.
“You didn’t lemme finish.” Val rolled her eyes. “When...
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posted by kndluva
I realized today, March 27, 2011, at 10:49 P.M., that I have been awarded the Dedicated fan Medal for the Codename: Kids siguiente Door Fanclub. So my official título is now: Megan Behon, 2x4 Technology Officer and advisor of Sector Q, older sister to Numbuh 2001, and friends to Numbahs 8, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 34, and many more, and Dedicated fan to Fanpop's Codename: Kids siguiente Door Fanclub. THIS IS SO AWESOME. And as a KND dedicated fan, I command tu to dance to this song:
Kiki had her ear up to the door. Wally was losing it.
"GET ME OFF THIS BOAT!!" He yelled. Megan slapped some sense into him.
"Get a hold of yourself, man!" Megan said. "You're perfectly fine!" Numbuh 4 screamed. Numbuh 2 saw this as an opportunity.
"So, when we get outta this closet, wanna grab a bite to eat?" Hoagie asked. He rose his eyebrow. Megan scooted over. As did Hoagie. "C'mon, Babe! All Numbuh 2 wants is some love....." Hoagie dicho all 'smooth'. Megan slapped him.
"FREAK!" she yelled running toward Kacey. Megan sighed. "Who'd tu e-mail?" she asked Kacey. Kacey sighed.
"No. Signal."...
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posted by amy23000
"so when is any time YOU want?" "i don't know any time i want now go to bed" "go to bed?! we'll get like 2 minutos of sleep!" numbuh 4 tried not to yell but he was loud enough to where numbuh 5 could here him "WOULD YALL KEEP IT DOWN?! numbuh 5 needs her beauty sleep" she started to walk out of his room numbuh 3 was still hiding under his almohada "wait numbuh 3 what are tu doin in numbuh 4's room at this time of night!?" "uhh numbuh 3 isn't in here what are tu talking about? your tired go back to sleep heh heh" he dicho pushing her out of the room "go to sleep?! I'll get like 2 minutos of sleep!"...
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 Wally's changing process (I did not draw this pic)
Wally's changing process (I did not draw this pic)
Everyone’s jobs were done. The decorations were up. The comida was laid out. The música was picked. The party favors were hidden. Everything looked great. Except for one thing. The guests hadn’t arrived.
“Oh come on!” Kiki yelled. She stomped on the floor. She, Megan, and Kacey didn’t have dates. They were going as a group. Yet, Kiki was mad. No guests meant no ice cream.
“Hmm… maybe they’re late?” Megan asked.
“If they were late, SOME kids would’ve shown up.” Kacey said. She checked her watch. 20 minutos later, every guest showed up.
“UM?” Abby asked.
“We stopped...
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"Status report, guys." Kacey dicho half an hora later.
Kiki caught her breath.
"Zip. Nada. Nothin'." she said.
"Dang it. What about you, Val?"
She smiled.
"I found another quarter!" she squealed.
Both older operatives did a facepalm.
"THIS IS SERIOUS!" Kacey shouted.
"We've got aproximatley...." Kiki looked at her watch. " hora and a half to get Wally into that operating room before all the "kablooey-ness" starts."
"What happens if it DOES go kablooey?" Val asked.
Kiki gulped "He'll get this REALLY bad infection, puke everywhere,'know....go belly up."
Her eyes began watering.
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Friday was no better. Wally was forced to wear purple and/or green. He just put on one of Kacey's old jerseys. There. víbora, viper Pride. Walking to school was the worst. Kuki wouldn't even look at him. Not that he wanted her to. Their fight last night caused everything. Now she was gonna go tell Falken. Perfect, Wally thought.
"Wally Beetles!" Mrs. Wann called. Wally looked up from his desk.
"Huh?" He asked. The class giggled.
"Your project!" Mrs. Wann said. Your Social Studies project!" Wally stopped. PROJECT? He's dead.
"P- p- p- project?!?!?!?!"...
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added by Numbuh161
Source: Deviant Art
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: cartoon network
added by glelsey
Source: drawn por moi
Now, before we go on with our story, there is a different story that needs to be told. On Megans Birth day, do tu remember when Wally read Numbuh 1000's diary? That día he found out several things. Things he never told ANYONE, because Megan was one of his cousins best-freinds. Plus, she would hurt him if he spilled anything. Now, he kept those secrets for several months. That was a record for him. Besides him and know. But, *sigh* , secrets are hard to keep when tu have the attention span of a gold-fish.

"GET ME OUTA HERE!!!!!!!" numbuh 5 screamed at the parte superior, arriba of her lungs.
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added by glelsey
Source: Me!
added by ilovesushi101
For those who are huge 2/5 fanz :)
added by kndluva
funny and cool música vid for KND
cartoon network
kids siguiente door
added by DexandBloss
Source: Wee-Katty on photobucket
posted by kndluva
YAY!!! New story! I pretty much coppied it off the Wizard of OZ movie. But there are some differences. For one, it's a heck of alot funnier. But it's similar to the movie. Sorta. Do tu like the conversation of the farm hands talking about courage, brains, and hearts? Well, now it's a desayuno tardío, brunch of kids bickering. Did tu think Toto the dog was cute? Now he's the adorable weasle hurón, ferret whatever thing. Oh, so tu say Dorothy had a pretty name. Too bad, she goes por her middle name in this remake. One más thing before I put the cast of characters. Kiki (kndkid96), when tu read this, please don't...
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