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Chuck Norris jokes Pregunta

Why is there evolution?

 ninjaindisguise posted hace más de un año
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Chuck Norris jokes Respuestas

Metallica1147 said:
Because Chuck Norris dicho so!
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posted hace más de un año 
thats very true but theres only evolution cuz those are the animales that Chuck Norris kept alive
ninjaindisguise posted hace más de un año
fake_alibi13 said:
CHUCK NORRIS! That's why
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posted hace más de un año 
slash5 said:
Theres no theory of evolution. Theres only animales that Chuck Norris let them live.

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posted hace más de un año 
Vocaloidcode01 said:
Chuck Norris threatened to roundhouse kick them unless they evolved.
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posted hace más de un año 
Joshandpingu said:
There is no evolution - only a lista of animales Chuck Norris allows to live.
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posted hace más de un año 
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