hechiceras Club
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posted by KaterinoulaLove
Suddenly she fell on the floor. She opened her eyes and wondered what she was doing on the ground. She frowned her eyebrows and got up. she went downstairs, straight to Piper and said:
"Could tu do me a favor and never feed me those chicken wings again?" Piper answered:...
"aww phoebe's! what happened again?My chicken wings are perfectly done.thank u! but u know...when u eat 4 pieces instead of 1 that u should eat in 10 o'clock in the evening then oh I'm sorry! stomach-ache!knok knok!!drink a té and u'll be fine;)"
Paige said:.
"But do it fast, 'cause Elise called and she wasn't in a really great mood. She asked if tu could call her back" Phoebe gasped and said:
"Oh my god! I totally forgot about the meeting today! Elise is gonna kill me! What time is it?"
"It's half past 9 phoebes..u better hurry..." Paige said
"But wait a minute..."piper said.."I feel like I'm missing something..what día is it today??"
"It's friday the 13th. Why?", Paige asked.
Piper chuckled for two segundos and than got serious.
"Are tu kidding? This is like the worst día ever! We cannot run into black cats, walk under any ladders o break-" She heared something break. "-a mirror?" Phoebe finished the sentence, while holding the pieces of the broken mirror. Piper stared at her, her eyes wide open...
"phoebe's...u just broke my new mirror which has cost 50$ and even worst u have broken it on friday the 13th>?!?!u got to be kidding me..." Piper dicho with her voice soo damn slow and sarcastic...
"aww piper u can't beleive in these crap things about "freaky friday ''!pfff....." paige dicho in a sarcastic tone...
"Of course I do! we are witches remember? we have seen horror cine come to live,us turned into freaks and all the magic creatures we had only met in fairytales!"
Paige said: "Piper, calm down!You're right, we're witches, we should be open-minded to all these freaky stuff. But being hysterical on friday the 13th, that's exactly what the demons will expect us to do. So tu really just need to relax and live your life the way tu always do"
Piper said: 'Paige, there's a mirror broken. How can I relax, when there are 7 years of bad luck waiting for us?"
Paige took a deep breath. "We won't have any bad luck, Phoebe will. She's the one that broke the mirror"
Phoebe nodded and dicho sarcastic: Yeah, and considdering all the 'good luck'I've been having for all my life, I should be able to handle 7 years of bad luck"...
Paige gave her a compassionate look and put her arm around her shoulder..
"Come on, honey, cheer up. It won't be that bad. Besides, what could go wrong?"
"Demons!", Piper yelled.
Paige waved her hand as to make Piper keep her mouth shut...
"Yeah yeah, demons. We have to hunt demons every day, so that's nothing new" ..
"No, I mean demons, in here!", Piper screamed. Paige and Phoebe turned and saw the demon. "Piper, blow him up", Phoebe shouted.
Piper motioned with her hands, but nothing happened.
"I can't! I can't blow him up" The demon throwed a fireball at them and they were blown at the wall. They fell down on the floor and got unconsious...
The demon smiled in a creapy way..he stood above phoebe....he looked her por rotating his head to right..and grabbed her hand...he took her out of there leaving both piper and paige unconscious...
After a while Piper woke up and looked around but still being down on the floor..she couldn't mover her legs...she had a big wonde on her knee..she looked at it and put her hand on her thigh ,trying to mover it so to stand up..she couldn't and she almost growled....she touched her head and after puting her hand on the floor it sinked into a "lake" of blood siguiente to paige's head.....she dicho really anxious:.."Paige?..?" she moved her body siguiente to her and touched her neck..she wasn't breathing..
"oh my god...oh my god...no...no...no...no...
paige wake up! look at me paige!" she stopped breathing for a second.."phoebe's?" she dicho por trembling..
she tried to stand up...but she couldn't... her leg slipped the moment she tried to stand up...she growled "leo...leo....leoo" and she brusted into tears....
It wasn't Leo who responded, but Chris. He orbed in in the room and turned around to see where the fuego was. Piper looked up at him.
"You're not Leo!",she dicho with tears in her eyes.
"Well, you'll have to do with me. What happened?", he asked when he saw Paige lying on the floor.
"A demon attacked. He took Phoebe and Paige doesn't breathe. Chris, tu need to heal her" Chris looked a bit worried.
"I can't heal. Not yet" Piper threw an angry look at him.
"You better get your culo over here and heal her, young man, o the anything you'll be doing for the rest of your life is cleaning toilet bowls!"...
Chris tried to say:" Piper calm down..we'll figure this out...we just...." Chris got close to her and he extended his hand so to help her stand up.. but piper pushed his hand away and growled:
" u can't heal..?and u r telling me this now? after we had hired u?I don't want any whiteleighter's speach right now!I don't want ur humain hand to help me damn it..I want ur healing skill..I don't need ur sucking postitve energy o ur optimistic advice....I just need Leo to bring his culo down here and heal her...for god's shake u r just standing here watch me bleeding and paige beeing dead! for god's shake"....
piper burst into heavily tears screaming,hugging paige and calling "Leo,Leo,Leo"......
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove
added by KaterinoulaLove