Charm School Club
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At the end of last week’s show, Mo’Nique dicho that New York would be joining the ladies for the rest of the season of Charm School, and I swear my corazón skipped a beat. Then she dicho she was joking and everything was okay again. Now, if anyone could use Charm School it’s New York, but I’ve just seen enough of her for a while. I need a break- at least until I amor New York 2.

So, tonight the house is New York-free and I am happy. Now to the recap.

Return of the mack?
Becky feels a little bad that Larissa was eliminated last week, when it was supposed to be her, but not bad enough to quit the mostrar o anything. She’s glad she didn’t quit last week because now she is that much closer to the $50,000 prize.

Tonight’s lesson is Unless Thou Can Play, Thou Will Be Played. Since Mo’Nique will soon be sending the ladies back into the real world, she wants to make sure they’re equipped with all the life lessons they need to not live like skanks any longer. This week’s special guest is relationship expert Tariq "K-Flex" Nasheed, autor of libros Play o be Played, The Art of Mackin and The Mack Within. Oooh- Becky likey! She thinks Tariq looks like a pimp, and she likes pimps. That explains a lot.

Relationship 101… now with pie charts!
Tariq starts his lesson and the ladies are riveted, because as Shay puts it, “it’s always good to have someone up there who is cute, because tu pay más attention to what they’re saying.” She’s right really, because I know that if my high school Algebra II teacher had been attractive… and male, I would totally be an engineer o something like that now.

Tariq introduces the 4 Ps- Players, Professionals, Pushovers and Parolees. Then he pulls out some pie charts and VH1 takes the opportunity to mostrar Brooke in the ducha, ducha de with Flava Flav. Any excuse, eh VH1? Brooke likes the players, Becky likes the pushovers, and Shay’s had some experience with the parolees. The professional is about his money, and that’s Leilene’s kind of man. All of these guys have their positives and negatives, so to get an even mix of all 4, our ladies need to look for the Urban Renaissance Man. These guys have swagger, but are about their educations. They might be polite, but slightly gangster.

OMG! The ladies finish with their relationship lesson, and Dean Mikki gives them the most exciting news I’ve heard all season- they’re having a Charm School prom! A prom! Complete with several eligible bachelors to choose from. There will be representatives from all of the 4 Ps, plus one Urban Renaissance Man. The lady who picks the URM will be seguro from elimination. I don’t really care about that part though- they’re having a prom! I only hope the ladies have enough time to dress up in frilly gowns and have their weaves styled into updos.

Bring on the puffy dresses and spiked punch!
The ladies sit around and dish for a while before the prom, and Shay poses a question: what if none of them pick the URM? I think that’s a very good question, considering that all of these women were at one point interested in Flava Flav.

When it’s time to dress for the prom, I’m happy to see that they each get to choose a frilly dress, but they’re responsible for doing their own hair, which doesn’t seem very promy to me. Becky thinks she looks like barbie threw up on her, Leilene tells Brooke she isn’t going to mostrar the men her lingerie, and Brooke responds por announcing she’s not wearing any panties. If she spreads that around she’ll probably be the most popular belle at the ball.

The ladies arrive at the prom looking lovely and demure, and Mo’Nique points out that she picked out all the dresses herself. Way to go Mo. Then she brings in the guests- a bunch of guys in suits. Some attractive, and some… not so attractive. Saaphyri is pissed about the selection of men, because she took so much time to get ready, and all the guys are ugly. We at inicial get to see who’s who, and I am interested to see that the guy named Sun Ra (also known as Seashell) is an actual parolee, who served time in a federal penitentiary for 8 years. Some added info about Sun Ra? He considers himself the foreplay specialist and he never has sex with the same woman más than once. How can he really- all of his special foreplay is probably way too much for a woman to handle más than once. I’m guessing Brooke will make a beeline straight to him.

Why do tu make me do this, Brooke? Every week!
First dance is ladies choice, and Leilene goes straight to one of the professional guys. After admiring his suit, talking about how much they both amor shopping, and him telling her how beautiful she is, Leilene decides he is the URM. Oh, and I forgot to mention that Leilene just gave this big speech about how since she’s a stripper, she’s an expert at lectura people, so there’s no way she’d going to fail this task.

Becky has a good plan- she plans to speak to every guy at the prom so she can figure out who the URM is. Brooke also has a good plan- she is going to let loose and get her freak on with multiple men. About five minutos into the prom, she shrieks that it would be so much más fun if everyone was naked, which makes Mo’Nique shake her head sadly. Then, a few minutos later she’s talking to one of the players, who tells her he’s a massage therapist. He lets her know that he could massage her shoulders, back, feet, thighs, and Brooke asks “what about the vagina area?” Again, Mo’Nique shakes her head sadly. I am also sad because before this show, I never had to use the word “vagina” in my recaps. To make this encounter complete, Brooke propositions the guy, and they walk off into the sunset. o into the closet.

The players get played.
As the night progresses, so does the alcohol consumption. Most of the women remember that they are supposed to be figuring out which one of the men is the URM, but Brooke thinks she’s supposed to be hooking up with the best looking guy there. Excuse me, the best looking guy there in her opinion. Shay is stuck talking with the parolee, who she’s got pegged as a player, and Becky is out on the dance floor dropping one liners left and right. Leilene thinks she’s found her soul mate, with her professional guy who loves to comprar and announces that she is having the best night of her life- after she says that she loves cine like Dude, Where’s My Car.

After Brooke’s done receiving her erotic massage, she decides it’s time for her to scope out the rest of the guys, and talk some más about her special area. She asks the actual URM if he likes to f*** o make love. Wow, I absolutely cannot understand why this woman lost her job teaching kindergarteners. The URM doesn’t really want to answer the question, and Brooke finds him boring and immediately ditches him. Without even asking him to make out first- how rude is that??

Brooke moves on to the parolee, and they have a truly gross discussion and encounter filled with double entendres. It gets so bad that Mo’Nique refuses to watch any more. I wish I had that option.

Not surprisingly, the URM is sitting por himself and is being ignored por the women. I think he should consider himself lucky though, because at least Brooke isn’t grinding up all on him, and he doesn’t have to deal with crazy Saaphyri. That’s right- Saaphyri has been kind of quiet during this prom, but that all changes when Sun Ra Seashell makes a remark about how busty women get stretch marks on their chests, so there’s just no need for large breasts. Well, since Saaphyri is kind of parte superior, arriba heavy, she takes this remark very personally and decides it’s time to do some freaking out and trash talking. Luckily, her trash talk is aimed at Sun Ra, and he’s a major putz so he deserves it.

Mo’Nique calls a halt to the prom and gathers all the attendees in the front hall. She tells the ladies to each pin their boutonnieres on the man they think is the URM. The ladies get to their pinnin’, and lo and behold, not one picks the right guy. Not one!

Leilene picked Owen, the Professional. Shay and Saaphyri picked Brandon, the Pushover. Brooke and Becky picked Tiaunte, another Pushover, and that means that everyone loses, and no one is seguro from elimination.

Attention, ladies- Leilene can think for herself.
When the ladies get up the siguiente morning, they notice they have a new assignment- since they all got played yesterday, and some of them (*ahem, Brooke), acted slutty, they each need to write down who they thought was the best representation of their Charm School class, and who they thought was the worst representation. The women with the most votos as the best will be seguro from elimination. And the woman with the most votos for the worst will be Brooke.

This news puts everyone in a tizzy, and they sit down to have a deep discussion about who best represented and who was the worst. Brooke thinks she was the best, Saaphyri thinks she was the best because she did not get angry at the prom at all. What?? Did they mostrar us a different prom o something, because I definitely saw some anger from Saaphyri! Leilene doesn’t know why she did the best, and I think everyone should vote for her because at least she’s honest.

The ladies división, split up, and try to do some negotiating for votos amongst themselves. Shay and Brooke try to persuade Leilene to vote for Shay as the best. Saaphyri tries to persuade Leilene to vote her way, but all this is just too much for Leilene to comprehend, and she can’t figure out which way she should go.

It’s time to vote, and Leilene still looks completely confused. After some very Survivor-like footage, it’s revealed that Becky was voted best, and Brooke was voted the worst. Even better? Leilene cast the deciding vote for Brooke. Back in the room, Brooke confronts Leilene and forces her to tell her why she voted the way she did. I think she’s expecting a spacey answer, but Leilene very intelligently says that she does not think Brooke behaved appropriately at the prom, and did not represent what they were all supposed to be learning in Charm School. Brooke disagrees, and proceeds to call Leilene a lot of very bad names. She tells Leilene that she came on the mostrar so that America would forget that she’s a stripper, but at the end of the day, she’s going to go back inicial and continue to strip. Oh well. At least she doesn’t give it away for free.

When Leilene leaves the room, Saaphyri tells Brooke that they all thought she was actuación slutty at the prom, but Brooke turns the conversation around to Leilene’s stripping again. And I’m done covering this part of the show, because frankly I think Brooke should just stand up and own her skankiness instead of trying to mover the focus to Leilene.

That’s what tu get for being a slut-acious whore.
I’m a little nervous to hear what Mo’Nique has to say about the prom. Since Becky was voted the best, she’s seguro for another week, but everyone else is at risk. Brooke is the first called to the carpet, followed por Leilene, and then Saaphyri.

The judges were disappointed with Leilene for spending the most time with the man she was attracted to, because this was a competition, and she didn’t even give herself a chance to win. Saaphyri managed to let herself get baited into a fight por a schmuck, and Brooke acted like a complete whore. They say más than that, but that’s what it all boils down to.

In the shock of the century, (not!), Mo’Nique expels Brooke for her less than ladylike behavior at the prom. Mo’Nique calls her a complete embarrassment and then basically tells her she acted like a prostitute. Wow! Mo’Nique is sad that this is Brooke’s first appearance on the floor, and she’s there because she is the whore of Charm School. Brooke takes exception to this, and tells her that “whore” is where she draws the line. tu can call her a pig, a slut, a skank… just not a whore! Brooke storms out of the house, crying, but sadly does not spit on anyone.
 we have topless fotos on
we have topless photos on
We had VIP @ the club Friday and have exclusive videos of A-bomb getting wild. Brittanya was kinda less crazy but A-bomb got was topless, mostrando her panties, rubbing her boobs in a guys face, we took her back and got some really good picture also some tips of who won Charm School. tu can see them here linkThis is no joke and its real. It was at woodys in Evansville, In. It was a wild and crazy night and we ended up getting some great pics and great info from A-Bomb and Brittanya. tu wouldn't believe it! How crazy and wild A-bomb was tu have to see it at link
 me and A-bomb and yes we have topless fotos on
me and A-bomb and yes we have topless photos on
ABomb Gets Naked At A Club And Spills The Beans About Who Wins Charm School!
charm school
rock of amor bus
Who is going to win this thing and make Mo’Nique proud? Does anyone even care anymore?

Absolutely Fabulous
We are finally down to the end and Leilene and Becky are talking and Leilene is so happy to be in the finals. She is reflecting on how quite the house is and can’t understand why. Maybe because there once were a lot and know there’s not. See, I even explained it and rhymed, I should win Charm School for that alone. As the women are talking and hating Shay the loud speaker comes on and they are finally working on commandment 10, Thou Shalt Be Fully Fabulous.

This challenge will take...
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Last week the women all the opportunity to dine with Andrew Firestone of Bachelor fame and they tried to impress him. I was personally surprised to see him on this mostrar because does he really need this publicity. I guess he is going with the theory that no publicity is bad publicity. Alas, Heather was the lady unable to impress Andrew and was sent packing. We all laughed as she exited and scratched our heads to find out that she had the name, Neveah (heaven backwards), written on the back of her school pin. She is gone and does anyone really care? So let’s put on our finest homemade outfits...
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Welcome back to another insightful episode of Charm School and, wait… there’s a $50,000 prize for the winner of this show? How hard can it seriously be to beat out a bunch of skanks in etiquette challenges? Anyway, tonight we start out por seeing why Jennifer was sent home, and that Becky and Cristal are on the outs. As are Hottie and all of the other women. And Larissa and most of the other women.

The skanks on the bus go round and round.
For today’s activity, the lucky ladies are going on a field trip in the short, yellow Charm School bus. They arrive at a college campus, where Mo’Nique...
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posted by goth67
Welcome back everyone. It’s Charm School time and if tu are anything like me tu know this mostrar is not living up to the fun that Flavor of amor is. Sure, it’s full of skanky women, cat-fights, and más swearing than the seaside docks of an old-time marina. Actually, I’m probably not giving it all the credit it deserves. It’s a pretty fine mostrar and the women are definitely living up to their end of the bargain. Last week we bid adieu to Cristal and most of us had to ask ourselves, “Who is she again?” This week the women are going to be selling perfume so we should be in for quite...
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Monique tells the ladies to put on their schoolgirl uniforms and meet her downstairs where she announces the Third Commandment of Charm School: Thou Shall mostrar Some Class. Monique tells them this means that when they are in public, they need to act classy, because when tu act like a fool, you’ll get treated like a fool. Oh, Mo’Nique, you’re so wise, and in for a huge undertaking if tu think tu can get one ounce of class out of these women. They all dated Flava Flav after all.

Mo'Nique introduces Miss Colette Swann, etiquette coach extraordinaire. Apparently she’s a direct descendent...
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This video is Crazy... She is topless and actuación wild. tu wouldn't believe what else is on the site. We even got her back to the vip. tu wouldn't believe what she told us.
charm school
rock of amor bus
ricki lake
The Short Bus to Charm School
To kick the mostrar off we are shown clips of all the ladies as a little refresher to whom each one is. Most I remember and most I also wish I could forget. The ladies are all gathered and riding a short bus to school in hopes to redeem themselves from their anterior bad behavior. Most of them will never accomplish that. Mo’Nique is going to be their mentor during the process in hopes to transform them into the likes of Mother Theresa, Condoleezza Rice, and Hillary Clinton. She is going to teach them the ways of etiquette, style, and relationship advice. I am sure...
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posted by goth67
Welcome back to school everyone. Although most schools are getting out this time of year, Charm School is still running strong and mostrando no signs of ending for summer break. Last week we dicho good bye to Dara and Schatar amidst a picture stealing scandal. Neither was guilty but both taking the fall because of it. What lady will change her ways and abandon her pole dancing lifestyle to become the classy winner of Charm School? None of these women have a chance; one will win and fritter away her money on the Fredrick’s of Hollywood spring collection. Put away your sticky fingers and let’s...
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