Buffy, la cazavampiros They are who they play

mysticfallout posted on Jul 30, 2014 at 04:34AM
I've been watching HIMYM (up to season 6 right now) and I've noticed, Alyson Hannigan acts at times a lot like Willow. Sometime's naive and silly and other time Dark Willow. I have watched BTVS so many times I really couldn't begin to do an honest count but I'm wondering has anyone else ever projected a Buffy char to that actor on another show/movie? It happens when I watch Bones also (my kids also love Buffy/Bones).) Do I sound crazy or just obsessed? LOL Truth be told I really think it has happened with just about every one of them. Xander was in some christmas movie about a dog and some girl and a lunch box my wife watched. Pretty much the same thing there too.

Buffy, la cazavampiros 1 reply

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hace más de un año mysticfallout said…
And how do I get a stupid icon instead of the green guy??
Flickerflame commented…
Go to your profile, select the category of fotos (third grey box) and click on the subir New foto on the right of the dark blue line. Click on Choose File and select an image o icono from your computer. Click on the little box which says "make this image my user icon". Click enviar Image. hace más de un año
mysticfallout commented…
Awesome thank you. Now off to pic hunt. I lost all my BTVS pics when my external HD took a dive on me. Do other member's here mind if we use their pics/icons? It really has been a LONG time since I've been here. lol hace más de un año