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As the título says- Peyton could never see Lucas happy with anybody else.!?! Lucas played it seguro por choosing P.Sawyer.?!

When OTH started Lucas was young, he was as Brooke calls him 'Broody' (always was and always will be lol) and he liked a girl who was erm... broody! She was so uninterested cos she had her bf Nathan! In general girls didn't really take a fancy to Lucas EXCEPT Brooke! He caught Brooke's eye like as soon as he joined Ravens!

Peyton was still with Nate.. Then Brooke decides she wants a relationship for once.

Too much drama and Peyton&Nathan break up..! So now Peyton decides she can play happy friends with Lucas despite knowing that he 'liked her'! She only remembers him when Brooke is getting close to him?? I mean was she dead before that? How many times did Brooke ask if she liked Lucas and each time she kept saying No, No, No!

Peyton knew that Brooke liked Lucas and yet the devil went and kissed Lucas as part of truth o dare! Fair enough Brooke told her to but that was a jackass mover knowing that Brooke already fancied him! What was she thinking?! Brooke was testing her and to go and snog the guy your friend has fallen for is a proper asshole move!

Lucas says he wants to be with Peyton but she flips and mid-makeout session she walks out! She wasnt ready for anything.. Hmmm.. So brucas finally take off.. And guess what??!?? Peyton realises after this that she may have something for Lucas?! Why now??? She went Lucas's house DESPITE knowing that Brooke was growing closer to him!
Classical moment was when Peyton found out that Brooke and Lucas kissed! Her face looked burned and so right it should be!

Carefree and enjoying dating each other.. brucas are together! They were spontanaous, happy and it was the beginning of something special! :D

Ouch ouch enter- Peyton takes Lucas to identify the body?! Lucas is a idiot for cheating on his girl with her best friend but worse is Peyton! She was Brooke's best friend. Brooke had asked her sooo many times how she felt for Lucas but Peyton never wanted him! She never told Brooke straight! As soon as he was with Brooke, Peyton's claws were out and onto him!

Then we all know Lucas got ill and broke up with the sweetest girl friend anyone could ever have cos he was confused of how he felt! And Brooke finds out about the cheating from the webcam!

Brooke always forgave Peyton.. Its just horrible that Peyton could never have been the friend that Brooke deserved to have. She constantly continued to have mood swings about her feelings for Lucas. One día she would feel nothing siguiente minuto she would be shot in the leg and besar him!
To mee, why kiss him?! The bullet wasn't going to unpeirce her skin! And all that crap that she loved Jake!!! The things she did was just unbelievable..
And Lucas- in this scene I couldn't actually blame him cos he does amor Brooke but couldn't leave Peyton to die.. (unfortunately)

Lucas tells Peyton loud&clear that he is completely in amor with Brooke! And she proclaims that she is sooo happy to hear it! BS! She is a liar! She promises Brooke that she would never do anything to hurt her?! Edit: she kissed her boyfriend AGAIN?!

So anyways she lies and Its all buried though now?? (never for Peyton). Everyone goes to Rachael's cabina house and now Peyton is with Pete??!
brucas are very happy together- but Peyton cant oso, oso de to see that!
Naley's pre-wedding party and Brooke asks Lucas&Peyton to do a small scene.

Exit Luke! And what do we have?? One confession! I have feelings for Luke! She just couldn't oso, oso de the thought of brucas happy!
So the kiss is still a secret! IMO, she knew that Brooke was insecure about Lucas so she wanted to throw a spanner in the works! And why didn't she tell Lucas that Brooke still was in the dark abouut the kiss?? Throughout her little interactions with Brooke she sounded so bitchy! 'Ive tried crying??' Try harder then cowbag! tu declare amor then tu expect immediate forgiveness! Er no! She then turns it on Brooke asking if Brooke loves him?! What kind of pregunta is that?!?

Now that Brooke is out of her way, she played the sorry victim and Lucas being a sucker for his friendship with Peyton always helped out!

Just a little something which I will come back to is how Lucas talks about Whiteys speech at the baloncesto Banquet? The 'A amor so strong' convo between Brucas!!

brucas settle with friendship.


Lucas saw Brooke siguiente to him when he won the state championships NOT Peyton.. If Lucas loved Peyton alllll along then surely she would be the girl he would be dreaming of? No??? Brooke as graceful as ever told Lucas to go to Peyton!?!

Flashforward --

Lucas is happy with Lindsay and guess who turned Lucas down AGAIN? queen Peyton! Reason: Why would she want Lucas? Her aim seems only to take Lucas away from Brooke! She never loved him enough to fully give herself to him.

Everyone who says that 'The Unkindness Of The Ravens' was all about Pucas is so wrong! The book was all about seasons 1-4.. In all that time Lucas was with Brooke, trying to win over Brooke, in amor with Brooke.. so HOW can Brooke be the other girl?? She was with the girl.. Peyton was the footnote..

Anyways so now Lincus all set to marry but Peyton is back and guess what? She is ruining things all over again! She just couldn't stay away and let everyone get on with life.

Why is it that Peyton only remembers she loves Lucas when he is going to finally find happiness with someone else.??!?? Brooke was still completely in amor with Lucas but she sat with guests and watched in pain! She never wanted Lucas to be hurt cos of her, even if he had hurt her!

Lucas drunk told Peyton he hated her! She ruined his life and very well said!?!
In that drunk moment the truth was all revealed! When one is drunk their true thoughts, emotions come out. He kissed Brooke but she knew where her loyalties lied and she knew Peyton would be back to take Lucas away from her.
Why couldn't Peyton have just left?? Even Brooke had caught heads/tails of the game now!

queen of hearts, was, is and always will be Brooke Davis! The colour red always brought brucas together and although Lucas had chose Peyton, Was it what he really wanted?

Lucas at the airport! One call-

Lucas knew all 3 Brooke, Lindsay and Peyton too well.

If Lucas had called Lindsay she would have never come! She is a person with self respect, dignity and not a fool.. She knew it was better to stay away from Lucas because he never knew what he wanted for himself!

If Lucas called Brooke she would come but only as a friend. Brooke loved Lucas with all her corazón but deep down she knew everytime she made a go of her relationship Peyton would come along and ruin it, plus she had más respect for herself that she would just agree to a telephone proposal! I mean, Brooke would never be desperate enough to accept a crappy phone proposal!

And then we have Peyton, Lucas knew that she would accept it. Even he wouldn't dare do it to Brooke o Lindsay! He knew that Peyton would always say yes. If it meant having Lucas she would be up for it! Lucas and Peyton were the same type of people.. They always were, so Lucas thought that as a positive! He thought it was amor and I guess he never did have the guts to accept rejection. He knew Peyton would take his crap no matter what he threw at her!
So por marrying Peyton, he played seguro and married a friend when all along his corazón was with Brooke!

About Julian?!? Peyton dicho they were in LOVE? She uses the word toooo loosely.. One minuto she loved Jake within days of him disappearing she realised she loved Lucas. Lucas was gone for a couple of days and she's in amor with Julian??
If she loved Julian so much why did she keep brucas Lovestory so close by?? Maybe because she had seen Lincus and thought another person I can steal Lucas away from! So Julian breaking up with her didn't hurt much!

Back to baloncesto Banquet Night: (What brucas really meant):

Brooke- A amor So Strong That No Person Could Come Between  It??

Lucas- It does exist, tu and mee but friendship always gets in the way!

Thats what the truth is.

And to everyone who thinks Leyton is endgame.. It sooo isn't!

The final curtain hasnt dropped so Im sure all BL-ers will agree that true amor always finds its way in the end. And if it doesn't then take Keith&Karan as an example.
No matter what Karan could never amor Andy like she did Keith.. So no matter what happens to Brucas, there amor is real, and Lucas would never amor Peyton like he loved Brooke and Brooke with Julian.

Brooke and Lucas was love, true and real but friendship always ruined it. Brooke's friendship with Peyton and Lucas' friendship with Peyton. For that very friendship they sacrificed their love.

Okay! I dont know if this is a articulo o just plain rant! Its something I had to get out!
por Camilsoph
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