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posted by blackpanther666
[The New Shinigami! The Owner of Bushi Katagi, the Sword of the Samurai!!!]

Ryuki walked out of the Shino Academy, a few minutos after the graduation had ended. He was finally a Shinigami and had been accepted into the wrong squad! He was hoping to be selected for the 11th Division, underneath Captain Dakunosuke, also known as Kenpachi Dakuno. Instead, he was dado over to the 6th Division, who was captained por the descendant of a famous, former Captain (from over 2,000 years ago, known as Byakuya Kuchiki), whose name was Zanade Kuchiki, also head of the Kuchiki Clan. To make matters worse, Zanade was the only Captain he had actually met face to face and seemed to have something against him... Though, that might just be his personality. It was legend that the men of the Kuchiki Clan were cold, calm and never showed emotion, therefore, he supposed that Zanade was just like that.

'Man... Just my luck... Couldn't I just have been selected for the 11th squad instead?' he dicho to himself, just as another young Shinigami bumped into him.

'Whoa... Sorry, dude. I didn't mean to run into you. What squad are tu from?'

Ryuki shook his head. 'It's okay... I'm just actually heading to Squad Six now... I just graduated today, tu see, so technically I'm not even in that squad yet.'

'Oh, I see. Well, I can take you. I'm in Squad Six, too. I'm the 5th Seat, Fujioka Namade. I'll introduce tu to Captain Kuchiki and then I'll help tu get settled in... How does that sound?'

Ryuki grinned. 'That sounds awesome. Thanks so much!'

They walked to Squad Six headquarters and barracks together, neitehr bothering to walk particularly fast. Fujioka was an easy-going guy and young for a 5th Seat, but must have been pretty strong, if he had advanced there at such a young age. They chatted the whole way, until, finally, they reached their destination.

'Alright... Let's go and find the Captain. I'll bet he'll be doing paperwork in the office in Headquarters... Let's go and check there first... Oh, hey, Lieutenant Sasagawa!' Fujioka cried out, in an attempt to get the man's attention.

Sasagawa turned around. He was tall, about 2 inches taller than Ryuki and he had longish, dark hair, with steel-grey eyes and was wearing glasses. 'Namade... Who's that with you? Is that the new recruit that the Captain was talking about?

'I don't know who the Captain was talking about before. I've been out for most of the day, doing errands and I was watching my brother graduate.'

The Lieutenant sighed. 'Then I'll explain. One of the recruits was good enough to be enlisted straight as an officer. tu remember how 10th asiento Kusanaka was killed during that last skirmish against the Hollows? Well, this guy is replacing him. At least, if this is the right guy... Hey, is your name Ryuki Abarai?'

Ryuki nodded. 'Yeah... So, I really am being made an officer, then?'

'That's right. The fact that tu already have a Shikai is enough to give tu that right... Not many come out of Academy with a Shikai... In fact, it hasn't happened since the Head Captain graduated from there, around 2,000 years ago... Yeah, Head Captain Hitsugaya was a prodigy... Seems like tu might be of the same kind of calibre.'

'As the Head Captain...? I doubt that. They say he's the most powerful Shinigami alive. I doubt I could ever parte superior, arriba that.'

'You might be surprised. Anyway, I have to take tu to the Captain... Namade, I'll catch up with tu later, no doubt. I believe the Captain wanted tu to wait around and mostrar Abarai around the barracks, and such. So, tu should probably just hang around here for a bit and we'll be back once the Captain has dicho his piece.'

'Yes, Lieutentant. I'll be around here, then. See tu guys soon.'

The Lieutenant led Ryuki through the corridor and then up a flight of stairs. At the top, he pointed to a door at the end, then they walked down towards it. He knocked on the door, while Ryuki stood there, feeling nervous as heck. Finally, a voice told them to come in, so the Lieutenant opened the door and bowed to the person in the asiento por the desk. Ryuki nervously looked around, then followed the Lieutenant's example and bowing to the Captain.

'You're late. Oh well, I guess that couldn't be helped. If Namade hadn't found you, tu would have been even más late. So, tu are Ryuki Abarai, I presume?'

'Yes, sir.'

'Well, then the Lieutenant has probably already explained to tu about the arrangements we have made... So, tu will appointed as the 10th asiento to this squad, since tu are powerful enough to have gained a Shikai already. Not many ever come that far from the Shino Academy... Of course, I'm sure tu were told about the Head Captain, also. Anyway, I'm Captain Kuchiki... Don't be fooled, I'm not usually this talkative... I just happen to be in a good mood. Now, tu can disappear... Namade will be mostrando around.'

-Two Weeks Later-

'Hey, Ryuki!'

Ryuki turned around and saw 5th asiento Namade heading in his direction. He waited until the other man had reached him.

'What is it, Fujioka?'

Namade grinned. 'You have been selected to come on a mission with us. There are some powerful Hollows attacking a village near the outskirts of the Soul Society... It is close to the forest. Anyway, I am leading this mission and I decided that I would like tu to come with us and be my adjutant while we're away. How does that sound?'

Ryuki nodded his head vigorously. 'Yeah! That sounds good. I'd like to get a chance to have a battle... I haven't really done much since I finished at the Academy.'

'Great. We're leaving in about an hour. So, be waiting outside the barracks then and then we'll get going. See tu soon!'
added by peteandco
Source: zerochan
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Tentaisenkō (Celestial Flash)
#: 22
Incantation: Gather the feelings and ready to fight! registrarse them powerfully with its might! Fill the darkness with the light!
Description: The user tightly clasps their hands together and then releases a flash of exceedingly blinding bright white light from their entire body; the flash of light can also be restricted to be emitted from just the user’s hands. The flash of light lasts for just over a second; the duration is longer if the incantation is used. The user’s vision is unaffected por the bright light while this spell is used.

Sanka Kashi (Three...
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to al my bleach fans
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added by Lisseth
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added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
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added by unohana