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posted by blackpanther666
(Raijin strolls through the trees, noting that a batlle had taken place here recently, though he wasn't sure what kind of battle it had been; whether it had involved the Radicals, o the Shinigami. Raijin had heard from Gaishima and Shishira that the Shinigami had exiled some Shinigami, o pseudo-Shinigami, whatever they were. Apparently Captain Chevalier had been among them, somewhat harsh, considering the loss of her Vice-Captain, Acelin, during the Hueco Mundo battle. Raijin stops suddenly, noticing a block of ice, which is slowly melting. There is a shape hidden among the fractured pieces and shards, one that resembles someone Raijin had been interested in meeting once more. Suddenly, the shape begins to struggle, then, with a upsurge of reiatsu, the shape burst free from the ice, shattering large pieces and sending shards flying everywhere. The was of the Vasto Lordes that had killed Renji. He looks slightly different, though, noting that his hair is different and he is only wearing half a mask.)

'You! I'll kill you!'

(Raijin jumps into the air, being followed por the Vasto Lordes. Raijin stops and stands firm, his reiatsu beginning to rise slowly, but surely. The Vasto Lordes looks at him and roars loudly, the steam from his hitting the cold air around them. Raijin glares at him, but keeps his temper in check.)

'Who are you?!'

Raijin stares, stunned. 'You seem different from the last time we met... What has changed?'

'Aizen experimented on me. That bastard! I used to pity him, but now I absolutely hate him. Him and his foolish stooge, the former Shinigami! tu know, it almost saddens me that I killed Renji, but I simply don't care anymore, I'm going to destroy everything!'

Raijin stares back in disgust. 'So tu just give up, do you? tu have Arrancar powers, that I can see now, but, if tu were once a Shinigami, then tu should be using those powers to protect the people tu care about. Instead, tu killed one person that tu used to care about. tu make me sick! I'm going to rid the world of your presence....'

'If tu can... I'm not THAT weak, though.'

'Shut up, tu freakin' bastard! tu killed one of the few people I have ever had respect for, in my life, now you're gonna pay!'

(Raijin's reiatsu reaches boiling point and erupts in a violent flash of grey and yellow light, sweeping through everything around them and blowing viciously at Ichigo, whom Raijin had no doubt it was, pushing him backwards. Then Raijin leaps forward, almost half way through, he shunpos skillfully, slashing into the Arrancar's arm, then disappearing and renewing the attack from behind. Ichigo turns swiftly, catching the strike with his own Zanpakuto and deflecting it, then forces his own attack. Raijin snarls and flings the large, cleaver-like blade away and slices into the Arrancar's shoulder, his rage fuelling his power and concentration, and his desire for revenge. Ichigo howls in pain and swings his blade at Raijin, releasing a blue/black blast from the blade of the Zanpakuto, which careens at Raijin. Raijin snorts and holds his Zanpakuto in front of him, preparing to take the blast and block it with his Zanpakuto. The blast smashes into him and Ajisukita, pushing him backwards and then explodes into splinters of energy, burning him slightly and cutting into his arm. He doesn't feel the pain, instead he points his Zanpakuto at Ichigo.)

'Strike from the thunderous realms above, Ajisukita!' Raijin glows with a faint, grey aura around his body and his Zanpakuto flares yellow, spewing smoke everywhere and obscuring him from sight. The Zanpakuto lengthens and forms his Shikai, then two yellow bursts of energy surge forward, striking Ichigo, before he can move. Up above, the skies begin to nube over, with light-grey clouds and it begins to drizzle. A low rumble of thunder alerts Raijin to the appearance of his Zanpakuto's special ability, the ability to manipulate the weather and cause a small thunder-storm. Gradually lightning begins to strike at Ichigo, who avoids the bolts with ease.

'You can't run forever! Hiraishin!' Raijin's Zanpakuto begins to absorb lightning energy and it glows blue, until Raijin pulls it away. He holds it up in front of him, shunpos, and slashes Ichigo through the stomach.


(The explosion was massive. During his 'training' with Hageshii Raikouarashi, Raijin had learned that a Haretsu attack would be strengthened por Hiraishin in Shikai, but not in Bankai. This made Raijin feel más confident, while in Shikai, so he didn't always have to rely on his Bankai, though he could foresee having to use his Bankai this time, considering the other hadn't even released his Resurrec-... 'Pierce the heavens, Tensa Zangetsu!!!' Everything around them exploded in a large wave of red and black and Ichigo stood before him, all injuries gone and a long, sleek black Zanpakuto held out in front of him. Raijin stood with anticipation, awaiting the coming storm. Ichigo suddenly disappeared, cutting through Raijin's arm, before he could even mover and then came back again, slamming his head into the ground.)

(Raijin slammed into the ground, his shoulder spraying small amounts of blood and his head feeling half-crushed. It was time to use his true Bankai and not the fake one. Raijin stood up shakily, his head feeling sore, but mostly fine. It was time to mostrar this Arrancar his true mettle and finally exact his revenge upon the one who had killed his friend. He hoped Renji would have understood what the death of Ichigo Kurosaki would mean, once it had occured. If the other man was alive, Ichigo would probably have lived to see another day, but this time, he simply needed to be terminated, before he killed someone else, who didn't deserve to die. Ichigo, in his Resurrecion form, was almost as powerful as Raiden had been at 100% power, something that Raijin was not too fond of facing... However, it needed to be done, so be done it would.)

'This is my true Bankai, one that I had to fight to the death and test every inch of my strength to obtain. I faced off against Gods and sat, rotting, in a prison cell, learning this, so tu better be prepared... Bankai!'

(A bright flaring of grey reiatsu, accompanied por tendrils and swirls of blue and yellow burst high into the air, strking the light-grey clouds and scattering them, revealing a small patch of dark-blue skies, riddled with stars, twinkling brightly. The reiatsu then falls and scatters drops of yellow pieces of reiatsu and it begins to pur with rain, while the light-grey clouds begin to darken distinctively and thunder rumbled, even closer than previous, while lightning begins to strike at a much greater rate, hitting the taller sands and exploding, sending sprays of sand flying everywhere. Ichigo Sonidos, avoiding any bolts of lightning striking at him, while Raijin assumes his Bankai release.)

You, Raijin, have been mislead, por Ajisukita... It may not have been intentional on his part, but it happened, nonetheless. tu see, what tu thought was your Bankai, was a dulled down version, that Ajisukita had allowed tu obtain. Because tu planned to learn your Bankai in such short time, he had no choice, but to only allow tu half of the true power your Bankai holds. Not only that, but the two abilities, Inazuma Keigo and Inazuma Shasai, were fakes... deisgned to hold your attention. These abilities, while tu could attempt to use them, will do tu no favors. Your true set of abilities are far más complex, but we simply don't have the time to go over them. Instead, tu will find that tu can use the energy, derived from pure lightning itself, in any way tu see fit. That is your true special ability.

'This is my true Bankai. It looks no different, but my power is light years ahead of what it used to be. I think you'll find yourself outmatched now...'

(Raijin disappeared, his sword slid into Ichigo's side, going right through and coming out the other side. Blood dripped off the end of his Zanpakuto. Raijin pulled the blade out and vanished. Ichigo roared and his reiatsu flared violently.)

'Getsuga Tensho!'

(A massive wave of energy left his Zanpakuto and bulled towards Raijin, who had just reappeared. Raijin snorted and raised his Zanpakuto, drawing a large line of yellow energy, with blue sparkling through it. Then he pulled his arm back released it, sending it smashing into Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho and crushing it, causing a violent explosion of all four colours: red, black, yellow and blue. Raijin shunpos, reaching Ichigo and cut into his chest, then jumped back, avoiding the black Zanpakuto and then parried the siguiente strikes, until Ichigo stopped to breathe.)

'You have gotten stronger... But, its not quite enough. Cero Getsuga Tensho!'

(A ball of the same black and red energy formed from Ichigo's horns and then was released in a beam, that was almost as large as the wave of energy from the Getsuga Tensho, but was much faster and más accurate. Raijin took the blast head-on and it exploded around him, leaving him obscured from view. Once the smoke cleared, Raijin stood there, his grey robes smoking, but he was otherwise unharmed.)


Raijin rolled his eyes. 'You didn't really expect that to hurt me, did you? tu know, if I had taken that blast, without putting up a shield of reiatsu and lightning energy, I think I might have actually taken some serious damage. But, my ability allows me to use lightning energy for whatever purpose I wish. I can manipulate any amount of lightning energy, from the stormy weather I create, when my Bankai is first released. tu have reached your as an Arrancar and now it is my turn to mostrar you, one of my most useful techniques against your kind.'

(Raijin shunpoed into the air and stood still, as he began to charge his final ability. A ball of yellow energy, with blue sparks, and a grey outline, began to form, spiralling madly and flaring slightly. Raijin shunpos again, about ten meters in front of Ichigo and then released the blast of energy, which was even más massive than the wave of energy released from the Getsuga Tensho, o the Cero Ichigo used. It engulfed Ichigo and exploded, sweeping backwards in a huge wave of destruction. When it had finally all cleared away, Ichigo was seen, scrambling on the ground, his arms covered in burn marks and blood dripping from most parts of his body. Part of his mask had shattered, leaving a part of his face to see, but with blood dripping down, covering the scuff marks he had sustained. He was no longer in his released form, instead, the blast had caused a problem with the connection between his mind and his soul, causing it to sello itself, back to the original form.)

'It is over...'

(Raijin shunpoed, and cut Ichigo, from the parte superior, arriba of his chest, to his stomach. Blood splurted out, splattering all over the ground, in ribbons. Ichigo fell backwards, collapsing onto his back.)

'I-i ca-can't believe, that i-it is over-'

(Ichigo's eyes lost their colour and his head slumped. Gradually, his body began to melt away and turn into ash, then blown away por the sudden wind. Raijin sealed his Zanpakuto and his Bankai disappeared and the night sky of Hueco Mundo came back into view.)

-I'm sorry, Renji, but I had no choice. He had been turned into a monster por Aizen and he had to die, so that others wouldn't become his victims. I miss you, my friend, I wonder what tu are doing right now and where tu are. Aizen! When all of this is over, I'm going carve Renji's name, and all of the souls tu have corrupted, into your body, then sello tu away forever, tu bastard! I hope tu rot somewhere... Cursed man!-
I shield my eyes from the blinding sun that seeks out of the window blinds. As I try to regain focus, I kicked off the toasty covers and dragged myself to grab my school uniform from my crammed up closet. As I fuss with the clothes and started putting on my shoes I look up the time on my muro and knew immediately that I was late for school.
Without thinking I put on my clothes as fast as I could, took out some of my red frijol, haba paste, and ran outside my house to the schools gates. I looked for any signs of hall monitors down the hall and quickly found my classroom. As I reached for the doorknob...
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