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 inicial again Blair?
Home again Blair?
Chair Tales S02E04 - The Art of the Deal

In Manhattan.
The D.A.Y group are on an open parte superior, arriba bus tour of Manhattan. They have just left the bus for lunch.
Blair and Zane are talking.

B: I miss this....i know it isn't where i lived but its not too far from the Upper East Side!
Z: The Upper East Side....i've heard all the stories...
B: What stories!?
Z: tu know...the rich guys, stuck up girls...
B: (whacks him with her handbag, he laughs) Oi! I was an Upper East Side girl! We weren't that bad!
Z: (laughs) Well what were tu then? Cool o uncool?
B: I was pretty popular.
Z: how popular....Queen B popular?
B: (looks at him and smiles) well....
Z: Oh were parte superior, arriba of the comida chain right?
B: Pretty much. (she laughs)
Z: Well....i always thought tu had a swagger about you!
B: (smiles) I'll take that as a compliment!
Z: Well it was (he puts his arm around her)
B: In fact i was the queen B. (manages to release herself from his arm) and Chuck...he was my equal. (she laughs)
Z: Well tu know what they say...equals repel. it's opposites that attract.
B: Maybe when your talking about magnets...but not real people. (she giggles) Me and was like fighting fuego with fire...and that always works!
Z: Well not always, take a look at Australia!
B: Well we're in America. I know that me and Chuck wont have the perfect life....but any life with him would be good enough for me.
Z: If only he felt the same way...anyway...why dont we do something do our own thing?
B: ummmm....what do tu mean?
Z: Leave the group can take me to the Upper East me where tu once lived?
B: I dont know....what if we get in to trouble?
Z: we'll say we got's no big deal!
B: Well i guess i could go back home....i could visit mother and Dorota!
Z: Dorota? Is that like your pet o something?
B: (laughs) Something like that...

They trail off unnoticed por the rest of the group and catch a taxi to Upper East Manhattan.

* * * * * * *


Chuck has hired a private investigator to find out how he lost the sponsorship deal. He tells the P.I to take a lead on Bart bajo and see if he had anything to do with it.
Chuck also thinks up a way to raise some money for the time being. He knows the only people he can trust are his only friends, so he decides to go to Serena for help.

At Serena and Dan's house.
Dan is home, but Serena isn't, she is due to return form a shopping trip so Dan lets Chuck wait for her.

D: So what do tu need to talk to her about?
C: Ummm...nothing really....just personal stuff....Blair related.
D: Oh....Blair's on that West Side trip aint she?
C: Yeah...she's been gone since the weekend.
D: Bet your having a great time! I know i and Serena finally have some peace and quite!
C: hola thats my girl your making fun of!
D: Well tu have to admit she can be a handful! In fact Serena actually needed her today...she's had a lot of wedding planning to do and she doesn't want my help....thats why she's out today...i know the wedding is ages away but she thinks she has lots to do...she's been running around all over the place...
C: Really? So the wedding plans are going well then?
D: I think we're going to build up to it so much with all her formal announcements and parties that people will be too worn out por the time the wedding día comes. Personally i dont get why she'd want to spend so much money on pre-wedding a bit superstitious!
C: Oh...she's been raiding the bank then?
D: Constantly. I told her to make sure she leaves enough for the wedding dress!
C: (forces a laugh) Well...ummm...seeing as she's probably got enough on her plate...i think i'll come see her another time.
D: Are tu sure tu dont want to wait?
C: Nah, i'll come another time, tell her i dicho hi.

Chuck leaves Serena and Dan's house feeling as though his only option was now out of question. There was no way he could ask Serena for money when she was busy with her wedding arrangements, she would need the money herself and he didnt want to worry her with his money troubles and put such a burden on her. He had no other options left and he needed some money fast.

* * * * * * *

It's early afternoon and Blair has been mostrando Zane around the Upper East Side, taking him past her school and mostrando him Chuck's old club Victrola, a lot of her tour involved mostrando him places that were significant to her and Chuck, much to Zane's dismay. He wasn't interested in Blair and Chuck, he was just interested in Blair.
They eventually arrive at their final destination, Blair's house. She rings the door campana and Dorota answers, she is shocked when she see's Blair at the door and greets her with a big hug, Blair is ecstatic.

B: Dorota!
Dt: Miss. Blair! tu are home! It's been a while!
B: Months!
Dt: Yes, how are you?
B: Im fine....(looks at Zane) ummm dorota, this is a friend of mine, Zane Mayer, Zane this is Dorota.
Z: (Shakes Dorotas hand) Nice to meet tu Dorota.
Dt: tu too, come inside both of you.
Z: (whispers to Blair) So this is the pet?
B: (giggles) She's my maid and nanny...she was like a big sister to me!
Z: Right.

Eleanor also arrives and greets Blair and introduces herself to Zane. Dorota is asked por Eleanor to take Zane to the Lounge while her and Blair catch up.

B: So, hows the business going?
E: As good as always. I have a new line coming out in The Netherlands siguiente week so i'll be going there siguiente week to endorse my looking adelante, hacia adelante to it.
B: Congratulations mother.
E: Oh, well what do expect...hard work always pays off....anyway...where's Chuck. o have tu moved on?
B: Mother! Me and Chuck are...perfectly fine.
E: So who is this Zane boy....i hope your upholding the Waldorf reputation.
B: What! If tu must know he is just a friend....we're in a play together and we're only here because we were on a trip with the D.A.Y.
E: Well hopefully that's all he is....just a friend.

They registrarse Zane who is patiently waiting for them. They sit and continue to talk.

* * * * * * *

In New Haven.
Chuck is in his office...he has been contacting a few old friends and finds one contact whom he thinks maybe able to help him. He is about to contact him when he receives a call from his father.

Phone call.

C: Father...
Bt: Is there anything that you'd like to tell me Charles.
C: (worried) What are tu talking about?
Bt: Im talking about a major sponsorship deal that has gone up in flames. The same deal tu were bragging about a few weeks back.
C: I....i dont know what happened.
Bt: What happened is tu messed up Charles...i've looked into it messing up this deal you've damaged the reputation of the business...other patrocinadores will be reluctant to collaborate with us knowing that we were refused por such a profound establishment.
C: There was a higher's not like there's anything wrong with our business....they just found a better deal.
Bt: Thats not the point....look Charles....i've dado tu so many chances....i've bent over backwards to try and make this can i rely on tu to fix this....i cant take any más risks.
C: I have other finding the investment we need...just give me a few days....thats all i ask...dont pull the plug on this just yet...
Bt: (he sighs) I cant keep cleaning up your mess Charles.
C: Im not asking tu to....all i need is a few days...thats all.
Bt: (short silence) fine....but tu better find a way of getting some money to survive the coming months as well as finding a new sponsor.
C: Ok...Randy is already in contact with potential sponsors....and im looking for some extra funds for until we get a new sponsor....
Bt: I'll be expecting results within the week.
C: fine....thank you.
Bt: Dont let me down again Charles o its over. (he hangs up)
C: ......Bye.

Chuck thinks for a moment before picking up his phone and calling an old friend.

C: Hi...H.G?
H.G: Who is this?
C: Im Chuck Bass.
H.G: Chuck? Oh tu doing old friend?
C: Im doing fine...i was tu know...
H.G: Yeah man i still want some gear?
C: I was thinking más of helping tu out....for a cut.
H.G: tu wanna deal for me? called just at the right time...i have a big deal coming up this week....i needed a New Yorker to take the lead for'll be perfect for this.
C: When do tu need me?
H.G: All's a big one.
C: Well I need big much is the job worth.
H.G: Enough to get tu a decent house and a few cars.
C: Well luckily i have already have a house and a car.
H.G: Well then your going to need big pockets.
C: Sounds like just what i need.
H.G: I'm going to text tu a meeting time and place. Be there. Speak to tu soon. (he hangs up)

Chuck puts his phone down and then sips some of his scotch. Drugs was the last thing he wanted to get involved with, but he knew it would get him the money he needed as fast as he needed. He would just do this one deal and his money problems would be over for a long time until he found a new sponsor.

* * * * * * *

It's late afternoon at the Waldorf house. Eleanor has taken a liking to Zane who has been trying extra hard to impress her. Blair hasn't noticed his keenness to make a good impression and just thinks he's being nice.

Eleanor and Blair are in the cocina after dinner.

E: So i can see why tu like this boy, he is very nice.
B: Yeah, he's nice....he's a good friend to me too.
E: Yes, i can see why.
B: What do tu mean?
E: two seem.....close.
B: Like i said, we're good friends....and we're the lead in the play...we have to be good friends!
E: Yes, West Side Story....kind of appropriate. What does Charles think?
B: Ummm...he's fine with it.
E: Really? I cant imagine him being fine with tu sharing a kiss with another man, regardless of it being an on screen kiss.
B: Umm...well, he doesn't exactly know what the play is....
E: What? tu mean he doesnt know having to do West Side Story? Why havent tu told him?
B: Well, he's not really interested in that sort of stuff....and he doesnt know about me being friends with Zane please dont ever mention today to him, o Zane for that matter.
E: Why do tu have something to hide? tu know tu shouldn't keep secrets!
B: I dont have anything to hide, i just know how paranoid and protective he can be....i dont want him to be suspicious of me...what he doesn't know cant hurt him! And im not doing anything wrong! I amor Chuck and would never do anything to hurt him.
E: Well as long as tu dont hurt your self that's all that matters. tu know how i feel about Charles Bass....if tu ask me...this Zane guy is much better.
B: Mother please! Your going to have to accept Chuck one day...I amor him and we're always going to be together!
E: (sighs) Blair...when are tu going to grow out of tu obsessive know he's no good for you.
B: Im not having this conversation mother...
E: Why because tu can never admit your wrong? think of all the destruction he's himself to tu and us as a family!
B: What family! tu locked me up mother! He was the only one who accepted me for who i am!
E: tu weren't locked up Blair! I was getting tu the help tu needed...he was the reason tu ended up in that bad state!
B: It's in the past mother! Im over it! Get over it too! And tu talk about family as if tu ever cared for me! Where were tu when i was sick! All tu cared about was our reputation! It's your fault that id learned to keep it all locked up inside of me...Chuck taught me how to be open and honest with myself!
E: Oh, like your being honest now? About Zane? About this stupid play? Your keeping secrets'll never learn.

Eleanor storms off leaving Blair on her own. Eventually Blair walks back to Zane and tells him they are leaving, she wishes Dorota goodbye and they both leave, to return to their hotel and registrarse with the group again. They would be returning inicial to New Haven that night.

* * * * * * *

Chuck's P.I has arranged to meet with Chuck that night, as he claims to have already found out why the sponsorship deal fell through.
It is past midnight and Blair has returned inicial to an empty house. She has no idea where Chuck is and is reluctant to call him. After unpacking her things she goes to cama instead.

Meanwhile, Chuck is in his office waiting for the P.I to turn up. He arrives.

C: Well What have tu found?
P.I: tu were right. As soon as i pursued your father i almost immediately found what tu were looking ofr.
C: (looks away) It was him...
P.I: Yes, he set up the sponsorship deal in the first place....made tu conveniently catch their eye, they approached tu with the deal right?
C: Yes.
P.I: And then he conveniently made the deal fall through. I had someone on the inside tell me he was testing the business owner. You. Its as simple as that.
C: (looks out of the window) thank you. Thats all. tu can go now. You'll receive your final payment tomorrow.

The P.I makes his way out. Chuck is distraught, although it didn't come as much of a shock, his suspicions were correct, his father set him up, there was nothing he could do.
Chuck wanted to call Bart there and then and tell him that he knew everything, but he knew that it wouldn't change anything. He needed the business, he couldn't defy his father, because at the end of the día he needed him. He would have to concede on this occasion, let his father get away with it.
It made him sick that his father could do something so evil but he felt so helpless that there wasn't anything he could do about it, he'd just have to carry on as normal, get the money por the end of the week and prove to his father that he had potential.

Chuck returns inicial that night, it's around 2am when he finally gets home. He heads straight into the bedroom and is shocked to find Blair fast asleep in their bed. He freezes before walking towards her and kneeling down por the cama side siguiente to her, he smiles and strokes her face. he'd missed her so much, he wished that he could just wake her up and tell her everything, just hold her and have her kiss him and tell him that everything would be ok. He wished he could just lie siguiente to her and cry in her arms, knowing that he had her and that nothing else mattered. Instead he let a few tears run down his face before getting back up and leaving the room. He felt out of place....he couldn't let her see him in this state...he had to get away from her. He leaves the house and decides to go back to his office, he could stay there until he was ready to face her again.


siguiente episode will b up Friday...
 Lonely Boy
Lonely Boy
Credit; ChuckBlairLuvA
gossip girl
chuck bajo
blair waldorf
ed westwick
leighton meester
Blair and Chuck have ear sex!!
added by Slayerfest93
Source: fuckyeahchairandleighted.tumblr.
added by Slayerfest93
Source: fuckyeahchairandleighted.tumblr.
added by laurik2007
Source: packageofgirlyevil at tumblr
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Source: issa @ fanforum
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Source: tumblr
added by waldorf
Source: made por me
added by ilibrucasOTH
Source: 750 x 376
added by mcewen_girl
added by HadMeUntilTroll
Source: me!
added by atomicseasoning

We’re still in a pit of despair after watching Chuck and Blair have their happiness (yet again) snatched away from them in the fall finale of Gossip Girl and the siguiente episode (5 weeks from now! :O!) is looking like it just might be the most depressing episode in the history of the mostrar which is saying a lot. Poor Chuck has had enough pain and we thought we would take this opportunity to celebrate His Majestic Amazingness in order to cheer ourselves up. In case tu were unaware, we here at cosmiclovecb hail from the land of Chuckistan. We dunncurr what haters say. We couldn’t be more...
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"The way we viewed it, I think it's very clear that Blair is not afraid in those moments, for herself. They have a volatile relationship, they always have, but I do not believe—or I should say we do not believe—that it is abuse when it's the two of them. Chuck does not try to hurt Blair. He punches the glass because he has rage, but he has never, and will never, hurt Blair. He knows it and she knows it, and I feel it's very important to know that she is not scared—if anything, she is scared for Chuck—and what he might do to himself, but she is never afraid of what he might do to her....
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Hey hola readers! Guess what…..It's AN EPILOGUE!

WOW I know….it's been ages…I usually never take so long to update a story but I had trouble thinking of an appropriate way to end the story!

I know since I've taken so long, I kind of forgot how to write this story….so sorry if the escritura style o the mood doesn't fit in with the rest of the fic!

It's in two parts…because it was so long, the siguiente part will be publicado tomorrow o the día after…


"Do tu think she'll get angry with me daddy?" asked 5 año old Eliza Waldorf-Bass, pulling her father down por the collar to whisper...
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It was the first día of filming for season four of Gossip Girl, Leighton and Ed were happy together still and had moved into their inicial and had almost finished decorating it. The cast had become closer again but weren’t best friends, and Leighton didn’t think they ever would be.

Ed and Leighton had just finished filming a scene as Chuck and Blair outside NYU and were now walking back to their trailers to get changed as it was the end of the day, the paparazzi were still eager to get pictures of them together so they didn’t hold hands o weren’t intimate outdoors, they were only intimate...
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 Let there be Blood...
Let there be Blood...
Chair Tales S02E14- The Waldorf Redemption

.... Continued from last episode...

Chuck's car stops on the driveway. He climbs out of the car. Every kilometre he drove made him even angrier, thinking about what she had done...the lies, the cheating...

He takes out his keys and opens the door. He walks into the lounge and finds her sitting there watching the TV, all smug and happy. It made him sick. How could she just sit under his roof with such a big smile on her face whilst she was pregnant with another guys baby.

B: Chuck, where were you? I only got back a while ago, i thought you'd be home. (she...
continue reading...