Ben 10 Supremacía Alienígena Club
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posted by MOFOprincess
Okay, I freaking loved the huge muscular guy in short shorts. That más than made my week. He had a curvy mustache too! He made my life complete. The crazy guy with the mohawk who was named Buzz, I noticed that he had Ben’s voice. So they used Yuri Lowenthal for another character and thought they would get away with it? No; I noticed. I know its low budget, but c’mon.
So this episode is another one about the group of aliens that Aggregor is after. This time, it’s one of the aggressive aliens named Pandor. He hires people to break him out of the suit that is restraining him from using his powers to their full potential. And Kevin shows up to open the suit! This was almost surprising, but he hasn’t really stopped his illegal ways. When Gwen dicho that he changed, all the way back in Alien Force, she was kind of right. He didn’t hate Ben and them anymore, but he still has always kept trading illegal tech and who knows what else. He has only changed so much; he doesn’t do severe illegal crimes, but I’m just saying that he should be careful o he may lose his Plumber badge.
After the theme, Ben and Gwen were talking about Jimmy; the boy who found Ben’s secret. Then they pregunta where Kevin is, and Gwen says it isn’t like him not to call.
Gwen: “I mean not to call me.”
Back at the warehouse, Kevin absorbs teganite to break the shield. Kevin wasn’t stupid though, so he didn’t follow through because he is a smart businessman. That didn’t go over well with Pandor, so Pandor got the henchmen to attack Kevin for money. Kevin escaped though, and Gwen and Ben showed up. Kevin admitted what he was doing and who he found, and Ben was a little bit mad at him. Gwen tracked down the henchman; whoever last touched Kevin’s case.
When the team found them, Gwen and Kevin had different ideas of what to do with Pandor; get him out of the suit, o keep him in. Gwen stopped Kevin from attacking with a shield of energy and when Kevin broke through it, I just have to note that it seemed like she let him. I think she was getting that he was having a bit of a hissy fit.
Gwen continued to try and help the alien, and it looked like she was going to remove the armor but she wasn’t. Kevin shoved her down so she fell (douche move) but she was just lectura how the armor worked. Then, Pandor hit Gwen and Kevin got really mad and attacked him. Finally, Ben did something and turned into Humongasaur, then Ultimate Humongasaur. He isn’t afraid of U. Humongasaur anymore. Ben was holding up part of the building and/or a bolder, and a rock fell on Kevin’s head. Kevin immediately forgave Ben because he wanted to be forgiven for the business with Pandor. While Ben is still holding the rock/building, Gwen and Kevin start arguing.
Ben: “Uh, guys? I’m getting a cramp here!”
Kevin welds the rock while he and Gwen are still arguing. Gwen dropped him on purpose because he dicho something that she didn’t want to hear, and Kevin walks off. This is where I got mad, because Kevin cannot just walk off. He should be done with that. He did that a long time hace in the episode “Kevin’s Big Score” and him walking off again now shows that he hasn’t changed that much. por now he should have figured out who he is and what he wants. He can’t be a Plumber doing Con things.
Now, the henchmen and Pandor track down Kevin and they find him on the road and attack. I think this scene should have shown a bit más of Kevin when he was in the car trying to lose them. I freaked out when Kevin’s car rolled though.
Me: “Kevie! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh is he okay?! tu people can’t just roll his car! Ohhh!”
I freaked worse than Gwen would. I think I was in a freak mood. Next, they all surround Kevin and start taunting him. They say degrading comentarios and use many insulting words like “stupid.” They also call him a freak, which right then, I felt really bad for Kevin. tu could call him any insult, A-N-Y insult, and he could take it, but when tu call him a freak-that’s the worst. His family kicked him out when he was young because they thought his powers made him a freak. That gang in NYC way back when called him a freak constantly. Everyone called him a freak. If tu watch the original Ben 10 episodes, tu can see how badly it gets to him.
He was pushed to the limit, so he absorbed the teganite and attacked the henchmen, but Pandor stepped in the way.
Pandor: “Also, you’re stupid enough to do that.”
Pandor was released from the armor.
Kevin’s powers this episode are new. He has learned a few new things, and right after this incident he changed back to human in a different way. The teganite just seemed to fade away. Ben and Gwen come and are worried for Kevin. Gwen asked him if he was okay and he thought she was mad at him. But how could she stay mad at him for long? Ben was just worried that he would do something stupid, and with Pandor flying around, it was clear that he did.
Gwen tried to talk to Pandor even though her badge was saying he was harmful. She knew he was harmful to humans, but she didn’t want to give up. Ben couldn’t help right away, but he was scanning Pandor. That seems like a fluke to the watch. It was an emergency but Ben couldn’t use the Ultimatrix. That is dangerous.
The scan made Pandor angry and he shot and hit Gwen. I thought she was dead, and Ben flew her to Kevin and there was the biggest Gwevin moment ever.
Kevin held her in his arms. “Gwen!” Gwen moved a bit, mostrando she was alive and okay. “Oh don’t ever do that.”
That doesn’t seem like much, but I think it proved so much. I have been questioning whether they amor each other, and this proved that Kevin really does amor Gwen. I now believe that its amor that they have. It doesn’t have to be dicho on the show; it just had to be shown and this little scene convinced me that it really is true love.
Afterwards, Gwen and Kevin see the destruction Pandor is causing and Gwen asks Kevin to say ‘I told tu so.’ Kevin then is so sweet and dicho that he won’t say that and he admitted that Gwen was usually always right. AW!
Ben follows Pandor as Jetray and tries to figure out a plan.
Ben: “What would Gwen do? Make friends with him. Ah that’s stupid.”
Ben turned into Bivalvan and tried to talk things out and get Pandor to go home, but that wasn’t working so Ben attacked. This was happening at a power plant, and all the human workers ran out because the readings for radioactivity were so high. Ben tried to freeze Pandor as Big Chill, but he just melted the ice away. Gwen and Kevin try to get him back in the armor, but it’s easier dicho than done and they can’t. Kevin is exceptionally smart this episode, and throws the suit at Pandor because he knows it can touch him.
Pandor feeds off the fuente and más Gwevin happens. Kevin tells Gwen to get out and he knows that she can do it but she isn’t protected like him and Ben. Aw! He cares about her so much. And loves her!
Pandor eats and gets very huge, and Gwen goes to an observing room. She figured a plan out and told Ben and Kevin what to do, and she only knew what to do because she is incredibly smart. Kevin needed to absorb the rods on parte superior, arriba of the source, and I didn’t know why he unabsorbed the armor metal before he was at the rods. I was scared for his safety because he got rid of his protection before he went to the rods. Kevin was okay though and he put his arms in Pandor and somehow took the energy from Pandor and Pandor gradually shrunk. Ben went Cannonbolt, then went Ultimate and rolled up Kevin, Pandor, and the armor. He rolled around a bit, and when Ben released them, Kevin had absorbed the armor and morphed it around Pandor. Maybe during that scene they could have showed a segundo of what Gwen was up to in the room, but they didn’t have to. It was okay how it was.
Lastly, the Plumbers take Pandor, but as expected Aggregor finds them in el espacio and invades their ship. He takes it on board his and takes back Pandor.
So all in all I really liked this episode. It was full of action and went with the new storyline, and had excellent amounts of much needed Gwevin. I think that maybe the episodes are in a bad order; they have a lot of the Aggregor alien episodes all really early on. They could have spaced them out más to last through the season in a más organized way, because the team just has two más of Aggregor’s aliens to rescue and the finale which I’m assuming is a fight with Aggregor. But, however they want to do it is probably okay. Change it up; be unorganized because every other T.V. mostrar is super strict when it comes to lining up episodes. I’m thinking the mostrar is very good so far, but they could have explained más of Ben’s past in the premiere so that new viewers would know what was going on. That is all. Bye.
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