Alice.Acores Club
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One dark day,Brianna and Shadow were going out to see awesome o totally missions but they saw a strange house in the middle of the forest..It was cover with araña webs all over the windows,broke and shaddered glass in the graveyard,skeltons por the grave and mice wondering around the ground and all old and bad-smelly.They decide to go in and what is inside.
Shadow:*Looks at Brianna and blushes.Grabs Brianna and starts to head inside*Lets go Brianna,U might like it though!>:)
Shadow:hhhmmm nothing so far
Brianna:Yuck they dont know how to keep a house clean!
Brianna:....*Looks around*hhmmm looks familiar..*Grabs a foto and sees Musa in it*Musa!?!?!?!
Shadow:What? Musa is not here...shes died!
Brianna:Wait what the heck,She leave in this stupid House?!?
Shadow:No,Musa doesnt live here,What are u talking about?
Brianna:This Photo...SEE!!*Shows it to Shadow*
Shadow:I dont see Musa here,I only see a chair and thats it
Brianna:What!?!?*Takes it back* BUt it was fucking there!
shadow:Come on,Lets check upstiars*Heads up*
Brianna:Hhmmm*Stares at the photo*I swear I saw her* Stares at it longer and Musa scares BRianna in a pop out boogie*AAAHHHHHHH HOLY SHIT!!!*Drops the foto and heads upstiars*Shadow!! SHE IS FUCKING ALIVE!!!!!
Brianna:Uh Nothing!
Shadow:okay...*Keeps walking and feels something* Brianna dont lick me while Im walking..
Brianna:Fine..wait what?*Sees Musa lick shadow Neck*Um shadow..
MusaGhost:*giggles quiet*Sha.....dddooowwwww....*Licks his neck again*
Shadow:Brianna...U want to have fun now!?!?
Brianna:Wait..its not me...*Wish it was*

To be countied....XD