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posted by KawaeiRicchan
'And Cut!' the staff applaud to the young actress standing on stage. She bowed to the director and crew and thanked them for their hard work. In return she was dado a bouquet of flowers. She smiled and thanked them once again as she slowly walked off the stage and out of the building.
She walked towards the camioneta, van her manager was in, 'You did a grate job today' he dicho as she slowly made her way inside. The driver looked back at her as she shut the door and sat siguiente to her joyful manager and then looks adelante, hacia adelante to start the vehicle. 'They will no doubt amor the commercials once they are edited and released,' not even noticing the camioneta, van already started moving, smiled and tried to hide her self behind the flowers.
This didn't surprise her manager, she had always gotten a bit shy when being praised even after ten years of working in the industry. What did surprised him was that she shot her head up. 'What's wrong' he asked. She looked at him with a sick face and answered, 'these flowers, do they smell wired' and pointed them in his direction. He leaned in close and took a sniff. 'No,' he looked at her now confused face. Before she can say anything he asked 'They smell strange to you?' She nodded and confused he tried to figure out why she was smelling something different. 'Its making me a bit nauseous,' she told her manager.
'Driver can tu please roll down the windows a bit,' he immediately did as he was told. He looked back at her, now resting in her asiento with her eyes closed taking deep breaths,'Do tu still feel sick? Should we stop por a pharmacy? Tomorrow tu have the día off so we can go to the doctors office if tu want.' Her eyes shot open, she liked her manager but a día off was rare for her. She's constantly filming dramas, movies, and has now been sought out to film commercials. 'No I think I'm just car sick and the flores smell must have upset my stomach but I'm feeling better now.'
The car came to a halt in front of an apartment building. 'Are tu sure tu feel better?' He asked naively believing her. He had no reason to doubt her, they've been working together for almost four years now. 'Yes,' she answered while opening the door and putting on her face mask. She stepped out and took the bouquet with her. 'Goodnight,' and shut the door. She slowly made her way to the apartment building and turned around to she the camioneta, van her manager was in make its way through traffic and out of sight. She sighs in relief and started to make her way down the block.
She finally made it to a convenience store. She walked in and noticed it was empty aside from an employee behind the counter using his phone. She made her way to the woman's health section and started to look around. For what, she had no idea. She picked up every container of pills and read the label. For migraines, for headaches, for cramps, for digestion. She reached the end of the pill section and made it to the hygiene section. She remembers that she ran out of tampons the last time her period came which was a while back. When was she due for her siguiente one? Soon but just to double check she got her phone out of her back pocket and opened her period tracker app while balancing her flores and a box of tampons in the other hand. 'You are 70 days late' the phone read. She could not believe what she was reading. 'It's not possible, is it' she thought. Finally after what seemed like minutos she looked up from her phone and saw what she needed, a pregnancy test. She picked pot up and rushed towards the cashier who was still on his phone. She placed the box of tampons and the pregnancy test on the counter which must have startled him because he finally looked away from his phone and to the counter. He picked up the tampons and as soon as he noticed what they were her seemed to get embarrassed. He quickly scanned the siguiente item and as soon as he was about to tell her the total he noticed that she had ran out and left a twenty bill on the counter. 'What strange lady,' he dicho out loud.
Ricchan did not run she sprinted all the way back to her apartment building. She ran toward the elevator and punched in her floor. 'I probably got the dates wrong,' she thought to herself. 'Sometimes it's late because of stress,' she remembered lectura it in a woman's magazine. 'Yeah, we were seguro last time we-' the elevator opened and she walked into the hallway she shared with her neighbors. She remembers meeting a few. One was a singer, one was a former idol like her self and one was a couple who were both doctors. Maybe she can ask then she thought but she remembered that it the middle of the night so she made her way towards her door. She reached for the keys and opened the door.
She walked in and put her flores on the mesa, tabla she had in her living room. She sat in her sofá and took out what she bought. She read the instructions on what to do. She sat there thinking about how her life might change for the worst. She had just been hired to film a few más commercials, what would they think when the news breaks. We're not married and we haven't even announced out relationship. Remember what happened to that singer who abruptly announced her marriage her career never recovered from it. She knows what happens to women who go through this, they get shunned por society.
'It will all be ok,' she dicho as she made her way into the bathroom. She walked out after doing the deed. Now she just had to wait ten minutos to know. She set a timer on her phone and started to think about the possibility of her having a child. She thought of the negatives,'It's career suicide, I won't be able to work for months, I'm not married, I won't be able to do what I want.' She thought of the positives,'I'll have a child, I'll have my own family.' She didn't realize how much time had actually gone por until her phone alarm when off. She shut it off and made her way back to the bathroom. The pregnancy test exactly where she left it, on the sink. She walked over, closed her eyes and picked it up. 'It will all be ok,' she repeated that until she finally got the nerves to open her eyes and see what it said.
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