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breakingheart13 dicho …
i watch every series of twilight i am a big fan of jacob and taylor my room's decorated white, black and red i've got like ten posters in my room of taylor and jacob i'm a big fan i have the weiderist dreams ever that one día taylor would come to my door and i could mostrar off to all my friends and me and taylor would become friends but it will probaly never happen publicado hace más de un año
xonativebrulexo dicho …
i watch eclispe its so awsome my favorito! scene is when jacob kisses bella and bella pushes him aND PUNCHIN HIM IN A FACE AND BELLA BROKE HER HAND publicado hace más de un año
madalyn327134 dicho …
u are so cute i just went to go se eclipse it was awsome! publicado hace más de un año