Kathleen Kern

en fanpop desde December 2012

  • Female, 62 years old
  • Rochester, United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: Buffy, la cazavampiros
    Favorite Movie: Say Anything
    Favorite Musician: Bruce Cockburn
    Favorite Book or Author: Orgullo y prejuicio
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KathleenKern dicho de Blood +
My book about a 26-year old slacker whose sister is kidnapped in Iraq (based on an experience my organization and I went through) is now available on Kindle--free to amazonas, amazon Prime customers: link . Main character is más emotionally invested in the characters from Blood+, Samurai Champloo, and Joss Whedon series fthan she is in actual human beings, so she finds she has some trouble coping after the kidnapping. Here's the Kirkus review: link publicado hace más de un año