
en fanpop desde June 2015

  • Female
  • british columbia
  • Favorite Musician: at the moment . . . Macklemore!!!!!!
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BJsRealm apoyar por mí a my comments
Btw amor your Lema so much. How true indeed! Glad we share something in common, namely a positive perception on life in general. So, this apoyo is in fact for your motto. Please stay in touch! Your new fan Mark :-) 😃😃😃😃 publicado hace más de un año
BJsRealm apoyar por mí a my answers
Hi! How are you? My name is Mark btw & I'm your new fan. Hope you're still on Fanpop. Here's a friendly apoyo just for you. Glad to be the first to give tu a prop. Take care & keep in touch! Your new fan Mark :) ☺☺☺ publicado hace más de un año