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posted by Milesprowerfan
Lil swore under her breath for the siguiente five minutos trying to find a restaurant that actually still served DARK costumers. Stupid discrimination act! Lil felt más evil as she cursed herself for punching a guy's nose in public. At least she had put her chaqueta on again to preserve her dignity. Then, absentmindedly, she ran straight into-

“OOF!” Lil tripped over the rosado, rosa hedgehog. “Watch where you're going...Amanda Rose?”

The hedgehog bent over. “Who do tu think?” She held out a hand to Lil. “And it's Amy, please.” There was a strange pause. No one spoke for quite sometime. Then, simultaneously, the girls screamed in happiness. They embraced each other, speaking at the same time. “It's so good to see tu again!” “OH it's so good to be back!” “How are you?” “Are tu doing okay?” “When did tu get back in town?” “Yesterday!”

Then, they went apart. “When tu went into the Witness Protection Program,” Lil laughed, “I thought I'd never see tu again! I'm so glad you're back...Ms. Rose?” She eyed the maletín that Amy held. “Wow! When did tu land that job in fashion? o is it cosmetics?” The window they stood siguiente to shown their reflections.

“Both!” Amy laughed. “I'm so glad to have my identity back! I wonder who estola it anyway? Have tu solved that case yet?” She began to eye a crimson dress and then pulled out a notebook to write down what it was.

“No,” Lil looked down. “The discrimination act went into commission yesterday, so I was fired. I'm looking for a job, but it's no use!” She stamped her foot into the ground. “Mysteries are my life! I can't just find another job unless I magically transform into a white pigeon who loves makeup.” Leaning against the window, she growled to herself. “I don't care for a lot of those girly jobs. I need action, fast-paced work, danger and excitement! I also need to do something where I need to think! Do tu know any Private Investigators who are looking for assistants?”

Amy looked at Lil like she had two heads. “Are tu sure tu want to ask me??” She tut-tutted. “Okay, you're looking desperate. I do know of this one place, but I don't recommend it. They've been needing some help since they've started. And Vector's Obsessive Compulsive.”

“Where is it?” Lil asked, gawking in joy. “I need a job, no matter how bad it is!”


“We're lost.” Rouge began to grow bored. Shadow had been staring at the mall's map for over five minutes. “Why can't we just ask someone for directions? Seriously, Shadow. A map isn't going to help us find Lil any sooner.” She tapped her foot loudly.

“I'm trying to think.” Shadow hissed. “Shut up!” This is why I never go to malls, He thought. The theme for My Neighbor Totoro (the song called, “Sampo”) played over the loud speakers. It distracted Shadow even more. Even Rouge's foot tapped to the beat. The overly joyous música clouded Shadow's serious thinking. He curled his hands into fists, trying to focus. No use.

“Let's just división, split up,” Rouge suggested, “after all, this place is huge!”

“Fine!” Shadow screamed. “Why don't we división, split up! I'll go to the photo-booth area near the fuente to escape this hideous song!!! Where is it coming from, anyway?” He dashed at the speed of sound to the other side of the mall, and then the bouncy música stopped abruptly. He darted back to find Rouge flabbergasted. “I broke the sound system so I could think.” Shadow explained.

“Okay...” Rouge stepped back, wings open just in case. “I'll go to the clothing area. tu go wherever. Rondevu at the comida court, correct?” But, Shadow was gone. Rouge glared at where he had been. “I'll take that as a yes.”


Shadow dashed around the mall, accidentally crashing into people and knocking over displays. A sense of fear came over him, fear that he hadn't felt since the ARK massacre. He called for Lil, but no reply came. He tried her cellphone. Nothing.

“Hey! Watch where you're going, bub!”

Shadow recognized that voice. “Amy Rose?” He asked, spinning around. “You've been gone for over two years because someone estola your identity.”

“I came back!” Amy pouted. “You ran over my foot and it hurts!” She hit Shadow with the heavy briefcase. “Shame on you!”

“Sorry, but have tu seen Lil?” Shadow said, dodging another blow. “I really need to find her!”

“She left the mall at least a half-hour hace for Team Chaotix Radio Station.” Amy shook her head. “I'm telling you, an unemployed Lil is as scary as Eggman on steroids.”

Shadow's jaw dropped. “Team Chaotix! They're numbskulls!” Then, he sped away. “Hopefully I can catch her!”


It was Wednesday afternoon and around my 5th snake time. Everything around the station seemed dead as doornails, which are already dead if my mind's not deceiving me. Espio had begun his trances again to “clean his mind” o something among that Ninja crap. Charmy, still in his video games, didn't even remember the time. Like I've dicho in the past, things are slow at Team Chaotix Radio Station. I would've been perfectly okay to go on like this forever, if she hadn't of walked in.

She smelled of money on a cool autumn afternoon. She wore blue, a certain hedgehog's favorito! color. She seemed smart enough, dressed for the cold weather. Her flashy blue chaqueta covered her up nicely, but a bit of red cammi stuck out from underneath. She wore a miniskirt and didn't look too comfortable in it. She wore long high-heel blue boots that shaped her luscious legs. Her golden eyes caught mine. This was probably a sign of prejudice, since she was DARK. Her white bangs hung low in her face like a veil. Did the dame hide something? She seemed to be a gorgeous babe after all.

“Are tu Vector?” She asked with a hint of disgust, probably because I still had a piece of cheesy-cheesy pizza on my desk. She flirtatiously bounced her hair as she spun around, eying the place. “I need your help.”

The stench of money seemed overpowering now. So the damsel wanted Team Chaotix's help! HA! We hadn't had a customer in over four years! She leaned on my desk, flirtatiously flashing her pretty golden eyes. I couldn't resist that face. “Baby,” I chuckled as I inched my way closer to her, “anything tu want, Team Chaotix will be on the case. Just name it, sweetheart, we'll get it.” I winked and revealed my pearly whites

She backed up. Maybe I scared her. “I was wondering,” she began, “if I could have a job. Here. I want to work for Team Chaotix.” Then, darkness consumed me like I should've done to my pizza...


“VECTOR? HELLO!” Charmy Bee waved his hand over the crocodile's face. “SORRY ABOUT THIS, MA'AM.” He explained to a frozen Lil. “YOU SEE, HE CAN OVERREACT SOMETIMES. BESIDES, YOU'RE THE ONLY GIRL WHO'S ASKED FOR A JOB!”

“He's a sexist?” Lil snapped without thinking.

“Partially, yes.” Espio the Chameleon slowly awoke from his deep trance. “He prefers to think of all women as helpless damsels needing companionship o taskmasters.” He then looked at Lil and smiled. “But, I prefer to think of women as goddesses who need love, affection, possibly a hot man to protect them too.” He gracefully waved his hands over his face.

“Yuck!” Lil gagged. “Okay, you're vain. Vector's a sexist. Charmy's just loud. What next? All I want to do is get a job! Rent's too high to go unemployed! I have a roommate who can't find work either!” She then decided to fake-cry. Girls have a way with men.

“Oh! Now look!” Vector snapped awake. “You can't just go on crying! I'm sure we can let it slide, dame. But tu can't be a detective, though, because that's man's work.”

Lil stopped. “Man's work!” She shook her head. “Fine. I'll be a secretary. Maybe clean things up a bit. tu need a woman's touch anyway.”


Lil noted the piles of dirty laundry scattered about the floor. On parte superior, arriba of the piles were garbage lining the walls. Crumpled up papers were all around. The stench, like poop mixed with dead cow, almost killed Lil. She gagged. No wonder no girls had asked for a job. This was hell! “Oh gosh.” Lil held her nose, “looks like my work is cut out for me.”


Three days later...
“” Cassidy, face abnormally warm and body cold, suffered from a fever. Her mind seemed to swirl around in dizzying circles.

“Thanks, Vanilla.” Amy nodded to Cream the Rabbit's mother. “I found her on the side of the road last night.

“She wouldn't have lasted if tu hadn't of brought her here, Amy!” Cream smiled. Cheese, her chao, agreed. “You're the nicest person I know! I'm glad you're back!”


What Lil would've liked to say was that her job was awesome and her boss treated her like a goddess, but, Lil being Lil tended to be más frank about the matter. “This sucks!” She hissed at herself. por her third afternoon, her hair was full of cheese, she always eperlano of the dead cow even after she spent two hours in her shower, and she kept on finding fleas in her coat.

But, the strangest was yet to come. Today, she had planned on scrubbing the carpet, since she'd organized almost half of the basura yesterday. She came in with a bucket full of steaming hot water with soap suds floating in it. She growled as she thudded in. When she came to a great spot to start, she dropped to the floor. She plugged her iPod into her ears and set it to, “No Limits” por 2-Unlimited. Gracefully, she dipped her cloth in. Espio stood in the doorway, watching her as she pulled it out again. She began to scrub. Her elbow went back and forth as she pressed down on the stinky carpet.

Just look at her work,” Espio said. Lil glanced up from the floor. “She's probably a fighter too. Already, her sexiness is cleaning the carpet.” He continued. Lil took out the ear-buds and gawked at Espio. Her jaw almost hit the floor. “Oh my! She's staring at me!” His mouth wasn't moving at all when he dicho this. “Hopefully there's nothing in my teeth, my horn is shiny, and my muscles are pumped. Oh yeah! Let her see what she's getting if she likes me!” He began to pose like he didn't notice her, although what he had dicho told Lil differently.

Horrified, Lil plugged the iPod's ear-buds back into her ears and went back to her work. Something was up. How could Espio talk without moving his mouth? He wasn't a ventriloquist. Plus his voice sounded a little echoey. She began to think, pouring her wrath into the carpet. In the movies, if someone was sharing telepathy -or talking to a different person through your minds- you'd end up with an echo-sound effect. Lil suddenly stopped. A terrifying thought formed in her head. I can hear Espio's thoughts, She gasped.

Espio at that moment began to think about how attractive he must have been. “Shut up!” Lil screamed at him. “Seriously, quit thinking for the moment! You're distracting me!” This seemed to catch him off guard. His turn to gawk, he stared at Lil, wondering what she meant. Lil smiled, victorious. Maybe having a gift of mind-reading wasn't that bad after all. Annoying, but not awful.

Suddenly a pounding noise came from outside. “Must be that darn landlord again,” Vector thought. Lil began to loathe her gift. The landlord?? “Whatta ya want?” Vector yelled at the suited man outside the door. “What the &%@# is that sign ya publicado on our lawn!”

“That is an eviction notice.” The suited man nodded. “You haven't paid your rent in over a month. Not only that, but this lousy business hasn't had any cases in over four years. This proves that I must have to close down Team Chaotix-”

“NOT on my watch, bub!” Lil shoved aside Vector and stood up to the suited man. She glared at him. You're not thinking anything! She almost gasped. I can't read your mind! Maybe it only works when I'm not focusing on it so hard. “Listen,” Lil spoke through her teeth, “give us a chance. Let's make a deal, if chances don't sway tu any. How about this: if Team Chaotix solves three whole cases in under twenty-four hours, tu pay all the debt on this building. If we fail, we leave. Understand?”

“You drive a hard bargain, miss.” the suited man nodded. “But, very well, I shall take that bet. I'll see tu later, then.” Then, he turned around and left.

“He's gone...” Vector's jaw-dropped. “What- how?”

Lil spun around to unleash her wrath on Vector. “You call this a Detective Agency, correct?” She yelled, jamming her index finger into his chest. “I call it junk! tu think I'd just walk up and solve all your problems if I didn't care? Listen, if we're gonna save Team Chaotix, I demand discipline! I demand organization! I demand you thinking outside of the box! I also demand that tu listen to me, because I know más about this than you!” She stormed back into the house. “My name is Lil, the ex-Chief Inspector, and I'm going to turn this place into the best Detective Agency there ever was!”
Character Chart
Character's full name: Ningizzida the Hedgehog.
Reason o meaning of name: Named after the Assirian god of snakes and serpents, unknown why.
Character's nickname: Giz.
Reason for nickname: One of his alleys started calling him that for awhile, but it never
really stuck. Ningizzida prefers his whole name.
Birth date: Unknown.

Physical appearance
Age: Ancient.
How old does he/she appear: 18-22.
Weight: Around 85 lbs.
Height: 3"8
Body build: Slender, sleek, and built for speed and agility over power. Has well develouped
calf muscles.
Shape of face: n/a
Eye color: Blood red, with...
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 Shadow & Rouge; Night and día Difference.
Shadow & Rouge; Night and Day Difference.
“… There might have been a time when tu actually thought about others, but now it’s just become, ‘Get the villain out of the way and be proclaimed as a hero once more!’ I just don’t want tu to become something that tu don’t want to be.”Lil the Cat from “The Misadventures of a Wandering Soul.”

Do tu remember the first time tu ever drew your fan character? When tu created him/her, tu had thought everything out; who they dated, what they wore, and if they had any powers. Believe me when I say that fan characters are the best characters in the world. Their stories...
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added by Raven_Syrus
added by supersonic21
added by silveranime122
Source: me
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by HannahStickles8
added by seuris
Source: (c) Seuris
added by sonicnmlpfan122
Source: This exhaust me 😴 I'm bummed out already hope she likes it tomorrow when go to school
added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by Knux1

Been in the darkness long enough
People say I've been actuación too tough
Trying to stay low
Living on a cup of Joe
Cause I'm just a black corazón (repeated 3 times)

Somebody left a note
Saying that I've been so bad
I thought It was a joke
My mom was so sad that she left my dad
Cause I'm just a black corazón (repeated 3 times)

Living on the lamb
The perfect place for a grown man
Darkness rests in my hand
With no demands......
Cause I'm its ruler! (Repeated 2 times)

Being like The old devil
I feel like I've been leveled
On the 666th floor
With no doors to escape the
Cause I'm just a really really rotten black heart!
fecha of interview: 2012
Name: Caesar (Kai-Sar) Licentia Midiotai
Height: 6ft
Age: 19
Country of origin: England, British Empire

Likes: metal music, fire, Anarchic movements, Gypsies, animales and Tea.

Dislikes: Governments, Yaoi, people pronouncing his name wrong, Yuri, Centipedes, And most of all: Cold tea

Short story of his life (In his own words) : So tu wish to know about me do you? Alright then I suppose the beginning it is the best place to start....
I was born in 1993 to what tu could call... a broken home... No mother she died during childbirth. So that just left me with dear old daddy. Dear,...
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posted by TakTheFox
(Boys, and, girls, of, every, age…)

Come here a song
A song that I’ll sing
A song that tells about a very scary thing
A creature that even the strong and fast still fear
Their pain and screams and suffering is all you’ll hear

The creature it hunts only the strong and the brave
Without a care that anyone will come to save
Its wrath is inescapable as it strikes fear
The hissing is the final thing that tu will hear…

“I am Slenderwoman,
I am pain
I am the one who will drive tu to become insane”

“I am Slender creature
You, my prey
Pray it is not tu I’m after on this day”
(Wouldn’t, you,...
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posted by ShadowWolf337
Okay before I get to the story I'm gonna tell tu what Blood Doll is. Blood Doll is just as the name states Blood but as a plushie. Like the "cursed" Tails Doll, Blood Doll is a cursed toy. Blood Doll kills ONLY the one who treats him badly, but he is really nice and will play games with anyone who takes him as a toy. Now onward to the story!

Its a sunny día on Mobius the kids are outside playing. A young hedgehog por the name of Shift sits in a árbol with a plushie sitting por him. The plushie looks up at him "Lets play something Shift!" dicho the plushie dicho "Okay B" Shift dicho grabing Blood...
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Garinina's POV

I stared at the young woman, thoughts running through my mind. How did she obtain that bruise on her forehead...when she is facing up? There is no obvious evidence that she hit her head on the tub. Unless...she was moved or...she didn't die in the bath.

I stared long and hard at the rather large bruise on her forehead, and I noticed something was not normal about it.

I touched her forehead, it felt unusually hard. It did not feel like skull. Curious, I pulled out a scalpel and began slowly cutting the skin of her forehead; this earned a surprised and sickened gasp from my new...
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posted by Scorch-Werehog
    Once we saw that there was another Earthquake around, we decided to find out what was going on. “I can’t believe that there is another me out there.” Earthquake mused.
    “At least we know it isn’t you.” I said.
    “Maybe there’s only a double of tu and Scorch.”
    “Maybe, and maybe not, Blaster.” Earthquake said.
    I bet there is another Blaster out there. I thought. I started to walk away when Earthquake and Blaster came and followed me.
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