Sonic fan Characters Club
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posted by TakTheFox
Official Club Rules

This is a lista of the Official Club Rules. It is expected that these are to be enforced por anyone who sees them being broken. (And por that I do not mean that tu should instantly attack someone, o attack what they post. FIRST talk to them, and then if tu need to, reportar whatever is breaking the rules. If it’s too offensive tu can reportar it on the spot).

These were agreed upon por our community and will not be bent. If tu feel these are unfair tu are free to respectfully address us with your problems, but unless tu are able to convince our community to change the rules, tu are not allowed to break them.

But either way here are the following rules.

~No sexuality: No over-showing of cleavage o sexual body parts, no sexual gestures, no blatant porn, no Yuri o Yaoi, in roleplays, stories, o pictures (This applies to homosexuality as a whole). This club has already gone through a mes of porn pictures being flashed on it and we don’t want that to start up again. It doesn’t matter if characters are married, in love, o if it’s just TOUCHING a body part, we need to keep things clean. (Now before I go on, because these are Mobians, yes nudity is allowed, but only in the context where tu don’t mostrar parts. I’ve publicado unclothed characters of both gender before but I never draw the parts meant to be covered. Everyone can do the same.)
NOTE: tu aren’t going to be flagged as inappropriate if tu mostrar a small amount of cleavage o naval. This should be AVOIDED but for the most part this sort of thing is usually much less important than the effort put into the pictures o stories and such. It is not our goal to make sure that everyone’s pictures and hard work is removed which is why people need to be careful with what they post. I don’t want to ruin anyone’s día so please don’t make it so anyone has to.

~No overgore: Now gore in general can be used for certain things. If tu mostrar a bite-mark, o you’re mostrando special kinds of bones o body parts that are supernatural o something along those lines, revealing that sort of thing is allowed as long as it isn’t overly gory. We don’t want to see intestines spewed all over the place, nor do we want to see blood gushing from someone’s shoulder. A cut, o even a little bit of blood is perfectly fine, but please don’t go crazy lest tu ruin someone’s Dinner.

~No spamming: Basically don’t post things that aren’t sonic-fan-character related. If tu have something non-fan-character related that tu want to talk about tu may post it once in the comentarios o in the links, but only one o the other. This does NOT include constantly saying “Hello” o “I’m back” o “I’m leaving”. Those comentarios were not allowed to begin with, but people just kept doing that and ignoring that rule. These comentarios are almost never productive, they almost never turn out to be true as people leave and come back constantly, and they cause other comentarios relating to the club to be sidelined. If tu have something important, and por important I mean life-threatening-important, then tu can post about it, but try to keep things on a small scale.
Also yes this does mean that unless you’re posting a music-video for someone’s theme song, what tu post needs to have to do with Sonic fan CHARACTERS. Sonic-Franchise stuff in general isn’t supposed to be here. Unless you’re posting something like Sonic Shorts 6, with it’s Fan-character guide, it’s SONIC-related, not SONIC-FAN-CHARACTER related.
NOTE: This does NOT mean that tu are not allowed to mostrar things that combine both fan and cannon-related material, such as pictures with Sonic and your fan-character, o them in a fanfiction. Those are fine. But if it’s something that’s just cannon-Sonic, it doesn’t belong in our

~No Recolors: Recolors take the art from an actual artist and change it slightly, then mostrar it off as your own when it isn’t. Regardless of that, even if tu get permission from that person we don’t allow it. Recolors don’t look pretty and cause the club to look messy. Keep them from being in our community please.

~No Bases: Bases are basically recolors that tu fill out yourself. If tu want to use them on your own time to get better at models, that’s fine, but tu aren’t allowed to post anything base-related on this club. Bases are unoriginal and sloppy, and many times they are based on recolors.

~No Doll-Maker-Pictures: If tu are trying to figure out a diseño for a character and tu want to use a Doll-Maker, o any kind of dress-up program, to do so, tu can, but tu cannot post it on our club. We only accept work that is actually drawn, not dressed-up. This doesn’t mean tu can’t mostrar the diseño to someone like say if it’s for a request, but if that is to happen it needs to happen in your area, not the community’s.

~Language: I understand that this club doesn’t cuss too often, but let me be clear about something here, there is a reason that Cuss-words are called that. They are meant to be foul versions of other words to cause offense. No one here is going to use the N-Bomb right? Then why do we use the F-Bomb? o the FM-Bomb? o the S-Bomb? I understand that people aren’t going to stop cussing all-together but I think we need to be más civil about the words we use.
~No F-Bomb “Literally meaning sex and rape, this word is extremely unprofessional”.
~No S-Bomb “If you’re going to say poop in the first place then at least just say poop, not a word that is meant as a comparison to poop as an insult”.
~No N-Bomb “Self-explanatory”.
~No religious Cussing “This is something that I PERSONALLY cannot stand. There are religious people in our club. Every día they come to this club and have to put with “Oh my god” and “What the Hell”, o “God Dammit”, along with “Damn you” most of us have to restrain a lot of negative feelings. We don’t appreciate hearing people lightly use words that we are very serious about. One could argue that saying “Damn” would be an exception, and tu can argue that if you’d like, but at the very least we all should be respectful enough not to use the word “God” in vain as a cuss-word.”

This applies to chat, roleplays, and anything else text-related. I understand that some use Cuss-words as a way to express emotional tension in their character’s personalities, o to mostrar traits and fables and such. My suggestion to those is to simply replace the words with something else if tu have to at all. Regardless of that however it does not apply when concerning religious cussing, o the others listed above. Those would not be allowed regardless. If tu want to talk like that tu may do so in your own area, but it does no harm not to cuss, but it can do harm when tu do cuss.

~Common respect: Always mostrar respect to one another. If tu are in a disagreement tu may debate, that’s fine, healthy even. But as soon as hostility rises up, o if blame/name-calling is put on to the table, it needs to either stop o be moved elsewhere.
This also applies to those who wish to reveal something about another person. Before tu decide to post something against someone I suggest that tu tell one of the users longest running here about it. If tu feel that it was one of us who has done the deed, o that tu cannot trust us, then talk to a different person about it for approval. If someone has done something against the club then it is best to keep the peace as best we can. That means that we need to allow the person tu have something against to privately speak about it first before jumping to conclusions.
NOTE: However, in the end if it is something that greatly affects the group, o is a matter of abuse against a user, the information is free to be revealed. Anyone who does not want people to see their skeletons has every right not to mostrar them, but people should know that no one around them is perfect. The other reason to reveal such evidence in an event like this is that of proof to those that may doubt o call names to someone for what happened.
Also, public attacks will not be tolerated. It is the very last resort that someone should be reported, and their account removed, which is why we must do everything we can to end the attacks if done, convince the person to stop, and then if we need to reportar them. If offensive content is shared then reporting it is your duty as a member of the club, but those who post it should always be allowed to defend themselves. However to those that feel upset that progress may be lost, such as in roleplays and such, if tu post something offensive in the club, publicly, then that means there’s a chance someone may find it who shouldn’t see o read something like that, so unfortunately if offensive enough such posts will be reported on the spot. Please remember to keep courteous about what tu post.

~Self-Control: Most know that I quite enjoy being random-happy-fun-times, but constantly bouncing out spasms of energy all over the club can greatly irritate people, and alienate them as well. Joking about, even actuación completely insane, is perfectly fine, but only when anyone who is involved with the content tu are doing in that in, approves of it.
FOR EXAMPLE: If tu post a picture o a post, and start up a misceláneo laughy-taffy adventure in it, tu should make sure examine how the people react who also comentario on it. tu should ask if they are okay with being crazy. To those who did NOT post the content however, remember that this was not yours and regardless of what tu may want the post is someone else’s and they are allowed to do what they like as long as it does not violate the main rules.
This suggestion also stretches to that of the Chains. Now Sara, myself, and a few others came up with an idea for a Chain-Club already, so tu don’t have to worry about that, but posting dozens of misceláneo comments, o repeatedly going berserk in roelplay comments, those things are not allowed. Self-control is a constant must around some people. When both people are perfectly fine with crazy, do whatever you’d like, but if one is not alright with the situation, please be courteous.

>If tu are asked to read a story, take time to at least read the first few parts. If tu aren’t interested then tu don’t have to continue but we should always give something a chance.
>If tu want someone to read your story then take time out of your día to read one you’ve seen.
>If tu see a contest being held, go through your schedule and think of if tu can enter. If tu see three o más entries then tu don’t have to try it, but we should NEVER see a pregunta that says “Help Wanted” for any other reason than no one being online.
>If tu agree to be part of a foros Roleplay, always try to stick with it. If tu can’t continue do NOT vanish from it, but at the same time don’t say you’re going to leave right off the bat. Talk to the members, mainly the creator of the forum, and talk it over until there is an agreement. In the end tu can always leave when tu want, but at least give warnings first.
>Feedback: Whenever tu are part of a forum, a roleplay, see a picture, hear music, watch a video, read a story, etc. make sure that tu at least say SOMETHING about it, whether you’re talking about a suggestion, a compliment, o just asking about it, to mostrar that tu at least remember what it was about. Something was cool in it? Tell the person. They won’t know unless tu tell them, and always do your best to be supportive and make them happy. If tu think it’s terrible, then suggest a way to make it better, but mention strengths in it as well.
In the end I think this will always just be a suggestion, but it’s quite rude when someone puts together a huge even, taking a lot of time out of their life, and a lot of planning to do it, only to have almost no one, o no one, enter into it.

~Understand the reportar system. I will go over what the buttons are for.
>Inappropriate: Something that is offensive, vulgar, o insulting por any means.
>Spam: Something unrelated o repeated; something unneeded.
>Broken: Not-working correctly, half-loaded, glitched
>Outdated: Expired, no longer usable o reference-able (I will note that this rarely happens on the club, but this does apply to contests, story/game-suggestions, etc. that never happened and will note return. These just confuse new users)
These are there for a REASON. They are there because if something fits that criteria then they are allowed to be reported. Before someone says “Someone can just say that something like a spoon is offensive” most of us are mature enough to tell the difference and not play that card, but either way tu can always tell what is offensive based on the club rules. If something is in contrast to them then it is inappropriate.
Do NOT be afraid to use these if tu have to, but only do when tu have to. These are not your enemy. A lot of users get very upset when something of theirs is removed, but most of the time it’s removed because it was against the club, and facebook, rules. These people sometimes go after those who reported them. While people should always discuss problems first, if tu feel that tu need to reportar something, tu should do so and not choke. No matter how upset someone may get it will need to be done and the longer tu wait is the longer that it is there, breaking the rules, and/or offending someone.

Those are the rules. I’d like to point out one más time, this is not a dictatorship. There were WEEKS, MONTHS almost, of time I gave for anyone to speak up about this. I mentioned this before and encouraged people to be involved. An appeal for something, o at least a discussion about something, is always available, but know that these are our club rules, and while we do NOT EVER condone getting someone removed (Unless a blatant troll), content will be removed if it violates the standards.

Thank tu for reading.

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