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The Last Identity (Identity Wars vista previa Chapter) (Wednesday)

“It was so long hace compared to now. It’s at this point that I don’t really blame anyone for actually being uneasy around me. After all, if it was when I popped up that the war started between Iron and Anti Identities. I was the last. That isn’t to say I was the last of all identities. They still spread like plague, but of the Origin Identities, the original and true identities, I am, the last.
This is the story of me, the Iron-Nicole, the Anti-Nicole, the Daricha, the Takris, the Spy, the Lovers, the Warriors, the Monster, the Princess, and the Heir. I don’t play the largest role in it, but I would be lying if I dicho I was not important.
My name is Mel, and I am the Last Identity.”

Name: Mel Curry.
Age: 15
Birthday: October 5th
Hometown: Sector-5 of the Overlander States, Mobius-Zone-221
Species: Human… supposedly
Parents: Mother. Renate Curry
Species: Human.
Lifestyle of family: Hard.
Date: año 4020, September 27th, Tuesday

“So there’s a new girl coming to school tomorrow.” Mel’s friend, Kalie informed as the two of them walked the halls of their high school. They were wearing similar attire, and different appearance. Purple tops, black pants, and sneakers. Mel had long red hair. Kalie had short black hair. Mel had dark green eyes. Kalie had light grey eyes. Mel was short. Kalie was tall. Both were sixteen, loved rap-music, had only mothers for parents, and disliked their high school.

“Another one? Kay.” Mel would almost always say “Kay” as to say that she acknowledged what the person said, but did not really care. She wasn’t a rebellious o stand-downish person, but this still remained her constant answer. If someone insulted her, she’d just say “Kay” then walk off. This did not always bode well for her, but she survived.

“Just Kay?” Kalie questioned doubtingly. “You’re not interested at all?”

“Not really. New student. Whoop-dee-doo. Not like we’re gonna get all tight with her and what-not.”

“You never know. Guess we’ll see tomorrow.”

For those who are viewing this, tu are probably thinking “What’s with the human teenagers? Where’s the identities?”
The story here will not be long, but is an important role in what happens in the future chapters. For of course, this is the evolve-state of the last Origin Identity.

The siguiente day…
September 28th, Wednesday

Many of the students acted like Mel went along with their business, but some actually waited for the new student. When Mel met her she couldn’t tell if the girl was cool, o maybe a bit weird.

She was in her history class. Mister Ferm was about to continue talking about some topic Mel could never catch up with when in she came. The slender being in front of the class was at medium height, and small weight. She had a perfect body, which annoyed some of the girls, and flushed some of the guys. Her hair, typical-blonde; wavy and long. She had a grey skirt, a pale rosado, rosa top, sneakers, two long wrist-bands with yellow flores on them, long eye-lashes, and green earrings. Continuing with the rest of her, she had tan, yet pale skin a smallish nose, largish, yet nice lips, large eyes, and a sweet smile. The first word to come out of Mel’s mouth, unintentionally, was “Bimbo”.

The class exploded with laughter when Mel spoke this. The problem was that she was not. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, and muffled “I am so sorry.” To her surprise though, the bimbo laughed too.

“Can’t get mad if it’s true I guess.” The bimbo chuckled in an almost adult voice.

“This is Kai Idens. Kai, would tu like to say anything to the class?” The Teacher introduced.

Kai the Bimbo cleared her throat and made a very serious face, as if it was no longer a joke, then after a few segundos made a peace-sign with her hand and dicho “Sup?” The class laughed a bit more.

Kalie made her best attempts to meet up with the new girl, but she just seemed to vanish after the class was over. It was Mel however that actually got to meet her.

“Hey.” Kai greeted as she appeared siguiente to Mel.

“Wha!” Mel jerked in surprise. “I must have been out of it. Sup? Shouldn’t there be some army of mindless boy-toys following tu o something?”

Kai chuckled and dicho “Even I can’t work that fast on boys. So what type are you?”


“Yeah. Girly, tomboy, Goth, whatever.”

“Definitely not Goth” Mel dicho with a very stretched out breath. “But I’m not girly either. Like at all.”

“Oh come on! Every girl has something girly about them.”

“Not me.” A few segundos later, a tall blonde-haired boy walked past them. When Mel noticed him her face became flushed, and she quickly turned herself to her meal.

“Noooooooo.” Kai teased. “Not at all.”

“Boys don’t count.”

“Are tu serious? Okay. Well anyway, What tu doin?”

“Talking to you… and eating…” Mel gestured to her tray.

“I meant in general. Like after school o whatever.”

“You… want to hang out with me?”

“Is that bad?”

“Well seeing how I’m one of the parte superior, arriba ten least liked girls in this school, I’m guessing tu probably don’t want to get near me.”

“Who says you’re the least liked?”

“A lot of people.”

“Such as…”

“Gara, Luann, Carry, Reme, Vale, Gale, etc.”

“And are those kids jerks?”

“Well… yeah, but they’re not the only ones.”

“You make it almost sound like tu want to be unpopular.” Kai chuckled.

“I’m just warning you. My company isn’t the best to be around.”

“I’ve talked to tu for about a minuto already, and I’m not dying, o getting beat up.”

“Why are tu so interested in me?”

“Well one tu were the one who called me bimbo.”

“… tu figured that out, huh?”

“Kinda.” Kai chuckled a bit more. “Hey if tu want me to lay off, I’ll lay off. It’s not gonna affect me if tu don’t have someone to sit with.”

“I do… usually.”


“My friend, Kalie.”

“Where is she?”

Mel chuckled when she thought of where her friend could be. “She’s probably looking for you. She was pretty interested in ‘The new chick’.”

“Okay then. Well I guess I’ll leave tu to your meal.” Kai got up and walked off. Mel felt a bit guilty about turning her away, but it was for the best… right?

After she had finished her meal, Mel walked over to put it on the tray stack. She was interrupted when one of the listed students, Vale, knocked her tray into her face; sending the leftover contents all over her. The student gave a snicker then ran off before Mel could see who it was.

Mel just stood there as if she was a statue. She gave a large sigh, then placed her tray on the stack, and walked to the girl’s restroom.

The siguiente day…
September 29th, Thursday

Katie was nagging Mel about not letting Kai the Bimbo hang out, while Mel was completely ignoring her. She was able to ignore her the entire time her friend was ranting. Finally when they got to their lockers…

“We could have had a cool new friend with actually social activity! SOCIAL ACTIVIT-… are tu listening?” Katie paused.

“Ne-ope.” Mel smirked as she moved some things around in her locker. “You want to talk to her, tu can. I don’t really care.”

“Well that’s awful nice of you.” Kalie rolled her eyes in sarcasm. “What’s so wrong with making a new friend?”

“Nothin, it’s just… what if she’s like the others?”

“The others?”

“You know. They try to be nice, then they dump tu on the floor. I’ve got you, and that’s enough for me.”

“Well that’s nice and all, but tu don’t know if she’s going to do that.”

“I’d rather not find out.” *slam!!* A masculine and hairy hand drove Mel’s face into her locker. Mel couldn’t even react. The pain was so intense. She just fell to the ground; clutching her face in pain.

“HEY! WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?!?!?!” Katie yelled as she knelt to Mel’s side.

The boy who had done this was Reme; one of the listed friends of Gara. Whenever he did something it meant that there was a reason. “Gara wanted to let tu know that tu need to stay away from the new girl. She’s too good for you.” He hissed.

“Really?” A feminine voice asked. Reme was about to turn around, but the person swiped his legs then drove her heel into his stomach. They’re heroine was none other than the bimbo; Kai.

Reme groaned in pain, but Kai did not remove her heel from his torso. “I think I can choose my own friends… wouldn’t you, agree???” Kai pushed her heel deeper into his stomach; causing him to almost scream.

Reme did not answer her. He instead rolled to his side; pushing the heel away, then got up; ready for a fight. “You… are wanting to fight me?” Kai chuckled. “I thought that your job was befriending me. Now,” Kai’s devious smirk faded to a dark glare with clenched fists, and sharp teeth, “leave…”

Reme did not run away, but he did walk… quickly away. Kai turned to aid Mel and Katie, and helped lead Mel to the nurse’s office. The nurse gave her some pain-killers, and a gel to keep her nose from peeling, then sent them off.

Mel wanted to ask why Kai did that, and how she did that, but she was now very late for another class. After the class was finally over and it was finally time for she began to buscar for the bimbo, and found her rather easily; sitting at a table, with the sun glimmering off her hair so ever perfectly. The sight of this made Mel scowl with annoyance. She gave a large sigh, then walked up to her.

“Ello.” Mel greeted with a wave of the hand.

“Ello yourself.” Kai greeted back as she munched on a tuna sandwich. She gulped down her bite, which of course left no sign of crumbs o mustard on her face, then asked “You need something? And are tu alright?”

“Alright… relatively.” Mel dicho with a half-chuckle. “I’ve been known to heal up faster than normal people. As for needing, well I actually just wanted to thank tu for clobbering Reme for me. It was pretty brutal.”

“I’ve had a part o two in… combat situations.” Kai grinned; putting her fist in her palm briefly.

“No kidding. How so?”

“Oh just… stuff.” Kai answered vaguely.

“Stuff tu wanna tell me?” Mel asked; a bit irritated.

“Partially… and partially not. Don’t worry. If things pan out, tu might see me in action… well, then again, if things don’t tu still might see me in action.”

“Things pan out? What’s gonna happen?” Mel asked in slight confusion.

Kai shrugged and answered, “I don’t know, really. It could be anything. Some bully attacking you, o me, o some other person, a burglar, a… something else. Fighting opportunities. Doubt you’re really into that type of thing though.”

“Are tu kidding? I’m all about it. Can’t watch any wrestling o anything though.”

“Meh. I never really fell for the whole cage-fighter whatever stuff. A bunch of greasy, fat, men, sometimes women, bashing away at each other. Gets kinda… repulsing.”

“Whatever. So tu make some new friends o something yet?”

“Well your bud, Katie kinda went friend-explosion on me after I got what’s-his-name off you. What is there deal anyway?”

“They’re punks. All I can think of. Bet that’s all they can either.”

“I concur.” Kai smirked. The two of them had a nice little chat about the usual girly things. They went over movies, boys, decorations for parties, teenage boys, the guy that Mel liked, and más feminine what-not. (and yet Mel still dicho that she was not girly) Finally a less female topic arose.

“Hey would tu be interested in coming to my B-D-P siguiente Wednesday?” Mel asked hopefully.

“Sure… once I find out what a B-D-P is.” Kai replied with slight confusion.

“It’s my uh… B-day… P-Party.” Mel dicho this very forcefully. Not forcefully as in stern, but más like she had to force it out to say it.

“Oh that.” Kai acknowledged. “Er, is that a bad thing?”

“What? No. Why?” Mel answered.

“Well tu seemed really nervous when tu dicho it. Did something strange happen on your birthday o something?”

“No. It’s just… I dunno. I haven’t really had a party-party in… forever, and I haven’t really asked anyone in… forever. It just felt kinda weird I guess.”

“Is that because of your only friend?” Kai questioned rather un-gently

“Kinda… It’s always just been me, my mom, and Katie. Not enough.”

“Well hate to make tu upset, and really I do hate to make tu upset, but I don’t think just adding me is gonna do much. I’m still coming if tu want me to, but why not make some friends before it starts.”

“I can’t.” Mel sighed. “No one wants to be around me.”

“Why not? You’re not ugly, you’re not fat, you’re not gothic, and you’re not dep-… well… you’re not más depressed.”

“Well yeah. I’m not, and I know that, but no one else does. It started with Gara. She was actually high on something one night, so she and her wack-gang started stalking the neighborhood. They saw my Mo- they thought they saw my Mom make me light up o something. So, rumor begins. I don’t even know how they were able to convince anyone, but after a while, everyone starts to think I’m some bomb, o witch, o something. I hate high school.”

“Then why not just move?”

“Can’t afford to, Mom was born here, it’ll affect my grades, blah blah blah.” Mel collapsed her face onto the mesa, tabla with her arms around her, groaning.

“Well that stinks. At least you’ve got some friends now though.”

“I barely know you.” Mel muffled out.

Kai chuckled. “You asked me to your party. I didn’t approach you. I’d think that would make someone a friend.”

“Yeah… I guess.” Mel moved her face back up, then leaned back into her chair.

“I’ll be there for your party, and we’ll see how it goes from there. And hey. Why not ask that blonde-haired guy to come. I’m sure he’d be interested. And I’ve seen him stare at tu just like tu are always all dreamy at him.”

“I’m not about to go up to him.”

“Because you’re scared?” Kai smirked; hoping this would motivate her.

“Chea!” Mel answered exasperatingly. “Can tu imagine? ‘Hey Nick. tu wanna come to my party? I don’t know tu o anything, but I need some más people to fill in the space.’… instant K.O.”

“That’s not how it would come out I’m sure.”

“No. You’re right. There’d be stuttering too.”

“Oh come on. Just ask him. He’s not gonna bite.” When Mel didn’t reply Kai just sighed in annoyance, then glanced around till she saw her notebook. “Here.” She took out a piece of paper, then began to jot down something. siguiente she folded the paper and walked off.

Mel sat there. She knew what Kai was doing. She dared not to look o mover o breath o blink. When Kai walked back with a satisfied look on her face, Mel’s eyes dimmed with a non-amused stare.

“He dicho ‘absolutely’… tu have good taste. And that’s coming from a-… a… person.”

“… Great consejos there. Not gonna try to figure out what a ‘pauses because she’s keeping a secret’ ist. Well I’m off. I gotta prepare a party now.” Mel waved goodbye then walked off. After she was a good distance away she realized that she would not be able to prepare this party till after school. So…

After school…

“Hey Mom.” Mel greeted as he entered her house. Mel lived in a neighborhood somewhere in between bad and fair. Her house was small, with one story, red bricks, and a wire-fence that went around it; making up the backyard, which was mostly dirt. It was damaged in certain areas, but still there.

Mel’s mother did not reply. “Mom?” She called again. No reply. Mel dropped her backpack to the floor and walked into the living-room. She found her mother standing in front of a tall mobian man in a black business suit. He had black fur, and pointed large ears, but Mel could not distinguish what type of mobian he was.

“Uh… sup? Who’s you?” Mel asked in a hostile tone.

“Mel, this i-is Mr-“

“Turn.” Mr. “Turn” put out his hand for a handshake. Mel did not oblige him.

“Why are tu here?” Mel asked.

“A number of reasons.” He replied. “One of which is to ask tu something.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“Have tu ever felt anything abnormal happen to you? Something, energy-related?”

“We talkin ‘bout steroids, Monster, Rockstar, o Coffee?” Mel smirked. “If that’s it, then y-… yes except for steroids.”

“This is serious, girl.” The man dicho sternly.

Mel gave him an annoyed glare. “You don’t look like a nice man, and I’m doubting tu actually are one, so I don’t really feel like answering your questions.”

“You really should revise that, tu know…” The mobian said, keeping his composure slightly above anger.

“Alright.” Mel dicho as she pointed to the hallway leading to the front door. “GET OUTA MY HOUSE, YA PED-A-FILE!”

Mel’s eyes turned slightly to her mom who looked completely terrified. She turned back to the man and saw that his eyes were glowing now a murky green, and were glaring directly at him. This was no normal mobian.

“One last thing,” He dicho through his teeth. He walked up to Mel’s side and whispered very creepily “you are not allergic.” Mel promptly gave him a tortazo to the cheek-bone. He stumbled to his feet and growled as he exited the door... the blood coming from his mouth was green… unnaturally green.

Mel was thoroughly creeped-out. “I’m am now thoroughly creeped out.” She whined to her mother. “What was that?! Since when do we see Mobians, least of all acid-monsters, come o-“

“How did… How did tu know he was an acid-monster?” Mel’s mother stammered.

“Easy.” Mel replied. “He had blackish-green blood, his eyes were all murky, he was dark-colored. The thing that confused me is why he was here!”

“… Mel I need tu to trust me right now. Whatever that man was here for, it is for your own good that tu not know… it’s very important.”

It took a bit más convincing to get Mel to stop asking, but they eventually parted ways with Mel storming into her room and slamming the door. She played around with a game-system called the “Retina-X” which was a pair of glasses hooked up to a small silver-stick which was whatever game tu placed into its slot. The game showed itself through hologram, and connected to the conscious mind of the user. The system would match the brainwave motions that the person gave out that were meant for moving the character, and concentrated them so the person did not end up jumping out their window in the real world when doing it in the virtual.

The system was popular, and expensive, due to it being the only one of its kind to take at least five hours to cause irritations, and twenty-one to cause permanent damage. This was very difficult to do with how close up it was, hence the price of $210.00 Thankfully the games used for it were cheaper. One would simply buy the silver-stick blank from a store, and transfer their game from any other system. The blank silver-sticks costed $15.00 normally, with the average Ebay price being around $5.00. If they did not have the game on a different system, they could buy it on a silver-stick for prices ranging from $20.00 to $40.00 for average games, and $who-knows-how-much.00 for the larger ones.

Mel was the proud victor of person to survive gaming on the Retina-X the longest, with a whopping four-weeks’ time, including when she would pause the game (which would still keep a slightly faded screen on as to not cheat) and eat. She kept sleep to a minimum of one-hour that she dosed off. She pretended to sleep for her Mom’s sake, but just kept playing on and on. No one knew how she could survive so long, and she felt fine when she did stop. The only reason she stopped was her concerned mother, and the fact that her eyes were glowing. They stopped glowing after about an hour. Kalie and Mel had a lot of fun during that hour.

Back to the story, Mel was in the middle of a birthday-quest when she remembered the party idea, which she would have remembered soon had the acid-monster not interrupted. She paused her game, put the glasses down and ran downstairs at around 4:43 P.M. Her mom was cooking for cena some Currie-Chicken. (no name-pun intended)

“Uh Mom…” Mel began slightly nervously.

Mel’s mother turned towards her. “Yes?”

“I wanted to know if I could have a birthday party this year. I already got some people who want to come.”

“… How many people?”

“Well aside from Kalie, two, b-but I can get more!”

Ms. curry, de curry pondered for a moment then answered, “Alright. But what do tu plan on doing?”

The siguiente day…
September 30th, Thursday

“Well,” Kalie began as she and Mel began to make a lista of things for the party, “We could go lazer-tagging. That way tu don’t have to decorate.”

“That’s not a bad idea, but we’ll have to meet at the house first. They’ll come there, then we’ll go to the lazer-tag and go inicial for a movie.”

“And so ends the brainstorm.” Kalie grinned. “Victory!”

“Shouldn’t we have some kind of prize-bags though?” Mel suggested.

“You need prize-bags. I’m gonna be a guest, so I’m getting a prize-bag.”

“Alright.” Mel chuckled. “Hm… Candy?”

“Too little-kidish… unless tu give everyone a large bag of candy. Like one actual bag of Werther’s o a box of Hershey’s.”

“Okay. So we have the party… now the time… Four O-clock? That way people can get home, get ready, and get to the party.”

“We’ve got everyth-… y’know actually we probably need some más people. Like at least one more.”

“Well who do tu know that would like to come aside from Nick and Kai?”

“… My brother?” Kalie suggested with a grumble.

“Isn’t he like… ten?”


“Right. Uh… if he wants to, I guess he could come.”

“Then let it begin! … in about a week… man I hate waiting!”

The two friends spent the remainder of the día searching for which Laser-Tag to use, what dulces to get, and what type of cake. Ironically no talk of presents was mentioned. Mel never made a big thing about gifts, mostly because she only got them from two people most of the time. What she really looked adelante, hacia adelante to most of the time was just socializing with her one friend.

Mel hadn’t considered Kai to be her friend… yet. They had only met a while back, and popularity ultimately corrupts, though Mel could tell that Kai was definitely not as stable as she may appear already. She was nice enough so far, so Mel would humor the new girl, but would she be able to survive betrayal from this new friend? Only time would tell. But not as much time as expected.

At the end of the día the choices were made. The laser-tag arena location was in Aartt Plaza (no art relation), the candies were Kit-Kats, Kit-Kats, Kit-Kats, Bacon-and-spam, (minus the last two), and the cake itself was a rectangle with a red and naranja sunset.

Mel loved Sunsets and sun-rises. Sunsets always made her sad though, because of what they meant. It was the last moments tu had before everything ended, and something else began. There’s only that small amount of time for tu to act, and do what tu planned to do. And once it was gone, everything from before leaves with it, and a completely new begins.

24 hours later…
October 1st, Friday

There was a constant patrol por Mel to make sure Mr. Acid-Eyes did not come back. At least, not in a way one would expect.

He was cloaked. Cloaked and Ghosted so that no one could spot him. Mr. Turn, whose real name was much different, had objectives unknown, but an overseer he did not wish to disappoint. He was following Mel from the ceiling using a metal-bone implant that was inspired por a famous Hybrid of Semretches. The metal inside him was no atomantium, but well enough. He was able to channel magnetic currents through this, thus making ceiling travel very easy, even when ghosted he could climb.

“So how’s the party-planning coming?” Kai asked Mel when they “bumped-into-each-other”.

“We got it all ready except for the invites.” Mel answered. “Sadly though my printer is broken, so I’m hoping I can use the copy machine in the teacher’s lounge. I’m heading over there now.”

“Alight. Mind if I come with?”

Mel shrugged. “Fine with me.”

“Cool beans.” Kai replied as they walked off. “Turn” was of course watching them this entire time. And what he just saw and heard made him grin. And it was not because of invitation copying. He debated whether o not he should reportar his theory to his employer, but decided that it was best saved for later. He continued to climb, rather creepily I might add, through the hallways after the two overlanders till they had made it to the copy machine.

They were in the middle of the segundo invitation printing when an idea struck Turn. If the electrical current from the machine traveled correctly, it would be much easier to determine his theory. However, if his theory was correct than a large amount of training on his target would prevent the proof from showing. In shot the power would react to the identity in the room, and set off their chaos energy o Nanites briefly, but enough to freak either person out.

He took out a small bead from his pocket, and tossed it into the parte superior, arriba of the machine. It slowly sunk in about a half-inch, then let out an electrical current that targeted Mel. As soon as it hit her, she reacted as any normal person would. She jerked, with a cringe of pain on her face. But then, just for three seconds, her hand lit up and vibrated insanely with red sparks.

Kai was right there, and saw the whole thing. “Good,” Thought Turn. “a witness to blab on her.” But a witness he did not get. Instead of freak out, Kai pretended to not have even seen the event happen. She paid most of her attention to the machine, and pulled its plug. Mel however did see what happened to her arm, and promptly screamed.

Kai quickly covered Mel’s mouth with her hand until Mel’s arm went back to normal. Then she kept it there until Mel calmed down… well until Mel stopped screaming through Kai’s hand.

“What’s going on? What’s going on? What’s going on? What’s goin-“ Thankfully Kai slapped Mel back to senses.

“Whatever just happened, we saw nothing, and nothing happened. The Machine just went crazy, arlight?”

Mel nodded. She did not need any más things for people to annoy her about, though she definitely wasn’t going to just let this slide, granted she would not talk about it in public.

They walked out of the Teacher’s Lounge and quickly parted ways when going to their siguiente classes. Turn’s first instinct told him to follow Mel, but Kai’s actions seemed quite strange, and only added más suspicion to his theory, so he chose to follow her.

Kai was calm. She acted natural with a forced-grin, a plastic-personality, and bimbo-attitude. She was not of course any of these things, at least not very much, but to reveal who she really was would ruin the story.

She was on her way to Linguistics when…

“Hey! Kai Gal!” Gara greeted as she approached the feminine teenager. Kai slowed only slightly, which was from both lack of interest and personal hate.

Gara got in front of her. “Heard about what tu did to Reme. Brutal.”

“Are tu here to be me up, threaten, o both?” Kai asked in a very uninterested tone.

“It’s complicated. Can we talk in private?”

“I have class in four minutes.” Kai reminded.

“Oh come on! It won’t take long!”

Kai did not want to go along with this, but saw an opportunity which she did not wish to avoid, and therefore chose to follow. Gara led her out of the building and to the back of the school, where her little minions were waiting.

Kai folded her arms then closed her eyes for a moment, though no one knew why. “What’s with her?” Vale questioned.

“… Uh Kai? Hello?” Gara waved her hands in front of Kai who eventually opened her eyes.

“Sorry. Just putting the pieces together.” Kai cleared her throat then continued. “You all want me to registrarse your stupid little gang, in exchange for keeping off Mel. After some time tu hope that I’ll stop liking Mel and the truce over her would be over. From then on, we’d get into terrible crimes and have fun all the way. And my answer is no, but I also know what you’re gonna say next.”

“… How many cop shows do tu watch?” Carry questioned.

“Too many.” Kai smirked.

“So you’d rather us beat tu up every día then registrarse in the fun? High School is four years of pain o power.” Gara said.

“And I’m about to experience both, no doubt. My answer is no. tu can try to convince me otherwise, but I’m just saying no to those ahead of tim- “ *pow* Gale sucker-punched Kai to the ground rather quickly. She seemed stunned, but only because she did not expect the attack to be so soon.

“Still thinking n-“ Kai interrupted the message por head-charging into Gale’s stomach till she forced him into a wall, then kneed him in the crotch, and kicked him behind her.

The flustered feminine turned around with a smirk, and gave a taunting hand-motion to the others. First came Carry, who charged quite pathetically. Kai quickly swiped his legs and kicked him aside just in time to get a fist from Vale and a fist from Reme in her face.

The impact of the punches instead of send Kai back, sent its attackers back, and onto the ground. Kai’s face was undamaged. Slowly the others got up and rushed her. Kai grinned and front-flipped at least ten-feet into the air, then landed her feet on her attacker’s heads. The only remaining person was Gara, who was not fighting.

“You don’t like to play?” Kai grinned rather creepily.

“So you’re a freak.” Gara insulted. “Then here’s another little threat for ya. tu work with us, o I blab about how unnatural tu are.”

“No.” Kai grabbed Gara por her throat and held up in the air. “You stay away from Mel, tu don’t breathe a word of this, and tu do not try to make life hard for anyone I know about.”

“So you’ll kill me? That won’t stop the cops.” Gara wheezed.

“Oh please.” Kai dropped Gara to the ground. “You’re not going to remember any of this, but tu are going to do what I said.” *swap* And out went Gara’s lights.

Kai quickly positioned the now unconscious gang around some trees as if they were slacking off. Then she placed her hand on their heads individually, and changed them. Their minds changed. With a red glow she wiped their memories of ever meeting Kai, but implanted the idea of leaving Mel alone. And while this was all very secretive and well-made, this was also very rash.

Turn had watched the entire event. If Kai had known someone could see her, things would have been much simpler, but she did not so thing’s weren’t. In short, Turn was convinced. He crawled out of ear-shot and made a call to his employer.

“I have confirmed the sighting of personal Code-name “Oblivion” in the school where main-target is attending. Both theories of mission were correct.”

“Good.” A feminine voice dicho on the other end. “Come back here for now. We can’t push too much.”

“Understood.” And with that, Turn was gone, but not for good.

That night…

Mel was thoroughly freaked-out. Her hand had glowed red, and she knew that wasn’t normal. Of course she pretended like nothing happened when she got home. She could not even imagine how her mother would act when she found out after the prior events.

Mel pinched her hand. It hurt. She cut a bit of skin. It bled. She even dug deep enough to mostrar her bone. The bone looked normal. Then how was her hand so… different in the electrical field?

It took a while, but eventually what Turn had dicho came back to her. “You aren’t allergic.” Mel had been taking special pills each día to keep her from dying from the “toxic-fumes” in the environment she and her Mom lived in. One other time she had stopped taking them, and nothing happened, but it was only for two days. In order to prove her theory she would have to stay off them longer.

And so Mel spent the siguiente four days off the pills, without telling her mother. Things seemed normal. Well as normal as things can get when all of the sudden your main tormenters don’t even look at you, let alone attack you.
added by SaraTheDog
Source: Me
added by TheLastCyber
Source: SapphireAdoptables
added by iluvshadowo3o
Source: por me
added by cookiemaster
Source: cookiemaster
added by shadowluvgirl
Source: shadowluvgirl
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: Evolia-Wulf
added by SummerMoon
Source: M. Y. E. L. A.K.A Me.
added by Animefan211
added by sonicfanAG
added by sonicfanAG
added by SimyTheHedgehog
added by Skull-Rose
Source: me and hand base
added by gravity12
Source: Made por me on my annoying paint program!
added by Lilly443
Source: team artal
added by EvaTheHedgehog
Source: Myself
added by MidnaTikal8223
Source: Me, Sonic Charrie maker on dev. art
posted by Skitty_Love
It ain't fun bein' the daughter of two infamous wizards and being raised with six brothers. I am Koko the Maine Coon, and my dream is to become a worldwide wizard, just like my parents. Well, actually it wasn't my choice to become one, it was my parents. But I guess I got used to them choosing my future for me... Anyway, lets start the story..

I grabbed my spell book and entered the wooden oak door. It creaked as I opened it. "Good morning, Koko," The secretary greeted. I shrugged and waved. I wasn't very social.. Despite I was adopted. Thats right, my parents are foxes. I sat down in my seat....
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posted by rath01
Just about the when the war bot was going to shoot a red flash zoomed por and the war bots arm exploded in a giant boom then the bots body turned gray as if he was turning to stone and it froze in its tracks rath was frozen too but in a different way he was amazed at what just passed him and at that moment he felt a hand on his shoulders rath screamed at the thought it was another bot but it wasen' t it was a girl then raths fear cooled a bit. shhhh dicho the girl he could be watching us now follow me .rath was silent as he followed the girl but in his mind he had so many preguntas about how...
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posted by rath01
Well i guess its time to tell tu a story but not any old story but a story about the founding of a team called well tu will find out now lets begin on the the planet called distrect-2 there was a great war and all the people that showed any promise of becoming a great warrior was killed and the man who started this war was called DR.neg X but there was a small hand full of warriors that stood a chance but they were defeated but before they died they put together there powers and división, split them into 7 powerfull orbs 3 of them turned into children its been 15 years since then and now our story...
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added by scougesgirl
Source: Me