alysa schaeffer

en fanpop desde July 2009

  • Female, 28 years old
  • pine grove, pennsylvania
  • Favorite TV Show: bakugan (BB, NV, GI),pokemon,Asura Cryin',Mermaid Melody,Full Moon,Kamichama Karin,Pretear,Toradora,HeroicAge, etc...
    Favorite Movie: Transformers(1 & 2), eragon, harry potter, 3 Ninjas, Karate Kid movies, Ice Princess, Go Figure, Stick It, etc.
    Favorite Musician: Escape the Fate, Breaking Benjamin, Avenge Sevenfold, pretty much any alt.rock, pop, country, and some other stuff
    Favorite Book or Author: shiver&linger, fallen&torment, new moon, sentinental lobo hunt, darren shan's vampire series, Raised por lobos
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I'm so glad tu amor my Ikarishipping fan fictions! publicado hace más de un año