Christine Rampota

en fanpop desde November 2007

  • Female, 35 years old
  • Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Favorite Movie: Pride and Prejudice (1995)
    Favorite Book or Author: Orgullo y prejuicio
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JulienBangel apoyar por mí a my comments
Hi! Carpe diem? pescado of the day? xDD Buffy is always Buffy
tu should say something in greek dho! It's way más beautiful than latin ù_ù(And I'm italian..xDD) publicado hace más de un año
snoznoodle apoyar por mí a my videos
tu had the video I wanted to see of Jane Eyre! I haven't finished the book and I didn't want it to be spoiled and that video had exactly what I wanted!! tu read my mind! Thaaaaank you!! publicado hace más de un año
x-xsarahx-x apoyar por mí a my comments
coz tu amor angel! xoxo publicado hace más de un año