
en fanpop desde August 2010

  • Female, 27 years old
  • kolkata, India
  • Favorite TV Show: castle,friends,criminal minds,glee,bones,psych,2 n a half men,dexter,himym,ncis,csi:ny,supernatural,sex and the city
    Favorite Movie: countless
    Favorite Musician: coldplay,LP,enrique,ga ga,green day,muse,rihanna,eminem,katy perry,rhcp,pitbull....
    Favorite Book or Author: the sky is falling,other side of midnight and memories of midnight,if 2morrow comes,pale horse
mosaico lista

Mis Clubes

Dedicated Fan in 7 clubs Dedicated (7) Die-Hard Fan in 3 clubs Die-Hard (3) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)

mi muro

g1g2cmcj apoyar por mí a my articles
hola never change your perfil pic its awesome publicado hace más de un año
TheDirector apoyar por mí a my articles
Thanks for the add! I added tu back. Have a lovely day. (=

~TheDirector publicado hace más de un año
big smile
LexieStyles apoyar por mí a my images
Hey!!! Thnx For The Add!! I Added tu Back! Im Lexie! Nice To Meet You!! Also amor The Pics!! So Cool!:) publicado hace más de un año