
en fanpop desde June 2007

  • Female
  • California
  • Favorite TV Show: 30 rock? I dunno- I like all things TV oriented
    Favorite Movie: ALICE!!!! I LOOOOOVE Alice! Whoo! Jan Svanamajer!
    Favorite Musician: I like cute stuff. I listen to a bunch-a Japanese pop, British pop- POP
    Favorite Book or Author: Dylan Thomas' Collected Stories
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bieberfeverhart apoyar por mí a my images
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 │▒│▒|▒│▒│ I Want...
┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ PEACE&LOVE 4 the World ♥
Send this to every your friend here on fanpop and bring peace on foros and smile on their faces.. publicado hace más de un año
Leightonfan apoyar por mí a my comments
I amor spongebob too. LOL.
link publicado hace más de un año
NCISGIBBS apoyar por mí a my comments
For being one of the few people that likes tables (not booths) and leaving a comentario about it!!! publicado hace más de un año