My Wall

So, it`s been nearly 2 weeks since the shocking informations came out and i`m still not capable of dealing with it. But somehow i amor the thought that this maybe could be true to the characters of Damon and Elena. My bet is on Damon will offer the cure, Elena will refuse it because she loves him más than the life she`ll never have. So in old Damon fashion he`lll make this descision for her. It`s not that i like it but i think i can deal with that. And there would be a lil hope left in the air publicado hace más de un año
kristanna_vl comentó…
What i amor is the fact that it remainds me of the old Elena. One of my favourite scenes like ever with her was her moving speach towards Stefan after Damon feed her with blood. I always loved that she wasn`t Bella 2.0. It`s the easy way to choose everlasting youth and eternity. But dealing with the unknown of a human life is a challenge. That was my girl. And i always want her to choose Damon as a human. hace más de un año
HaleyDewit comentó…
But she can't be human and have kids of her own AND be with Damon, unless Damon turns human, too. hace más de un año
panther-jewel comentó…
She has not been desperate to become a vampire with ignoring the consequences. But she has overcome hating that existence because of Damon. Bloodlust, seeing mortals die and not being able to have children is not an easy choice. Both forms have positive and negative sides. They don’t have to be human beings because they already make each other feel alive and human and found pleasure in the idea of eternity through that. Getting the official proof that Elena also chooses Damon as a human would be great, although we already know that. My favourite scenario would be for them to grow (a little bit) old together as human beings and having children before turning into vampiros to have eternity together. DE should get what they want in the end (they both expressed missing being human and loving the thought of an eternity together), and I am happy with them ending up together and sharing an eternity as the same kind of being – vampires, humans before angels, o whatever. hace más de un año
After 4 days i`m still in shock. This is the worst scenario i could ever imagine. Nina leaving the mostrar is like playing soccer without a ball. She`s one of the "three". She is the corazón and the soul. Without her we just have supernatural 2.0 without a really focussing and strong character. I amor Candice and Kat and it`s obvious in which direction they heading to. But nothing compares to Delena o even to (ughhhh) Stelena. We all are following a road of experience of 3 strong character and now publicado hace más de un año
kristanna_vl comentó…
the core is leaving. I must admit i was a little nervous the whole season because of Elenas storyline is just fading away and she seems not so present as she was before. But i personally thought the cure was just a possibility to choose Damon for real. Despite the possibility of being human again hace más de un año
kristanna_vl comentó…
But now..after más than 130episodes of wanting my perfect happy ending it´s just fading away like dust. an i would rather letting her end with Stefan (uggghhhh.2) than letting her just leave o die o whatever. That is just nonsens hace más de un año
panther-jewel comentó…
So true, @ delenaluv! And I once wrote in an articulo “Both got through each other to finding pleasure in the idea of eternity.”; an expression that took me very long to come up with. Damon also confessed about missing being human más than anything in the world before, but both – Damon AND Elena – came to seeing hope for the future in Damon’s case and to stop fearing true commitment in Elena’s case and to preferring to stay eternally together to anything else (although being a human is probably still más tempting for Elena while Damon can’t imagine himself as a father). hace más de un año
i amor stefan..i always did..but after this ep i amor him even más publicado hace más de un año
cahe64 comentó…
I also liked him in this episode. hace más de un año
loveofdelena comentó…
I can't stand Stefan whatsoever, nothing will ever be able to excuse throughout the five seasons, but I will mostrar him some respect for this. hace más de un año
loveofdelena comentó…
We're there lots of brotherly moments? I hardly remember seeing many. Since it was Damon who was always the one to mostrar that he cared, and not Stefan. Not arguing here. Just saying is all. hace más de un año
it's been a while since the breakup. i'm still not completely over it. I was a totall fan of them but somethingallways bothered me. Most of the old pictures ian always looked like he was totally in amor with nina. But otherwise it was mostly that Nina made me not feel the same. Sometimes it was a littl publicado hace más de un año
i'm seriously afraid what will come next..the end of season 5 totally shocked me..not because damon is dead's because of theway he absolute peace even por seeing elena in such devasted mood..or even por the fact that he lost the amor of his life..i'm seriously worrying about ian coming back to the show..does anybody know more..i try to calm down..but i don't wanna loose my favourite couple and tv mostrar of all time publicado hace más de un año
delenafan123 comentó…
Ian is coming back for season 6 he signed up a contract for it. He is not going anywhere hace más de un año
delenasalvatore comentó…
If Ian doesn't return, TVD is pretty much dead anyway so I'm guessing he will. And he must have a contract with the mostrar which as far as I know, is going to run for 6 seasons. No-one has heard anything about him leaving o getting cut from the show. hace más de un año
delenaluv comentó…
as for whatever stelena fans might be left who are really just stefan fans since they were all más than ready to have him be with katherine. they should just want him to be with happy and even lexi sees and knows what stefan can't even see yet but what paul is rooting for and that is a stefan and caroline romance! hace más de un año
no..they can'tgo there..yes.i don't like stefan with elena..but losing him is no option..i really amor him as a character..there is. no way to imagine this mostrar without him. publicado hace más de un año
serenatescenes comentó…
I totally agree. But they will bring him back, for sure. hace más de un año
serenatescenes comentó…
It's like American Horror Story, no one actually dies, lol. hace más de un año
msmysticlove comentó…
eh he'll be back in the siguiente episode hace más de un año
loveofdelena comentó…
I never thought I'd say this, but I actually agree with you. What about the stereo line foreshadowing for season 6??? hace más de un año
i wonder if i'm reay the only one who doesn't actually like the latest delena developments. right , we saw really hot delena make up without a stupid steroline talk. But i really don't understand how anybody could be happy o excited for the break up..they were epic and now just friends with benefit..for the first i really doubt that they are seems like damon is just for the body..not for the heart..i liked the old damon and elena..when i could feel he loves her..and now she's toxic publicado hace más de un año
cahe64 comentó…
I think it's just a phase...Nina dicho that it won't work. They amor each other way too much. hace más de un año
guys..i'm so pissed..this incredible stupid storytelling..i really don't get it..i rewatched the first 3 episodes of season 1 and it made me so sad..such great characters and the interactions of delena in ep sorry about the new storyline..i miss the old show..the great delena scene..tyler and bonnie havin somehow a storyline. stefam and damon ..and most of all a good villain..this whole augustine crap sucks..everything sucks..its like a stupid song playin over and over again publicado hace más de un año
delenasalvatore comentó…
To be honest, I didn't think the Pilot was that great (it was apparently written in just 2 weeks, so maybe that explains it), and if that had been my first glimpse of it I'm not sure what I would have thought. But it started picking up after that and 1x03 was the episode I became a DE shipper, so that episode will always be special to me. The trouble is, Kevin and Julie are busy overseeing other shows/projects, the producers are new, and I bet some of the escritura staff who worked for TVD in the early seasons have got drafted in to write for The Originals too. hace más de un año
it did cost me hours to bring down in words how disapointed i am..i'm still not done processing the stupid soulswitch and kniw we saw katherine breaking damons hart..and what was the saddest part of it..all she dicho was true..damon shouldn't give elena the burden of making him good..he should want it por himself o let it go and being the bad guy caring for no one..and now damon is full back on the killing road just because there is the bump in the road that elena always was afraid of.. publicado hace más de un año
kristanna_vl comentó…
he should want to fight for her instead of giving up..that is not the damon that we know and love..hortible escritura hace más de un año
panther-jewel comentó…
Damon grew A LOT and showed before how he nowadays deals with rejection and heartache, for example at the end of S3/beginning of S4 (when he unselfishly supported SE and kept his suffering to himself) and also just recently [after 5x10] (especially with Matt and Jeremy). But Katherine knows Damon’s weak spots and used them to tell him exactly what he “needed” to hear to go over the edge, and he has to do that in extremes to convince himself and everyone else that he really is bad. Kat is the only one apart from Elena who can cause Damon to go off the rails like that, and it was even easier for her to do it posing as Elena. Elena is the only one who ever told Damon that he was a “better man” and who ever showed Damon that she believed in him. hace más de un año
Safora6 comentó…
But I shall wait and see what happens. I believe this is merely an obstacle to postpone Delena's reunion, but if the reunion does not occur, then it will be the most nonsensical and maddening SL the writers have ever implemented. This SL must be created for a reason bigger than Katherine's selfish desires. If she truly ruins Damon and Elena's lives, and there is no believable conclusion to this SL that makes sense and is satisfying, especially for Delena, then the writers will truly have fucked up in every way, and this entire SL will have been rendered absolutely pointless. But I have faith that the writers would not be so foolish. Delena WILL survive this, they always survive. hace más de un año
i'm still pissed about the last ep..what the hell..didn't tu remember what great storytelling we all had in season 1 2 and 3. since the sirebond i thought nothing could shake me again. Soulswitch, really..?what the hell..did tu had no better idea than choosing katherine as the only villain left..damned..i just want her being nice..that is an awesome twist..but no ..instead of that she still fooled everyone instead of damon..even watching stelena is better that this inacceptable bad storytellin publicado hace más de un año
TVDDelena1 comentó…
I no, it's torture watching it. Why can't it just be like the old TVD again..I feel like they butchered S5..They need to step it up because i'm just about done at this point. hace más de un año
loveofdelena comentó…
same. can't be assed with this bullshit any longer. hace más de un año