0 lifetime gold
Katarina Tomic
en fanpop desde December 2010
- Female
- Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
- My Websites: BL ** I'd miss the girl behind the red door., GA ** At the end of the día faith is a funny thing. It turns up when tu don't really expect it. Its like one día tu realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than tu dreamed.
- Favorite TV Show: Grey's Anatomy,Private Practice,Gossip girl,OTH
mi muro
dicho …
Its okay, I just got off school too! So I guess that respuestas your pregunta haha. I've just been in school lately, not too much. How about you? :) I think Shonda will do better this season, hopefully! We'll see soon.
publicado hace más de un año
dicho …
Oh my gosh hey! Its been forever, I am excited! How about you?
publicado hace más de un año