Kayla Bartley

en fanpop desde January 2010

  • Female, 28 years old
  • estados unidos de américa
  • Favorite TV Show: LazyTown, lost in Space, Monk, Psych, Happy Days, A-Team, Married With Children, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul.
    Favorite Movie: Psycho, 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag, Princess Bride, Fargo, Police Academy, Of Mice And Men, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, The Goonies,The Matrix.
    Favorite Musician: "Weird Al", Tiny Tim, Alice Cooper, Alice in Chains, David Bowie, Frankie Valli, The Bee Gees.
    Favorite Book or Author: Of Mice And Men, batman Comics, Stephen King books, To Kill A Mockingbird, and the Harry Potter series.
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jokerfan28 dicho de Lazytown
It seems I'm late to the party, but this mostrar is great. I amor Robbie Rotten. publicado hace más de un año
I've become a bit obsessed with this mostrar since watching part of an episode last weekend. I'm going to put pictures of Tattoo on my locker and my trumpet case. publicado hace más de un año
jokerfan28 dicho de Norman Bates
Norman Bates is my favorito! fictional character. publicado hace más de un año
drewjoana comentó…
He is an unique character! hace más de un año