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Hello Christina,
Still looking good after all these years, I used 2 kind of Idolize U a little when U were still on Married with Children. U still got it going on and seem 2 be doing pretty well 4 U'rself, so that is great. I wonder if U'r as cool and down 2 earth as U appear 2 B?

Just an Admirer,
Rich Stochl (AKA Renegade)
(USN Retired) publicado hace más de un año
hdrich68 dicho de raquel welch
It's both increíble and Amazing that after all these years U R still in my parte superior, arriba 5 lista (this must be some kind of record. U've been on the lista since the lista began and I don't see U being removed any time soon.

U R Stunning,
Rich Stochl
(USN Retired) publicado hace más de un año
hdrich68 dicho de halle berry
Halle,U'r hanging in there just fine on my parte superior, arriba 5.

Stay Sexy,
Renegade publicado hace más de un año
U R absolutely stunning Alanis, can't wait to hear the siguiente Album.

Here's Looking @ U,
Renegade publicado hace más de un año
hdrich68 dicho de Ted Nugent
Teddy, U'r the Man anytime U want to go Hunting o just Shootin let me know. Didn't U used to have a place up in Cuba? 1 más then I'll leave U alone: whatever happened 2 that kick-ass mostrar U had.

Renegade publicado hace más de un año