Eris Jenna

en fanpop desde May 2009

  • Female, 30 years old
  • Ldfgd, Canada
  • Favorite TV Show: inicial Movies, Moral Orel, South Park, the Venture Brothers, American Dad
    Favorite Movie: the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Fast Times at Rigmont High Changeling, Revenge of the Nerds, the Goonies
    Favorite Musician: the Mountain Goats
    Favorite Book or Author: the Sky is Falling, To Kill A Mockingbird
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Mis Clubes

Dedicated Fan in 12 clubs Dedicated (12) Die-Hard Fan in 12 clubs Die-Hard (12)

mi muro

Sarah-L apoyar por mí a my comments
Hi I added tu :) publicado hace más de un año
Bibi69 apoyar por mí a my pop quiz questions
For participating in Actors 10in10 Round 8 publicado hace más de un año
Bibi69 apoyar por mí a my links
Congrats. tu Tied in Themes 1 & 5 in Actors 10in10 [Rd 7] publicado hace más de un año