Miharu Akimoto

en fanpop desde January 2011

  • Female, 29 years old
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • Favorite TV Show: hetalia (APH and World Series), ballena Wars, Naruto, Lie To Me, Jack5ons: A Family Dynasty, Spongebob
    Favorite Movie: Hetalia: Paint It White, Freedom Writers, This Is It, Captain Eo, Moonwalker, The Cove, The Jacksons:An American Dream, Michael Jackson's Vision
    Favorite Musician: Michael Jackson, Apocalyptica, Miles Davis, Lecrae
    Favorite Book or Author: Yotsuba&!, Moonwalk, Leaving Atlanta, Shooter, Monster, Walter Dean Myers, Tayari Jones
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Prussiasheart dicho …
Hello! publicado hace más de un año
I don't know how many of tu noticed, but...
Prussia and Awesome have the same number of letters. Nuff said. publicado hace más de un año
Spazola77 dicho …
Omg, so totally in amor with hetalia right now. Can't say my fave country just yet, but soon! publicado hace más de un año
AlyssAybss comentó…
I amor America >.< hace más de un año