2 lifetime gold
Keep rockin and moonwalkin!
Miharu Akimoto
en fanpop desde January 2011
- Female, 29 years old
- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- My Websites: myYearbook, The Official Site of Michael Jackson
- Favorite TV Show: hetalia (APH and World Series), ballena Wars, Naruto, Lie To Me, Jack5ons: A Family Dynasty, SpongebobFavorite Movie: Hetalia: Paint It White, Freedom Writers, This Is It, Captain Eo, Moonwalker, The Cove, The Jacksons:An American Dream, Michael Jackson's VisionFavorite Musician: Michael Jackson, Apocalyptica, Miles Davis, LecraeFavorite Book or Author: Yotsuba&!, Moonwalk, Leaving Atlanta, Shooter, Monster, Walter Dean Myers, Tayari Jones
mi muro

dicho de Hetalia: Prussia …
I don't know how many of tu noticed, but...
Prussia and Awesome have the same number of letters. Nuff said. publicado hace más de un año
Prussia and Awesome have the same number of letters. Nuff said. publicado hace más de un año

dicho …
Omg, so totally in amor with hetalia right now. Can't say my fave country just yet, but soon!
publicado hace más de un año
