Sarah Allard

en fanpop desde September 2021

  • 40 years old
  • ellendale, Nd
  • Favorite TV Show: all
    Favorite Movie: any movie with chris evans
    Favorite Musician: all
    Favorite Book or Author: all
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My maine coon cat is a fan of Robert downey Jr publicado hace más de un año
kerrpunch57 dicho …
hi there i amor lectura arco iris and oldies but goodies música do tu like oldies music?
my name is tori ann steele i'm from omaha,ne now living in sacramento,ca
my family is out here my birthday is june 28th i'll be 45 yrs old.
that's on a tuesday
when's your birthday?
what do tu like to do for fun?
i amor shopping at southgate mall and dollar stores and grocery outlet.
i was there yesterday- will tu be my friend pretty please thank tu and good bye now publicado hace más de un año
Please be careful there our people prenteding to be chris evans asking for membership cards publicado hace más de un año