en fanpop desde June 2009

  • Female, 30 years old
  • Netherlands
  • Favorite TV Show: Skins, Spartacus, Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Secret Circle, Teen lobo
    Favorite Movie: The House of the Flying Daggers, The Ring, The Departed, Snatch, LOTR
    Favorite Musician: Radiohead, Nirvana, The Kills, Lana del Rey, The xx, Joy Division, Interpol, Tiga, Placebo
    Favorite Book or Author: The cometa Runner, Harry Potter, Company of Liars, The Hobbit
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NadeshikoDiana dicho …
In the Asia club, tu dicho tu wanted to learn Bahasa didn't you?
Well, here's some advice. Some Indonesian words are affected por Dutch. So, if tu can speak in Dutch, tu can know the meanings of some Indonesian words. publicado hace más de un año
Noodlesoup comentó…
Yes I know! My father is indo (part indonesian, part dutch) but born in Indonesia. Although it's been nearly 50 years hace since he moved to the Netherlands, he can still understand some things. But he used to speak some mid-Java dialect, not Bahasa. :) I do know some words that are the same in dutch and what the dishes I sometimes eat are called, haha. But thanks for taking the time to comentario :) hace más de un año
NadeshikoDiana comentó…
You're welcome! ^_^ hace más de un año
mandy30 apoyar por mí a my answers
Thanks for joining Afellay's Spot :) publicado hace más de un año
majooF9T dicho …
thanks for the add!! publicado hace más de un año