Megan Jones

en fanpop desde October 2007

  • Female, 33 years old
  • St Helens, Merseyside
  • Favorite Movie: Panic Room, estrella Wars, Spiderman, X-Men, Iron Man, School of Rock, The mariposa Effect, The Prestige, Pirates of The Carribbean, Elf
    Favorite Musician: Arcade Fire, Editors, Vampire Weekend
    Favorite Book or Author: Twilight, New Moon, Eclispe, Breaking Dawn, Harry Potter, The mariposa Lion, Inheart, Eragon,
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Mis Clubes

mi muro

big smile
Sn822007 apoyar por mí a my pop quiz questions
Could u registrarse the club?link type in da buscar box above there Girls' Generation Club.If yes,u're awesome but if not,it's just fine..don misunderstanding me for forcing u to registrarse the club ^^ LOL.!!! For ur info,the club now has about 600 fans..i am tellin u this cuz i don't wan u to registrarse the wrong club~XD n i hop3 we can be fr|endz~^^ (。◕‿‿◕。) publicado hace más de un año
hettycool apoyar por mí a my links
hi plz will u registrarse my twilight cast and character spot here is the link= link :D publicado hace más de un año
big smile
pocketsfull09 apoyar por mí a my images
great pics, 'specially the Spider-Man and Iron Man ones. I really like your taste in films to ;) publicado hace más de un año