Brenda Bisbiglia

en fanpop desde July 2019

  • Female, 33 years old
  • Sacramento, California
  • Favorite TV Show: Andromeda, Stranger Things, Hercules The Legendary Journey's, Charmed, Ugly Betty, IZombie, Haven, Supernatural, Smallvile, Primeval
    Favorite Movie: AI, X Men, Ghost Rider, Titanic, As Good As It Gets, The cuervo wicked prayer, queen Of The Damned,
    Favorite Musician: Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Within Temptations, Paramore, The Rasmus, Green Day, Blink 182, Sum 41, Fall Out Boys,
    Favorite Book or Author: The Cat Who Series, Twilight Saga
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Dustin is my favorito! character ever on Stranger Things publicado hace 5 meses
I just joined I like Stranger Things a lot it’s got great actors and story lines publicado hace 5 meses
I really like The Flash I’m on season 6 right now I’m a bit late
To joining everyone who are on season 8 publicado hace más de un año