Yellow Submarine film Surreal imagination... bizarre parallel realities.... wildly inventive... Yellow

petersanchez742 posted on Sep 05, 2012 at 01:06PM
Yellow, Nick Cassavetes' new film that premieres at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival, September 6-16 ( url: ) is fast turning out to be a must watch film at the festival this year. Described as a wildly inventive and visually dazzling head trip by Piers Handling, co-director of the festival, Yellow is a searing take on modern society and the demands it makes on people. The film tells the story of Mary Holmes, (Heather Wahlquist), a young substitute teacher who escapes from her drudging everyday life by fantasizing bizarre parallel realities. We enter her hallucinatory world, peopled with Busby Berkeley dancers, Cirque du Soleil, Circus freaks, and human farm animals where nothing is quite what it seems.

“Yellow” isn’t a movie about redemption or triumph or cure, so if you’re looking for that, you’ve probably come to the wrong place," says Nick Cassavetes. " It’s just a story of how Mary deals with her everyday life. Yeah, the bottom’s going to fall out, and probably soon, but that’s for another story," he says.

"Film like Yellow aren't easy to make or finance. It's world premiere at Toronto is a triumph of Independent cinema, ." ," says Manu Kumaran, the producer of the film of Yellow.

Presented by Medient Yellow features Heather Wahlquist, Seinna Miller, Milaine Griffith, Gena Rowlands, Lucy Punch, Ray Liota David Morse, Max Theoriot, Riley Keough, Daveigh Chase and Evan Suplee.

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