windwakerguy430 The Black Death RP

Windwakerguy430 posted on Jun 30, 2016 at 04:12PM
In the Country of Edrain, the towns and land was swept with chaos and destruction. People were filled with hatred and selfishness, attacking and harming others so that they may help themselves. In retaliation to their hateful lifestyle, the Ancient Ones, a race of immortal beings who pass judgement across the world, had decided to bring a deadly disease known as The Black Death, a plague that brought forth monsters. Animals were turned into nightmarish creatures, the dead were brought back to life in many shapes and sizes, and those greedy enough to only care for themselves were turned into demons, witches, or other such monsters. Humanity was left to fend for themselves, damning the Ancient Ones and living to protect themselves. However, a band of hunters have plotted to move across the country of Edrain to help those who need it. They only help in order to aid those who need it, and do so selflessly, in hopes of pleasing the Ancient Ones so that they may bring an end to the curse on Edrain.

Monsters - Each monster is different, and brute force isn’t the only way to defeat them. Strategy and teamwork will also be needed
Cerberus Spawns - Black dogs with red eyes with an eternal hunger that not even human flesh can satisfy, yet still pursue humans due to their hunger driving them mad.

Winged Demons - Humans that have done the worst deeds imaginable, turning their human form into that of a hideous demon that wishes for nothing but the blood of humans.

Deserted - Long forgotten corpses that have grown hateful for their abandonment, with their eyes on the palm of their hands, as their head has become nothing more than one large mouth.

Witches - A witch's appearance depends on their past human self. If they were kind and selfless, they have the appearance of a beautiful woman, but a hateful and greedy witch is ugly and murderous.

Silent Sea - The corpse of a whale long left to rot at the bottom of the sea, now brought back as a vengeful spirit to destroy the ships that pass through it’s ocean.

Berserker - Common criminals and murderers who have been imprisoned in their own mind, unable to grasp human sanity, and have been turned into mad warriors with a lust for fighting.

Gargoyles - Once the stone guardians of large cities, they have been brought to life by the Black Death, and have become the destruction of once mighty towns and the deaths of hundreds.

Flesh Taker - Massive skeletons that have been created from the many bones of their victims. Some are still incomplete, lacking the right amount of bones to complete their massive bodies.

Lich - An undead warlock that have returned as vengeful spirits for their wrongful death. They bring death and destruction, as their bodies carry the Black Death and their magic is as strong as that of an Ancient One.

Corrupted - Zombie like townsfolk that have been corrupted and are in the early stages of turning. They have already become violent and murderous, and no hope remains for them.

Classes - Hunters come in many different classes, each with different pros and cons

Mercenary - Better with larger blades and has stronger defense. Not as respected by townsfolk

Soldier - Best with firearms and has quicker attacks. Not very fast or agile

Traveller - Easier to get discounts in shops and can earn better. Not the best fighter

Thief - More stealthy than others, much faster and quicker dodges. Low defense

Bandit - powerful attacks and can wield heavy weapons. The slowest Hunter. Hated by townsfolk

Hunter - Can climb better and is better at using firearms. Has low defense

Alchemist - Can heal himself and is more powerful against magic. Terrible with weapons

Psychopath - Casts long lasting fire damage and can take more damage. Weak with weapons

Priest - Heals others within a group and is better at shielding himself. Does not fight at all

Do not kill anyone’s character without permission
Do not create overpowered and flawless characters
Do not make problems vanish with the snap of a finger
Do not steal other characters ideas
If you have an idea, feel free to ask
Have fun
last edited on May 20, 2018 at 04:38AM

windwakerguy430 13264 respuestas

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hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: Potions? I make lots of potions at night (Opens her coat up and shows her pockets are far too full of fire potions) See?
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: Hm, I see! You're a hard worker indeed, there's no doubting that. You may just be my next assistant.
Flynn: What? I thought I was your assistant!
Helga: I can have two. *smiles*
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: Thanks, but I don't think you'd like having me around. I don't follow orders well, and all I care about is making fire potions. Nothing else matters, really
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: Okay.. Well I'll call you up if I ever need a fire potion.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: Okay. Got it
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: *arrives into the city*
Flynn: Remind me again, what are we doing here?
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: I don't know. Macross said there was something here she needed, but now that she's gone, we'll just have to make this town our little break spot for now until we get moving again
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: Well, I'm guessing Franziska will begin with her fire potion selling.. And I'll.. I don't know.
Flynn: How about that drink I promised?
Helga: *grins while looking back at the human* Oh yes, I'd like that very much. *walks besides Flynn into the city in search for a bar*
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: I'll just rest at the entrance (Sits near a post and rests)
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: *sees all the astounded faces, then turns around and quickly places a hand on her sword* What's all the fuss about?
Flynn: *annoyed that she's distracted from a conversation between them again* ..I'm not sure.. Let's go before-
Helga: Wait, I wanna see, silly.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: (Starts buying strange things from the market, instead of food and supplies) Oh, this will make a great fire
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Since there was so many people in front of her, she simply used a small spell of hers to look past them and observe the creature. Helga didn't even notice it was Macross who did it. She didn't care about the person who slayed the monster, she cared about the monster. Unlike Flynn, not a single eyebrow rose in interest once she saw the creature, she just tilted her head in inquiry of the name. Ahh yes, the lamprey monster of the sea I think. I haven't seen those in years. They say it's delicious. *continues walking off, then stops when she realizes Flynn is not following her as in instead he's admiring the view of the monster. Helga giggled, then continued her way down the street.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: (Looks at the monster) Wow! This is amazing! I've never seen a monster like it!
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Flynn: *quickly takes out his notepad and draws a nice, detailed sketch of the monster*
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: (Looks at the monster) What the hell is that?! That doesn't look like any monster I've ever seen before
ErzaScarletXX commented…
please reply to your other roleplay...I hate asking but tu always stop and end up only replying to this roleplay... hace más de un año
Windwakerguy430 commented…
I was running out of ideas on those ones hace más de un año
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: Wow. It's incredible. And big. I wonder what they taste like. I never had a.... whatever this is. I tried eating Gargoyle once, but they were made of stone
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Meanwhile Helga entered the bar that was now half empty because most of the people had gone out to see what was the ruckus was about. Helga sits on a tall chair near the counter, sighing heavily as she waits to be attended. Finally the old bartender came over with a friendly smile.

Worker: What can I get for ya, love? *takes a good look at her* Are you a hunter?
Helga: Hmm.. Yes. Yes I am. I'm glad you noticed.
Worker: Everyone's talking about this monster outside, what is it?
Helga: Just a worm monster. It was discovered exactly 986 years ago by a small boy who was eaten by it in the shore. Then the mother committed suicide and gave herself in as a treat for the monster. I believe there's around thirty six of them remaining in sea.
Worker: How'd you know all that?
Helga: *smiles at him creepily* When you spend a thous- I mean.. When you live in solitude, you must read those old books in the cabinet. ...I'll take a margarita please.
Worker: It's on the house for the lovely service you've done for this world, ma'am. *walks off to fix up her order*
Helga: Yeah.. I just wish more people would notice it.. I'm not a bad person.. What I said to her was meaningless and he knows it.. Look at me now. Dressed up as this hunter hunting down monsters who try harming human beings..
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Now hold on, Macross. You're telling me that you took down that thing all by yourself?
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Why did you go and kill one of these by yourself? What would killing one of these things by yourself even prove?
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Flynn: Pfft, and you're saying I can't admire you? You're truly amazing, Macross! I mean- You're are so strong and so talented and skilled! Oh, and determined all the time! That's what I like most about you. *finishes off the sketch of the monster* You're like some sort of skilled goddess.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: You aren't planning on anything cray, right?
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Flynn: I'd reconsider that.
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
(changed it up)

Flynn: *glances at Enricho* I don't know what she was like before, but I sense a great change in her. Were you two together before? If so, you're one heck of a lame guy for leaving her.

* * *

Helga: *finishes her drink and sets it in the counter* Thank you very much.. *clears her throat and stands from her chair, heading out to find her friends, soon encountering them in the same spot by the sea creature* Hmm..
Flynn: Helga! There you are! You saw the sea monster, right? Macross-
Helga: I know. *glances at Macross* I don't understand why she did it.
Flynn: She proved Franziska wrong by killing a monster that has never been killed before!
Helga: But why?
Flynn: To prove-
Helga: To prove yourself? *looks at Macross* Was it attacking you? Or did you just swim and killed it for no reason?
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: ..How is he doing? How long until the last flake of sand drops?
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: *speaks through telepathy in Macross's mind* He saw what? ...You like him, don't you?
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: No, I was never with her. I don't know what's happened to her. She was never like this before
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Flynn: Do you like her?
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Let's just say we didn't get along right away
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Flynn: I see.. Well, I won't get in business that I don't belong in.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: (Runs out after Macross) Hold on, Macross. I think it would be best if you stay with us
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: .... Alright. We'll wait here in this town for you then
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: *speaks to herself inside her own head* Oh, that. Oh yes, I could feel his spirit lingering behind me as I moaned in ecstasy with the new man I was with. Hah, that's merely the punishment he's receiving. Humiliating me in public, trusting you over me, talking to.. YOU over ME. Giving you his personal items rather than giving them to me.. He summoned a damn demon to haunt me forever. I'll do whatever I want. I'll have sex with whoever I want. Pfft, and he tells you about my personal life? I don't think so.. I'll just have to have a little chat of what the hell he thinks he owns on me..
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Fine. I just hope you'll find us (Runs back to the others to tell them of the town)
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: (Walks into the tavern, where he finds the group) Everyone, we need to head to the next town. I got word that an infestation of Corrupted have begun invading the city. If we don't do something, that entire town will become overrun with Corrupted
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: Corrupted, you say? *raises an eyebrow at Enricho* Well, I do feel like killing right now so let's get going. ..Good job, my love! *kisses his cheek that she reveals with magic for her personal reasons*
Flynn: What about Macross?
Helga: The eggshell? Eh, if Wiezen regenerates tonight, he can just poof them both where we are. That is if he doesn't stop for a second to fuck her.
Flynn: *remains quiet* ...Very well. But I'll warn you that I'm not very good with weapons.
Helga: *reaches for her ankle and pulls out a dagger handing it to him* I'll teach you all about it tonight. *winks* But in the meanwhile, I'm sure you can stab some in the head.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Franziska: Oh, great. I hear Corrupted's torn uniforms are very flammable
Enricho: That would be useful. Helga, get Rosemary and we'll be on our way
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: *nods, then walks off to fetch Rosemary and carries her in her arms* Hey little human, do you know how to use a dagger?
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Rosemary: No. I wasn't allowed to touch sharp objects
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: That's nonsense! Helga will teach you. *arrives back with the others* Let's get going.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Helga, I hope you don't plan on having Rosemary fight those monsters. She's only a child. This isn't the Capital Army, you know. Children shouldn't be out fighting those things
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: Of course I am. *winks at him, showing that she really isn't* She's my little warrior.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Okay
Rosemary: (Scared) Can't I just be a spectator and cheer for you all?
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: That can be your first lesson in class, yes.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Rosemary: O-okay
Enricho: Good. We need to get going now. We can't wait another minute (Walks out of the tavern)
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: *follows behind him as Flynn follows her*
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: I just hope we can make it there in time
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: We will. And when we do, we'll kill every single corrupted human body, crushing their skulls and tearing them to pieces!
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: ... That's one way to put it (Continues walking)
hace más de un año Jade_23 said…
Helga: Well, how would a hunter put it?
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Enricho: Just kill them. That's how they put it. Not going into much detail, really