hola everyone! Haven't been here for awhile... Have I missed anything!? ( ps I have no computer so tu know I didn't stay away on purpose)
publicado hace más de un año
Well then u cant beat me either, just watch and see when that día comes, everyone'll be watching and glued 2 there seats o whatever they're sitting/resting onhace más de un año
Hokage means FireShadow 2 those who dont know and thats what naruto will be someday. A FireShadow
also besides the Wind Element Naruto's 2nd element Could be Water since Naruto's names r related 2 water and so is Da- The Fourth Hokage's name
publicado hace más de un año
I hate to break it to all tu fan girls but naruto is actually in amor with Sasuke...this "bond" he keeps talking about ain't friendship I assure u. Ever since their first kiss naruto has had the hots for Sasuke. If tu don't believe me...take a look back at the episodes where Sasuke is mentioned in front of Naruto...it's the same expression Sakura has...same look, same feelings...they should have a three-way and just get it over with :)
publicado hace más de un año
my friend had a dream that i had grab Naruto's headband and hair,then i said,"SHIT,I WOULD DO THE SAME THING IN REAL LIFE!!"
publicado hace más de un año
Everyone,. becuz we are all loves him very much, he is amazing character, he is funny, he protect everyone, he cares for everyone, no matter what he stick up with his friend (aww).. he is cutest, friendly, warmth heart, loyal, sweet, nicest, hero, should have fangirls well they should in the tv show! I meant seriously.. aww look at him. he so nice to everyones especially his team in team 7. If I was Sakura... oh my gosh he will fall for me and crush on me and I will give him *GLOMP HIM*.
publicado hace más de un año
Sasuke is gay...he has a wierd amor hate relationship with his brother Itachi XD!! And if u don't like naruto upset...ure in for a world of hurt :(hace más de un año
yes and he will the greatest hottest ninja in the world :) and oh por the way I'm boy... nah just jokin lol... I hope deserve to have FANGIRLS. He shouldhace más de un año
Yes, I saw your post this morning so I looked over numerous but I liked yours in the foros so I changed it. Cause tu are right looks odd, never thought of it till tu dicho something. Thank tu :3hace más de un año
Guys do me a favor... If ur NaruSaku fans please registrarse NaruSaku Forever, the club needs people to support NaruSaku... N if ur not NaruSaku fan no offense plz :)
publicado hace más de un año
what he helps sasuke and thats why i joind ! he dicho on shippuden 215 sasuke:what your doing is underestandable ! i loved him from then !
publicado hace más de un año