To stop all the lies and misinformation, the Undertaker does NOT have a dado name as of yet. Adrian Crevan is a fan NAME IN FANFICTION. Please believe canon instead of fanon.
Of course Undertaker HAS a name! But it's a mystery. :3 I'm sure Yana gave him some pretty epic name and I'm sure she will mostrar us his name in future! :D
ehe... well then humans. undertakers real name is Adrian Crevan. :3 he uses undertaker for many reasons, to not get attention, and bc he IS an undertaker! ik this was long hace but i thought tu needed awnsers. chow lil humans! -adriens senpai girl
actually to quit the nonsense no one knows undertakers full o real name its never been told o dicho since he does lie to keep secrets from all who seek answers
I have heavily researched this topic. The undertaker's real name is Adrian Crevan. Many people say he didnt have a name, but he was a legendary death god so he had to have a name that he went por other than undertaker
posted hace más de un año
He has a name but it was NEVER revealed. Research más and the anime and manga do not have proof. Adrian Crevan is a fake fan name that the fans took as facts, without doing little to no research about it.
Look to stop lies and misinformation I'm going to settle it. The Undertaker has no real name as of yet. Adrian Crevan is a fan NAME and nothing more. Those who keep saying it's real don't even have evidence that it is. Adrian Crevan is a fan name for the Undertaker used in fanfiction and head cannons on Tumblr. So NO he has no real name yet.
posted hace más de un año
Dude. This is FIVE YEARS old. Why are tu responding? It's a shitload of kuroshitsuji fans who probably don't give a shit anymore.
I know they probably don't care but people still read this and new fans use this as proof so.. thought I'd write this so they could see. This comentario is mostly for newer fans if they run across this not older ones
Too many fans have people lie to them just for shits and giggles so I wrote that in case new fans see. Those slurs aren't for tu so I don't see why tu got offended
It doesn't have to be toward me to be offensive. If I addressed someone who wasn't black with the N word it would still be disgusting and not okay. And it would still not be okay if I did it in the form of a meme. tu really have no defense. Anyway, since clearly tu don't understand, I'm gonna get on with my life. Bye.
It wasn't towards anyone and I know it was offensive. Honestly though getting salty about won't do anything for you, memes are memes so good luck in your life