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Serie Crepúsculo Best Dressed Female Character :

67 fans picked:
 x-Sophie-Jade-x posted hace más de un año
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ellietwilight12 picked Bella:
posted hace más de un año.
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twilight-gal21 picked Bella:
i think there all dressed amazing but i have to go with bella's style coz that more like i dress!! and bella rocks =]
posted hace más de un año.
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sapherequeen picked Rosalie:
I would wear the type of clothes Bella has, but I just love Rosalie and everything about her :D
Well, not as much when she was mean to Bella, but overall I love her.
posted hace más de un año.
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KathyHalliwell picked Alice:
Ugh, Bella's clothes in the movies are horrible. And no, I'm not exactly the fashion-type girl either, but what she was wearing, especially in the first movie. Like in that scene in the cafeteria, when she first sees the Cullens. What the hell was that shirt?! Me and my friend are still laughing at that. And the funny thing is she isn't very fashionable either.
So either Alice or Rosalie.
posted hace más de un año.
last edited hace más de un año
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sweet_twilight picked Rosalie:
It's not my style, but she's the best dressed.
posted hace más de un año.
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x-Sophie-Jade-x picked Rosalie:
This was my 1000th pick made. woo.
posted hace más de un año.
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cr6zym0nkeyiz picked Alice:
i have to say alice. i love her clothes! bella's outfits r very normal for what a teenager would wear. i like how alice dresses up. i think alice's outfits goes wit how she looks.
posted hace más de un año.
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alice1fan picked Alice:
i love alice's style!!!!!!!!!!
posted hace más de un año.
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Lackson4ever85 picked Bella:
I love Bella`s style,then Alice:D
posted hace más de un año.
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crazy_1999 picked Alice:
posted hace más de un año.
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Charlieminster picked Bella:
Even though i love Alice i have to pick Bella her style is more me :D
posted hace más de un año.
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MCHopnPop picked Alice:
Alice of course :)
posted hace más de un año.