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 mtv 2010 Eclipse
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Source: Gaby1310
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by Brysis
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: popsugar
added by Brysis
added by orppersephone
added by Elena2597
Source: Elema2597
added by keely6
posted by jandswagg
I amor vampiros and everything but Jacob is seriously hot and Edward does not have much going for him he is to pale even to pale for a vampire. I do not know why Bella married him I mean seriously a vampire does not turn into a buff lobo only into a bat which is seriously lame and Edward can not even do that. So Bella seriously come to your senses and get a divorce then tu can have a life. but I guess I know why tu married Edward and not him tu still have the image of when he had long hair cause that was not very attractive.
posted by decullen
I am know massive.Me,Alice,Esme and Rose were having our last fitting for Rose`s wedding tomorrow.I am going to be the maid of honour.I started to get changed,well they started to get me changed because I couldn't pull the dress over me por my self.

"You all looked gorgeous.I look fat."I dicho looking in the mirror.My dress is beautiful.Bright pink,if the lights went off tu would still be able to see me.I walked out the dressing room,they were al; changed.Emmett was there.His mouth was hanging open.His eyes were at my breasts.

"Emmett,your looking at the wrong place,that`s not my stomach."I said...
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posted by kiwi12

Jasper and I talked all night long. In all the visions I'd seen of him, he'd never laughed and rarely smiled. Now, he only frowned once. I had been wondering what the siguiente few hours would hold. "Jasper I'm going to take a look ahead." I warned him. I looked for several minutes. Nothing major. No one was coming near until dawn. I checked a few hours into the siguiente día as well. I saw myself telling Jasper about the Cullens. I decided to watch his reaction, but another vision came unbidden. Jasper was going to shake me, rather vigorously. Why would he do that? When was he going to do it?

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posted by just_bella
Ok I'm having problems posting this...if anyoneis paying attention read this one!!!

Hey guys, I went a día without writing!! I know it doesn't sound like much but it was REALLY hard not to I might put up a few tonight. Here's the siguiente chapter, enjoy and comentario please?


"She left me in my room, telling me that someone would let me know when cena was before closing the door. I heard a lock slide into place. I didn't understand and had so many preguntas that I just flung myself on the cama and cried until I heard the lock sliding again.

It is time for lights out, I must...
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twilight saga
carter burwell
kristen stewart
robert pattinson
twilight saga
twilight cast