Till Lindemann Club
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In the spring of 1959, at the first Bitterfelder Konferenz, a young poet named Werner Lindemann (1926-1993) met the woman who would soon become his wife. Her name was Brigitte Hildegarde (last name has eluded all efforts to track it down), better known to all as Gitta, already an accomplished writer and journalist. Gitta recalled in a 2011 interview with Radio Audition that Werner constantly gazed at her during the presentation, and that he invited her to coffee afterwards. Other details of their courtship are unknown, as is the fecha and location of their marriage.

Whenever and wherever...
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added by bookworm_1962
added by tillfreak
Source: Rosen Rot
added by Annikoch123
added by bookworm_1962
added by Annikoch123
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Source: neo-rammstein
added by -sapphire-
added by bookworm_1962
Till is a very private person. He shares very few details (just frustratingly general statements) about his life in interviews, so whether one is looking for information about his life now, o trying to find out about his past, one must become a bit of a detective.

There is only a span of about eight years between Till’s return inicial after being expelled from boarding school and his swimming career in 1978, and his first foray into the música scene in about 1986. While this isn’t a very long time, the teen years and early twenties are often very important in the continued development of one’s...
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added by bookworm_1962
added by bookworm_1962
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added by IRNotAmused
added by Annikoch123
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