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thomas anders Thomas & Nora o Thomas & Claudia?

26 fans picked:
Thomas & Claudia
Thomas & Nora
 lilyZ posted hace más de un año
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lilyZ picked Thomas & Claudia:
Finally he got a normal wife *lol*
posted hace más de un año.
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MT_t_d picked Thomas & Claudia:
Yes, with Claudia Thomas is happiest, than was with Nora. :)
And Nora was made a first MT split...
posted hace más de un año.
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OlgaTA picked Thomas & Claudia:
Claudia-best wife for Thomas,I mean
posted hace más de un año.
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lilyZ picked Thomas & Claudia:
I agree:)
posted hace más de un año.
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kalipse picked Thomas & Claudia:
Of coure Claudia.She and Thomas is dream couple. :)
posted hace más de un año.
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nagla picked Thomas & Claudia:
posted hace más de un año.
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ms_mt31 picked Thomas & Claudia:
I know that he's been in love with Nora-but past is past..though I enjoy their close friendship--there is true love in the air when he met Clau .. <3
posted hace más de un año.
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liberiangirl_mj picked Thomas & Claudia:
I never liked Nora.. she had her own contribution to the split of MT :(
With Claudia he looks so happy.. much free, he smiles so often :)
I'm happy he finally found the true love of his life :)
posted hace más de un año.
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veronique23 picked Thomas & Claudia:
je les trouves tous mignon il est bien mieux avec elle ont le sens plus heureux gros bisous de la France véronique23
posted hace más de un año.
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khainglaytun picked Thomas & Nora:
I love Nora very much. I believed that, she is very passionate feeling to love Thomas. I can consider her perception. Before 30 yrs ago, They love to each other and how they happy as precious times. Life, love and time are always change on depend the circumstance. It time is finished, is finished .....Whoever did good things or bad things, they never forget in their heart.

posted hace más de un año.
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khainglaytun picked Thomas & Nora:
I like Nora.
posted hace más de un año.
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khainglaytun picked Thomas & Nora:
I like Nora.
posted hace más de un año.
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Anto70 said:
Claudia forever ❤️
posted hace más de un año.