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The Universe Which is worst!!??

42 fans picked:
o sucked into a black whole!
Earth got hit por an Asteroid!
 deathnote posted hace más de un año
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DoctorSpud picked o sucked into a black whole!:
Now THAT would be bad.
posted hace más de un año.
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hellgirl223 picked o sucked into a black whole!:
it would be worse coz you don't know where it might go and plus if you believe in the big bang theory earth has already been hit about 65 mill years ago or something and earth still survived
posted hace más de un año.
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nerysflynn picked Earth got hit por an Asteroid!:
yeah but the dinosaurs didnt!! lol
posted hace más de un año.
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alismouha picked Earth got hit por an Asteroid!:
That's not the big bang theory.

The Big Bang theory was that the whole universe was in a small little ball and the nit exploded to make planets and Galaxies.

and in the end of time the universe will return to that ball
posted hace más de un año.
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green79 picked Earth got hit por an Asteroid!:
Yeah I agree with nerysflynn! :)
posted hace más de un año.
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EYBanuelos picked o sucked into a black whole!:
Black holes are scary!
posted hace más de un año.
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4ponies picked Earth got hit por an Asteroid!:
diein by a black hole wed al die instently but a meter may cause us 2 die slowly like te danosaurs dependin on how bg it is! xoxoxoox
posted hace más de un año.
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CarolJackson_ picked o sucked into a black whole!:
Black Hole of course!!!
An asteroid would just destroy a part of earth, but a black hole would destroy all earth!!!!!
posted hace más de un año.
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Space-Stars18 picked o sucked into a black whole!:
Black hole because that wouldn't only destroy us but the whole Solar System!
posted hace más de un año.
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kerodoro13 picked o sucked into a black whole!:
Just to let all of you know, that the black hole is one of the most dangerous and inescapable hazards in the universe, NOTHING can escape it; not even light. There's SO much gravity in it that it crushes everything inside it. Now some of you might say that it's more disastrous if the Earth was hit by a massive asteroid than a black hole, but just remember, that not even a asteroid being sucked into the black holes' incredibly dense gravity will be able to pass through without getting crushed, yes? Earth being hit by an asteroid is just quick and easy, but Earth still has a chance of surviving it like it has for the past billion years. But Earth wouldn't have a chance with a black hole, which is a slow and, painful, death. My suggestion? Watch out for black holes.
posted hace más de un año.
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ord picked Earth got hit por an Asteroid!:
Thanks for the suggestion.
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IsabellaFanboy picked Earth got hit por an Asteroid!:
black holes don't teleport earth doesn't too
posted hace más de un año.
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Bladewarrior picked o sucked into a black whole!:
we can just use spacecraft and get to super earth or the other planets but we can't escape a black hole in time to avoid being sucked in
posted hace más de un año.
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doctorgoku picked o sucked into a black whole!:
we woldnt even know but we would be gone forever >:D (black holes :S)
posted hace más de un año.