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added by melikhan
Source: http://www.sprouseland.com/
added by melikhan
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Sprouse Arts.com

SprouseArts.com was created por actor/artist Dylan Sprouse (born August 4, 1992) as a place where he could express himself as an artist. Launched in mid 2010, Dylan intended for the website to be a place where he could showcase his own artwork and designs, as well as discuss his favorito! artists and artwork. Although extremely devoted to his TV fans, Dylan has expressed his desire that Sprouse Arts remain solely for the discussion of art and related topics, and is not for discussion of his personal life, televisión o film career.

Wary of the problems that can...
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added by sprouselover000
added by sprouselover000
added by ughKenzie_1262
Source: @yssirhchrissy
added by jessy-lu
added by flower66
added by melikhan
Source: http://www.sprouseland.com/
added by melikhan
Source: Melikhan(me)
posted by melikhan
There are several ways to tell Cole & Dylan apart.
If you’re a new fan you’re probably often confused with photos, in movies, o TV shows…
So here we go :

Cole has bigger eyes while Dylan’s are más ‘football’ shaped.
Dylan looks older than Cole.
Dylan has freckles.
Cole is a little bit taller than Dylan.
Dylan looks stronger builded than Cole.
Cole has a dimple in his chin.
Dylan has some discolored skin on the left side of his face.
Dylan has two small moles on his neck.
Cole has two moles on his face : one on his chin and another just above it on the side of his face.
Dylan’s eyes greener than Cole’s.
They have a different smile.
Dylan has bigger front teeth.
Dylan has a longer face, while Cole has a round face.
Dylan parts his long hair on the left, Cole parts his hair on the right