The Ring Wall

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fansfunsz dicho …
i have got finally see it this in on tv in summer(i like it)in past i have got see the ring 2 only(i have got the parody) publicado hace más de un año
fatpugmonday dicho …
There's a twist at the end a spine tingling movie! publicado hace más de un año
fatpugmonday dicho …
I like the movie when Rachal freacked out when Andy watched the tape publicado hace más de un año
ChuckyLover1 dicho …
Wasn't the scariest movie, but it was pretty hardcore. publicado hace más de un año
sawfan13 dicho …
Like the Mona Lisa? Then registrarse my new fanpop club entitled the Mysteries of the Mona Lisa!! registrarse if tu enjoy discussing topics about the painting!! publicado hace más de un año
Michelina2000 dicho …
I'm too afraid of samsara and never mind the movie!? publicado hace más de un año
ICEhanica dicho …
damn i never watch that movie to the end ceuse it was not mine publicado hace más de un año
big smile
BellaMetallica dicho …
i amor this movie! go samara! publicado hace más de un año
CanYouSeeMeN0w dicho …
I don't understand why everyone thinks The Ring is scary, i mean yea it would be if it happened in real life, but it's just a Movie. My favorito! Movie at that. People say i look like Samara but i dunno...I wish i did, she's gorgeous...You know when she's not all corpsey and stuff. Also, it kind of pisses me off when people voted that there WONT be a Ring 3, because their dead wrong!! The Ring 3(D) will be released 2012. publicado hace más de un año
ICEhanica comentó…
ya it have ring 3 and i thing it will be ring 4 hace más de un año
JamieLloyd1988 dicho …
Samara Rock's publicado hace más de un año
Me_Iz_Here dicho …
It totally creeps me out how a) the segundo movie takes place near my city b) my little brother's name is Aidan and c) we stayed at a house that has a well exactly like the one from the movie. O_O publicado hace más de un año
screamootaku comentó…
i feel bad for you. I wouldn't sleep if i were in your situation hace más de un año
kissthespider26 comentó…
oh my god, I would not sleep, I already have insomnia... hace más de un año
longdarknite dicho …
i look just like the girl!!!!!!! publicado hace más de un año
ambers1999 comentó…
i don't think no one cares hace más de un año
longdarknite comentó…
if tu see me i do... thats not me!!! thats max green from escape the fate!!!!!! and tu can so shut your fucking mouth hace más de un año